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Selangor tahun lepas kerajaan negeri menarik pelaburan bernilai RM3.9 bilion sehingga September tahun lepas. Angka ini ialah 15.5 peratus daripada keseluruhan pelaburan di Malaysia. Selangor sedang mengubah ekonominya daripada berasaskan pembuatan kepada sektor tambah nilai yang lebih tinggi. Sektor perkhidmatan akan terus menjadi pendorong utama dalam pertumbuhan negeri tahun ini, diikuti dengan sektor perusahaan.

Selangor menyasarkan untuk mencatatkan enam hingga tujuh peratus pertumbuhan dalam Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK) tahun in.

Selangor Sasar Pertumbuhan 6-7 Peratus Tahun Ini

KUALA LUMPUR, 26 Jan (Bernama) -- Selangor menyasarkan untuk mencatatkan enam hingga tujuh peratus pertumbuhan dalam Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK) tahun ini daripada penguncupan sebanyak 3.87 peratus tahun lepas, kata Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim Selasa.

Sektor perkhidmatan akan terus menjadi pendorong utama dalam pertumbuhan negeri tahun ini, katanya, menambah bahawa sektor itu menyumbangkan 61.4 peratus KDNK negeri tahun lepas, diikuti dengan sektor perusahaan.

"Selangor, sebagai negeri yang paling maju di negara ini, telah menjadikan dua peratus lebih daripada KDNK kebangsaan sebagai satu trend," katanya di Persidangan Strategik Malaysia di sini hari ini.

"Kami jangka kedua-dua sektor akan meningkat lebih pesat lagi untuk mempercepatkan pemulihan ekonomi," katanya.

Khalid berkata Selangor sedang mengubah ekonominya daripada berasaskan pembuatan kepada sektor tambah nilai yang lebih tinggi.

Negeri itu telah mengambil langkah proaktif untuk mengekang kemelesetan ekonomi dengan melancarkan pakej rangsangannya sendiri.

Pakej rangsangan itu sedang digunakan untuk pemuliharaan sungai Kelang, pemulihan semula projek-projek terbengkalai dan pengstrukturan semula industri perkhidmatan air.

Khalid berkata usaha sedang dibuat untuk menarik pelaburan tempatan dan asing melalui kerjasama awam-swasta dan inisiatif pembiayaan swasta dan ini dijangka membawa masuk RM50 bilion dalam pelaburan untuk sepuluh tahun.

Inisiatif ini juga dijangka mencipta 150,000 peluang pekerjaan, sambil menambah kebanyakan usaha ini masih dalam peringkat rancangan sementara beberapa telah pun mengeluarkan hasil.

Selangor berjaya mendapat sejumlah RM3.89 bilion dalam pelaburan tahun lepas, iaitu 15.5 peratus daripada keseluruhan pelaburan di Malaysia.

Khalid berkata projek hasil padi di Sabak Bernam and Kuala Selangor telah meningkatkan hasil padi negeri itu, dengan beberapa kawasan mengalami peningkatan sebanyak 24 peratus.

"Ini telah meningkatkan pendapatan petani," katanya, sambil menambah bahawa projek lima tahun ini disasarkan untuk tanah seluas 18,355 di antara 2009 dan 2013.

Mengenai pembaharuan bandar, Khalid berkata kerajaan negeri telah mengenalpasti Petaling Jaya, Klang, Ampang dan Kajang sebagai memerlukan inisiatif peningkatan.

"Pada keseluruhannya, anggaran sejumlah 2,375 hektar telah dikenal pasti dalam pelan tempatan dan pelan draf Petaling Jaya, Klang, Ampang Jaya dan Kajang, yang amat perlu dibangunkan semula," katanya.

Petaling Jaya akan digunakan sebagai model untuk pembangunan semula kawasan-kawasan lain, tambahnya.
Selangor Aiming For 6-7 Per Cent Growth This Year

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 26 (Bernama) -- Selangor aims to record six to seven per cent growth in gross domestic product (GDP) this year from a contraction of 3.87 per cent last year, Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim Tuesday.

The services sector will continue to be the main driver for the state's growth this year, he said, adding that the sector contributed 61.4 per cent of the state's GDP last year, followed by the industrial sector.

"Selangor, being the most developed state in the country, has been making the trend of being two per cent ahead of the national GDP," Khalid said at the Malaysia Strategic Conference here Tuesday.

"We expect both (the services and industrial) sectors to grow even more rapidly to quicken the rehabilitation of our economy," he said.

Khalid said Selangor was transforming its economy from being manufacturing-based to a higher value-added sector.

The state has taken proactive measures to cushion the impact of the economic downturn by launching its own stimulus package, he said.

The stimulus package was being utilised for Klang river basin rehabilitation, revival of abandoned projects, urban renewal, increasing paddy yield, enhancing public transport and restructuring of the water services industry.

Khalid said efforts were made to attract domestic and foreign investments in projects through public-private partnerships and private funding initiatives and these were expected to bring in RM50 billion in investments in a decade.

These initiatives were also expected to create 150,000 job opportunities, he said, adding that most of these efforts were still in the planning stages while some had already yielded results.

Selangor managed to secure a total of RM3.89 billion in investments last year, which was 15.5 per cent of the total investment in Malaysia.

Khalid said the paddy yield project carried out in Sabak Bernam and Kuala Selangor had increase the state's paddy yields, with some areas experiencing up to 24 per cent increase.

"This, in turn, increased the income of farmers," he said, adding that the five-year project was targeted to cover 18,355 hectares of land between 2009 and 2013.

On urban renewal, Khalid said the state government had identified Petaling Jaya, Klang, Ampang and Kajang as appropriately in need of regeneration initiatives.

"All in all, an approximate total of 2,375 hectares have been identified in the local plans and draft plans of Petaling Jaya, Klang, Ampang Jaya and Kajang, which are ripe for for regeneration and redevelopment," he said.

Petaling Jaya will be used as a model of urban regeneration for all the other areas, he added.



Selangor Cari Lebih Ramai Pelabur Daripada Sektor Teknologi Hijau

SHAH ALAM, 26 Jan (Bernama) -- Selangor menyasar menarik lebih ramai pelabur daripada sektor teknologi tenaga boleh diperbaharui dan teknologi hijau tahun ini, kata Exco Pelaburan, Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Negeri, Teresa Kok, Selasa.

Bajet Malaysia bagi 2010 menyediakan beberapa insentif bagi pelaburan dalam tenaga hijau dan boleh diperbaharui, kata Kok.

Beliau berkata demikian selepas mempengerusikan dialog mengenai "Pengeluaran Lesen, Rumah Gudang, Perkhidmatan dan Kemudahan yang Disediakan Oleh Kastam Diraja Malaysia bagi Pelabur 2010" yang dianjurkan oleh SSIC Bhd di sini.

Kerajaan negeri merancang pergi ke Jerman dan Belanda tahun ini bagi mencari pelabur terutamanya yang terlibat dalam tenaga solar dan aktiviti pembuatan hiliran, katanya.

Apabila ditanya mengenai jumlah pelaburan yang diterima Selangor tahun lepas, beliau berkata kerajaan negeri menarik pelaburan bernilai RM3.9 bilion sehingga September tahun lepas dan menunggu angka seluruh tahun daripada Pihak Berkuasa Pembangunan Pelaburan Malaysia.

Mengenai dialog tersebut, Kok berkata ia mungkin membayangkan ekonomi mula meningkat berdasarkan kepada kehadiran wakil perindustrian dan minat yang ditunjuk mereka.

Antara isu yang dibangkitkan oleh peserta dialog ialah kekurangan kemudahan bagi pengeksport untuk membuat pembayaran cukai kepada jabatan kastam kerana mereka terpaksa pergi ke pejabat kastam di Pulau Indah WestPort untuk membuat pembayaran.

Mereka berharap jabatan itu boleh membuka pejabat kutipan pembayaran cukainya di Shah Alam dan Puchong untuk mengelakkan kelewatan pembayaran.

Selangor Seeks More Investors From Green Technology Sector

SHAH ALAM, Jan 26 (Bernama) -- Selangor aims to attract more investors from the green technology and renewable energy technology sector this year, State Exco for Trade, Industry and Investment, Teresa Kok, said on Thuesday.

The Malaysian Budget for 2010 had outlined some incentives for investment in green and renewable energy, Kok said.

She said this after chairing a dialogue on "Licence Manufacturing, Warehouses, Services and Facilities provided by the Royal Malaysian Customs for Investors 2010" organised by SSIC Bhd here.

The state government planned to go to Germany and Holland this year to look for investors, especially those involved in solar energy and downstream manufacturing activities, Kok said.

Asked about the amount of investment received by Selangor last year, she said the state attracted RM3.9 billion worth of investments up to September last year and was waiting for the whole year figure from the Malaysian Investment Development Authority.

On the dialogue, Kok said it might suggest the economy was picking up based on the attendance of industrial representatives and the interest shown.

Among the issues brought up by the dialogue participants was the lack of facility for exporters to make tax payments to the customs department as they have to travel to the customs office in Pulau Indah WestPort to make payment.

They were hoping that the department could set up its tax payment collection offices, for example, in Shah Alam and Puchong to avoid delay in payment.


Selangor Identifies New Industrial Hubs

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 26 (Bernama) -- The Selangor state government has identified Serendah, Subang, Klang Valley 2 and I-City Shah Alam to be its new industrial hubs.

Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, said the surrounding areas of the Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Airport in Subang would be developed for aerospace industry and Serendah in Kuala Selangor for automotive sector.

"Meanwhile, Klang Valley 2, Selangor Science Part 2 and KLIA Aeropolis projects and I-City Shah Alam will be the first digital community in Malaysia.

"We look forward especially to the development of I-City. In the future this will be a vibrant area in which to work and play," he said at the Malaysia Strategic Outlook Conference 2010 here Tuesday.

Khalid said coupled with quality education centres, the I-City was expected to attract more interest towards Shah Alam, the capital of Selangor.

He said the state would also explore the possibilities of getting involved in biotechnology, aviation and green sectors.

Khalid said the state's population was expected to grow by 2.9 per cent to 7.3 million in 2020.

In 2008, Selangor's population was 5.07 million, he said.

"In Malaysia, Selangor is the state with the highest net in-migration, recording a 9.5 per cent in 2003.

"It is also the nation's most urbanised state," he said.


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