Major losses are on derivative contracts, a big investment in the oil company ConocoPhillips and Omaha.
Buffett invested $7.01 billion in the company's stock, but in February admitted to "terrible timing" for investing ahead of a plunge in oil prices from their record high near $150 a barrel.
Berkshire's nearly 80 businesses were hurt by the recession and lower consumer spending, including housing-related units that make bricks, insulation and paint.
Buffett's Berkshire has first loss since 2001
By Jonathan Stempel
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc posted its first quarterly loss since 2001, hurt by losses on derivative contracts, a big investment in the oil company ConocoPhillips, and the weakening economy.
The net loss for the Omaha, Nebraska-based insurance and investment company was $1.53 billion, or $990 per Class A share, and compared with a profit of $940 million, or $607, a year earlier.
Excluding investments, operating profit fell 12 percent to $1.71 billion, or $1,100 per share, from $1.93 billion, or $1,247. That profit was in line with the $1.7 billion that Buffett estimated at Berkshire's annual meeting last Saturday.
Analysts on average expected operating profit of $1,087 per share, according to Reuters Estimates. Revenue fell 9.5 percent to $22.78 billion. Book value per Class A share fell 6.1 percent to $66,248, following a 9.6 percent drop in 2008.
Buffett said many of Berkshire's nearly 80 businesses were hurt by the recession and lower consumer spending, including housing-related units that make bricks, insulation and paint.
Berkshire last had a quarterly loss in the third quarter of 2001, because of insurance claims from the September 11 attacks. It called the global credit crisis "temporary," but said the company could face "significant" pressure if it persists.
"Results reflect the overall economy, which Buffett does not expect to recover quickly," said Michael Yoshikami, president of YCMNET Advisors in Walnut Creek, California, which owns Berkshire shares.
Two credit rating agencies took away Berkshire's "triple-A" ratings in 2009, including Moody's Investors Service. Berkshire owns 20.4 percent of Moody's parent, Moody's Corp.
The results reflected $2.01 billion of writedowns on investments, including $1.9 billion tied to ConocoPhillips.
Buffett invested $7.01 billion in the company's stock, but in February admitted to "terrible timing" for investing ahead of a plunge in oil prices from their record high near $150 a barrel. Berkshire said it sold 13.7 million shares in the first quarter, leaving it with 71.2 million. It said it has since sold more and is likely to keep selling shares at a loss.
Results also included $986 million of derivatives losses, including $675 million of payments tied to junk bond defaults as a result of several corporate bankruptcies. Berkshire has since paid another $450 million because of other defaults.
The company as of March 31 had $13.85 billion of paper losses on derivatives contracts designed to make money if stock indexes rise and higher-risk bonds do not default. Accounting rules require Berkshire to report these losses with earnings.
"Conoco reflected his bad decision to buy when oil prices were high and the losses reflect how Buffett is not afraid to admit a mistake," Yoshikami said. "The derivative problems seem to have accelerated, though Buffett is probably doing better this quarter with the stock index derivatives."
The stock index derivative contracts mature between 2019 and 2027 and Buffett said last week he expects them to be profitable. Contracts tied to junk bond defaults mature between 2009 and 2013, and Buffett admitted they may lose money.
The Standard & Poor's 500 fell 11.7 percent in the first quarter, while S&P said the U.S. junk bond default rate rose to 5.42 percent from 3.96 percent at year end.
In Friday trading, Berkshire Class A shares closed up $905 at $95,295, while its Class B shares rose $80 to $3,132.
Insurance underwriting profit rose 21 percent to $219 million, while insurance investment income rose 29 percent to $1.03 billion. Earned premiums rose 32 percent to $8.18 billion, with most of the increase in reinsurance operations.
Pre-tax underwriting gains at auto insurer Geico Corp fell 20 percent to $148 million, as higher average claims offset a 10.3 percent increase in the number of policies.
General Re Corp had a $16 million pretax underwriting loss, hurt by storm losses, while Berkshire Hathaway Reinsurance Group's pretax underwriting gain grew sevenfold to $203 million, helped by a transaction with Swiss Re.
In other businesses, net income from utilities and energy fell 36 percent to $203 million, hurt by lower energy costs, while income from manufacturing and retailing businesses fell 47 percent to $258 million.
The economy also led to a drop in business travel, causing Berkshire's NetJets unit, which provides private jet services to executives, to lose $96 million before taxes.
Berkshire's $25.55 billion cash stake was roughly unchanged from year end. The company later invested $3 billion toward Dow Chemical Co's purchase of rival Rohm and Haas Co.
Buffett has transformed Berkshire since 1965 into a roughly $148 billion conglomerate by acquiring well-run businesses and investing in stocks such as Coca-Cola Co, Procter & Gamble Co and Wells Fargo & Co.
(Reporting by Jonathan Stempel, Additional reporting by Lilla Zuill; editing by Matthew Lewis and Andre Grenon)
Warren Buffet System
08 Mei, 2009 18:40 PM
PM Kesal Pembangkang Tak Hormati Undang-undang
KUALA LUMPUR, 8 Mei (Bernama) -- Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata beliau kesal dengan kekecohan yang timbul di Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak semalam disebabkan tindakan pembangkang yang tidak menghormati undang-undang.
Perdana Menteri berkata kekacauan dan keadaan tegang itu tidak sepatutnya berlaku kerana demokrasi di Malaysia diamalkan dengan cara yang menghormati tatasusila dan prinsip berasaskan kepada peraturan dan undang-undang.
"Kalau kita tak suka pada apa-apa pun, kita tak boleh menekan pendirian kita sehingga menafikan hak orang lain. Masing-masing ada hak, kerajaan ada hak, pembangkang ada hak.
"Tujuan kita mewujudkan peraturan dan undang-undang ialah untuk menentukan bahawa sistem demokrasi di Malaysia ini berjalan dengan lancar dan dengan tertib," katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan pameran pencapaian 10 tahun Muzium Kesenian Islam Malaysia di sini Khamis.
Majlis turut dihadiri bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan Menteri Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim.
Najib berkata jika peraturan dan undang-undang tidak dihormati maka akan berlakulah keadaan yang mirip kepada undang-undang rimba dalam negara ini.
"Dan ini, sudah tentu merupakan satu perkembangan yang amat tragik, yang amat memalukan kita dan merupakan satu proses yang memburukkan imej Malaysia sebagai sebuah yang tahu mengamalkan demokrasi yang matang," katanya.
Ditanya jika tindakan tiga anggota Dewan Undang Negeri (ADUN) itu meninggalkan barisan pembangkang untuk menjadi ADUN bebas mengikut undang-undang beliau berkata: "Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan tidak berperlembagaan itu?"
Katanya menukar parti adalah perkara biasa dalam sistem demokrasi berparlimen dan ia pernah dilakukan oleh Winston Churchill (bekas Perdana Menteri Britain) dan terbaru di Amerika Syarikat, seorang senator parti Republican bertukar menjadi Democrat.
"Ianya tidak salah dan bukannya tidak berperlembagaan dan bukan tak sah.
Jangan lupa bahawa ada usaha untuk tubuhkan kerajaan pada 16 Sept yang lalu menggunakan prinsip dan kaedah yang sama, yakni, cuba memujuk 30 ahli Parlimen kita untuk menukar parti.
"Apakah itu bukannya sesuatu perbuatan yang boleh menimbulkan pertikaian. Jadi kalau kita anggap perkara itu boleh dilakukan, maka kenapa tidak tiga orang DUN itu menyokong Barisan Nasional," kata Najib.
Ditanya mengenai keengganan bekas Speaker DUN Perak V. Sivakumar mengosongkan kerusi selepas dilucutkan jawatan semalam, beliau berkata Sivakumar sepatutnya mengosongkan kerusi itu kerana beliau tidak lagi menjadi Speaker.
Kepada soalan lain, Najib berkata sebarang pembubaran DUN Perak dilakukan berdasarkan budi bicara Sultan Perak.
"Penentuan pilihan raya adalah budi bicara Sultan, itu hak mutlak Sultan, bukan kita boleh adakan pilihan raya sesuka hati. Kalau Tuanku kata tak perlu dibubarkan sebab kerajaan yang ada ini kerajaan yang boleh mentadbir, jadi tak perlulah pilihan raya.
"Jangan lupa kerajaan PAS dulu di Kelantan boleh bertahan dengan satu kelebihan kerusi. Kita ada tiga kerusi dan ini membolehkan kita mentadbir di Perak," kata Najib.
Beliau juga menjelaskan bahawa penahanan beberapa orang menjelang persidangan DUN itu adalah satu tindakan polis dan kerajaan tidak terlibat.
Teknik C&H (Cekik & Heret) yang pertama di dunia moden bekas tanah jajahan British perlu didaftarkan dengan Guinness Book Of Records pada kadar segera
sebelum ada KERAjaan lain di muka bumi ini melakukannya seterusnya mengaku dan mendapat nama sebagai yang pertama di planet BUMI mempelopori teknik C&H.
Juga pendaftaran kes pertama Teknik C&H digunakan untuk menggantikan Speaker State Assembly- DUN dalam sebuah negera yang mengaku mengamalkan demokrasi atau "demo-nak-kerusi" Speaker.
Kini digemparkan pula dengan berita Speaker di lokap.
Angkat Speaker keluar dewan satu pencerobohan dan cemar Dun
Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri Pulau Pinang, Abdul Halim Husein menyifatkan tindakan polis membawa keluar Speaker Dun Perak, V. Sivakumar daripada dewan persidangan untuk memberi laluan perlantikan speaker baru semalam satu pencerobohan dan mencemarkan peraturan Dun dan Perlembagaan Negeri sedia ada.
Baginya, pelanggaran peraturan tidak sepatutnya terjadi kerana V. Sivakumar masih sah di sisi undang-undang dan campur tangan polis satu kesalahan kerana hak mereka hanya membuat kawalan di luar dan boleh masuk sekiranya diminta oleh Speaker.
"Polis dah menceroboh masuk untuk membawa V. Sivakumar keluar dari dewan. Tiada siapa boleh arahkan polis buat begitu walhal beliau merupakan Speaker yang sah bukan dia letak jawatan atau kekosongan disebabkan kematian. Speaker berkuasa penuh dalam dewan Timbalan Speaker pun tidak boleh bertindak tanpa izin Speaker," ujarnya ketika Harakahdaily meminta pandanganya sebentar tadi.
Kata beliau lagi, pelantikan Genesan daripada MIC sebagai Speaker Dun Perak yang baru tidak sah dan melanggari peraturan dan perlembagaan negeri Perak.
Mana boleh wujud usul supaya Speaker letak jawatan dan diganti dengan Speaker baru ekoran tidak setuju tindakan Speaker yang sah dilantik oleh Dun yang dimandatkan oleh rakyat.
"Perlantikan Genesan tidak sah dan haram selari dengan perlantikan Dr Zamry sebagai Menteri Besar dan enam exconya. Keadaan jadi makin celaru melainkan Sultan Perak perkenan untuk adakan pilihan raya kecil seluruh Perak," tegasnya.
Jelas Abdul Halim, institusi Dun mempunyai kuasa yang tersendiri sama dengan kuasa mahkamah di mana hakim berkuasa dalam mahkamah untuk menentukan siapa yang salah atau mengeluarkan arahan dari mahkamah.
Tetapi lain pula di Perak orang lain lebih berkuasa di dalam Dun sehingga memanggil polis untuk mengangkat V. Sivakumar keluar dewan untuk memberi peluang perlantikan Speaker baru dan memulakan Persidangan Dun dengan amanat Sultan Nazrin Shah, katanya.
Mohd Sabri Said/mns/HARAKAHDAILY
KDEB Taja Pasukan "Red Giant"
Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (KDEB) hari ini menyatakan
kesediaannya menjadi penaja utama Pasukan dan Persatuan Bola Sepak Selangor bagi musim 2009 pada satu majlis meraikan kemenangan pemain Selangor dalam Liga Malaysia di ruang legar, Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah (SSAAS) di sini hari ini.
Dato’ Menteri Besar Selangor selaku Presiden Persatuan Bola Sepak Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim amat berbesar hati kerana kesudian KDEB menjadi penaja utama Pasukan Bola Sepak Selangor bagi tahun 2009 dengan nilai tajaan kira-kira RM6.5 juta di samping melaksanakan tanggungjawab sosial kepada pembangunan sukan negeri Selangor.
“KDEB hingga kini sudah membelanjakan lebih RM300 juta dalam program-program komuniti dan CSR, termasuk membiayai program rakyat termiskin iaitu Program Kerajaan Prihatin, program pemuliharaan dan pembangunan alam sekitar serta program penajaan yang berkaitan dengan pembangunan masyarakat,” katanya ketika berucap pada majlis pengumuman tajaan KDEB untuk Pasukan Bola Sepak Selangor dan penyampaian hadiah insentif kemenangan Piala FA 2009.
Katanya lagi masih ada dua piala untuk dirangkul selepas ini iaitu Piala Super dan Piala Malaysia.
Pada majlis itu, Abdul Khalid menyampaikan hadiah insentif kepada Pasukan Bola Sepak Selangor yang menjuarai Piala FA baru-baru ini dengan jumlah ganjaran lebih RM400,000 yang disumbangkan oleh anak-anak syarikat kerajaan negeri kepada 26 pemain dan 11 pegawai pasukan. Tambahnya lagi hanya 11 pemain utama sahaja menerima ganjaran RM15,000. - M.SAHRULNIZAM M.ZAIN
Perjalanan dan perincian sesuatu peristiwa yang dikira penting berlaku pada satu-satu masa dan tempat banyak bergantung kepada penulis sejarah itu sendiri.
Penulis sejarah boleh memilih untuk menonjolkan seseorang atau tidak menyebut langsung peranan individu berkenaan dalam penulisannya. Pendek kata penulisan sejarah bukan suatu aktiviti yang objektif tetapi bergantung kepada banyak faktor.
Sebagai contoh, pejuang kemerdekaan negara Malaysia yang bersembunyi di hutan dan menggunakan taktik serang dan lari (hit and run) ke atas tentera British akan dipanggil pengganas atau komunis oleh penulis sejarah pro British.
Kepada penulis sejarah pro British, puak yang bertindak begini tiada peranan langsung dalam mengnyahkan British dari Tanah Melayu. Hanya mereka yang mendapat restu puak British sahaja yang dikira pejuang sejati kemerdekaan.
Apa yang berlaku di Perak pada 07hb Mei 2009, pelapor atau pemberita akhbar Utusan Melayu hanya sekadar menyebut.........sila lihat di bawah. Klik pada imej dan foto untuk dibesarkan.Portal THE NUT GRAPH menulis panjang lebar rentetan peristiwa yang berlaku .
Chronology of events at the Perak state assembly
» 4pm: After Raja Nazrin leaves the House, the heckling resumes. PR assemblymen heckle Ganesan. Earlier, Raja Nazrin shook hands with all the elected reps after the House was adjourned for 15 minutes to allow him to leave.
» 3.20pm: Raja Nazrin starts speaking. He talks about the economic crisis and the government’s economic stimulus package and the mini budget and how these are meant to help the economy. He also talks about how swine flu presents new challenges, about the projects that have been implemented in Perak that have benefited the people.
» 3.15pm: Raja Nazrin whispers something to Datuk Ngeh Khoo Ham and Nizar after they kiss his hand to greet him. PR assemblymen take their seats on the right side of the Speaker’s chair while special branch officers leave the chamber.
» 3.12pm: Raja Nazrin enters the House.
» 3.10pm: While waiting for Raja Nazrin to enter, about 20 special branch officers line up at the front of the chamber to form a barrier between where Raja Nazrin will sit and the floor of the House.
» 3.05pm: Another adjournment announced to wait for the entry of Raja Nazrin Shah.
» 3.03pm: Ganesan orders Teja and Simpang Pulai assemblymen out of the House. Requests the Bentara to remove them. The doa is recited.
» 3pm: Zambry moves a motion that the next order of the House is to start with prayers and allow the Raja Muda of Perak Raja Nazrin Shah to give his royal address. All the while PR assemblymen thump their tables. The 28 BN assemblymen and three independents vote to approve Zambry’s motion while PR assemblymen shout "Bubar, Bubar!" (Dissolve, Dissolve!").
» 2.57pm: Ganesan speaks from Speaker’s chair. He asks police to stop the Hutan Melintang assemblyman from heckling Zambry.
» 2.52pm: Ganesan takes his place at the speaker’s chair amidst shouts by PR reps that this is a police state.
» 2.43pm: The shouting between BN and PR assemblymen continues as the reps face off around Sivakumar’s chair, now empty.
» 2.39pm: Sivakumar is physically removed by the police from his chair. He has been taken out the door. Earlier, PR assemblymen tried to block police from laying their hands on him. Ngeh shouted at the police to get out. The Simpang Pulai rep was ordered to leave the House.
» 2.35pm: A PR assemblyman was pushed to the floor near the speaker’s chair. Special branch officers are also in the chamber. Everyone has crowded around Speaker Sivakumar’s chair.
» 2.30pm: PR assemblymen line up in front of Sivakumar’s chair, as if to block him from attempts to remove him physically. Earlier, Aulong assemblyman Yew Tian Hoe claimed Hee pepper-sprayed him in one of the earlier shouting matches. Reporters are not able to get a clear view of it as the assemblymen have all gathered together and are shouting at one another. Yew said he has to wash his eyes.
» 12.56pm: Ganesan announces that he "adjourns" the House for another hour even though the sitting is not opened and his appointment as the new speaker is questionable. An assembly officer says Raja Nazrin is still in the building waiting to deliver his royal address.
» 12.49pm: PR assemblymen say to Ganesan: "Let’s go, let’s go. Come on." The ruckus now is about getting Ganesan to leave the House.
» 12.35pm: Some PR reps have walked over to BN side (on the left of the speaker’s chair) heckling Ganesan to get out of the House. Sivakumar from the speaker’s chair also asks Ganesan to leave. Among the things said by PR assemblymen to Ganesan are: "Please lah, leave. Salvage MIC."
» 12.25pm: Five PR elected reps heckling Ganesan, making an issue of the fact that he is wearing a tag which states "Pegawai". Shouts of "Out! Out!". There is pushing and shoving on the floor among the assemblymen.
» 12.24pm: Ganesan tries to take his "seat" as speaker at the state secretary’s table in the middle of the floor. A few PR elected reps surround him and appear to be persuading him against doing so. Sivakumar is still in the speaker’s chair.
» 12.20pm: Sivakumar saying something, but his microphone is still off so he cannot be heard. The BN assemblymen shout "Out! Out!" Ten more minutes and House is supposed to reconvene.
» 12.15pm: Umno lawyer Datuk Hafarizam Harun seen conferring with Zambry away from the floor of the chamber.
» 11.50am: Zambry’s lawyers in the ongoing MB vs MB court case arrive in the chamber. Among them are Datuk Shafee Abdullah.
» 11.25am: The paper Sivakumar held up earlier was a letter by him dated yesterday stating his rejection of all the motions submitted to him, which are the motions to remove him, to elect a new speaker and to change the membership of the three committees.
» 11.15am: Sivakumar makes an announcement holding up a paper but it is unclear what the document is. PR elected reps are re-energised. BN side proposes to adjourn the "sitting" for one hour. The House is "adjourned". BN reps go back to their seats and sit down. PR reps also take their seats and shout at BN to leave the House since they’ve adjourned it. There is peace in the House finally, but both sides refuse to budge from their seats. Sivakumar still in speaker’s chair.
» 11.05am: BN side is now attempting to have a debate. They are proceeding as if the House is normal. The assemblymen are still clustered around Ganesan, who appears to be seated next to Hee on the left side (by convention, the opposition side) of the speaker’s chair. Sivakumar is still in the speaker’s chair. PR elected reps are shouting "Haram! Haram!" to drown out Ganesan’s voice who is reading a motion. Shouting continues. Ganesan has been given the speaker’s robes. He reads out a motion tabled by Sungai Rapat assemblyman Hamidah Osman, which is voted by the BN and the three independents friendly to the BN. The motion is to change the membership of the three house committees – standing orders, rights and privileges, and public accounts – to put their own BN people in. PR elected reps mostly just standing around or seated. Less shouting from them. Sivakumar is still in the speaker’s chair.
» 10.56am: MIC assemblyman Datuk R. Ganesan takes his oath of office as the Perak speaker after the motion was proposed by Zambry and seconded by Hee, and supported by all BN elected representatives and the three independents friendly to the BN. Shouts of protests by PR side.
» 10.40am: Sivakumar’s microphone has been turned off. Hee Yit Foong, now a BN-friendly elected representative, declares that the majority of the House has voted Sivakumar out and he should leave. Hee now asks the Bentara (sergeant-at-arms) to remove Sivakumar. BN assemblymen are shouting "Tronoh turun! Tronoh turun!" Sivakumar is the Tronoh assemblyman. In other words, without Sivakumar convening the sitting, BN assemblymen have gone ahead to vote on a motion to remove him as speaker.
» 10.35am: More shouting as BN elected reps cluster around Jelapang assemblyman Hee Yit Foong, the DAP rep who quit and who is/was also the deputy speaker.
» 10.28am: Sivakumar now says: "Saya belum dipecat. Yang dipecat itu Pangkor. (I’ve yet to be stripped of my position. Pangkor is stripped)". Zambry is Pangkor assemblyman. "Saya minta Bentara untuk keluarkan 10 orang ini (I order the sergeant-at-arms to remove the 10 men)," says Sivakumar, referring to the 10 BN assemblymen he has barred from entering the House. Sivakumar continues: "Dalam Dewan, Speaker bagi arahan. Kalau tak faham arahan, keluar saja." (The speaker gives the orders in the House. Just get out if you cannot understand.) He adds: "Saya adalah speaker yang sah (I am the legitimate speaker)." Several assemblymen on both sides are recording the chaos with their mobile phones and camcorders. Someone announces, "The motion to remove the speaker has been passed by 31 assemblymen", at which point all the BN reps and the three independents raise their hands and cheer.
» 10.20am: Zambry reads out a motion to remove Sivakumar and all the BN reps raise their hands to vote in support. But Sivakumar maintains he will not convene the sitting until the 10 BN assemblymen, including Zambry, leave the House. Sivakumar says he rejects the motion because Zambry has been suspended. Sivakumar repeats: "My decision is final. As long as the 10 suspended assemblymen do not leave the house, I will not convene this sitting." He shouts the same thing over and over again: "The person who brought this motion has been suspended. Ia usul yang tak sah (It’s an invalid motion)."
» 10.13am: Pandemonium in chambers. Lots of inaudible shouting. PR assemblymen are thumping the tables. BN assemblymen staying put. Raja Nazrin Shah has yet to give his address to open the sitting. He is not in the House.
» 10.05am: Raja Nazrin Shah, who was to open the sitting, is not in the House yet. Sivakumar repeats his announcement that he will not start proceedings until the 10 assemblymen, including Zambry, have left the House. His decision is final, he says. Sivakumar adds that the March 3 sitting under the tree had approved their suspensions. Shouting resumes in the House.
» 10.03am: Speaker V. Sivakumar announces that BN-appointed Mentri Besar Zambry Abdul Kadir and the six suspended executive councillors from the BN are not allowed into the House. The three independents "friendly to the BN" are also not allowed in. Sivakumar says he won’t start the sitting until all of these assemblymen leave. Shouting in the House. – The Nut Graph
Video Titik Titik Hitam Sejarah negara
Apa yang perlu UMNO/BN hormati undang-undang kerana mereka disokong dan didokong oleh para penggubal serta penguatkuasa undang-undang. Salahlaku mereka mudah dipadam dari lipatan sejarah kerana mereka penulis serta pemegang institusi penulisan sejarah. Maklumat salah laku mereka mudah dilupakan kerena mereka pemegang institusi penyebaran maklumat serta media.
Pendek kata mereka berkuasa. Jadi, ikut suka aku.
Krisis Perak : BN angkuh, tidak hormat undang-undang - Presiden PAS
PAS sangat kesal dengan kejadian kekerasan yang berlaku di luar perkarangan Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak (DUN) dan dalam Dewan tempat persidangan para Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) pada hari ini.
Demikian kata Presiden PAS, Dato' Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang dalam satu kenyataannya kepada Harakahdaily melalui Setiausaha Politik, Dr Shamsuri.
"Pada kali ini, bukan sahaja para penyokong dan pimpinan parti dari Pakatan Rakyat yang ditangkap, tetapi beberapa ahli Parlimen yang dipilih oleh rakyat negeri Perak juga telah ditahan,"katanya.
Peristiwa yang berlaku ini adalah berpunca dari sikap angkuh para pimpinan BN yang tidak menghormati undang-undang,ujarnya.
BN juga ujar Presiden PAS bertindak dengan berselindung di sebalik lencana anggota keselamatan.
"PAS sekali-kali tidak akan menghormati kerajaan yang sememangnya tidak menunjukkan rasa hormat mereka kepada undang-undang dan perlembagaan negara," katanya.
Pagi tadi, beberapa pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat telah ditangkap polis semasa berada berhampiran di Bangunan Perak Darul Ridzuan yang menempatkan Dun Perak.
Antara yang ditahan ialah, Ketua Pemuda PAS,Salahuddin Ayub; Ahli Parlimen Parit Buntar, Dr Mujahid Yusof; Ahli Parlimen Ampang, Zuraida Kamaruddin; ahli Parlimen Sungai Siput, Dr S.Jayakumar dan beberapa Adun serta 30 orang awam.
wann/Wan Nordin dan Azamin Amin/harakahdaily
Pegawai penyiasat memerlukan masa untuk menyiasat Mohamad yang dituduh melakukan hasutan supaya orang ramai menggagalkan sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) Perak hari ini.
Laporan pertama dibuat oleh Ketua Polis Perak sebelum beliau ditahan petang semalam di Kuala Lumpur
Pasukan peguam Mohamad Sabu pula membantah tuduhan tersebut kerana tertuduh hanya menyeru orang ramai supaya hadir ke majlis solat hajat dan doa munajat memohon agar Perak terus aman.
Mahkamah tolak perintah tahanan reman Mohamad Sabu
Mahkamah Majistret Tanjung Malim petang tadi menolak permohonan tahanan reman polis terhadap Naib Presiden PAS, Mohamad Sabu.
Mohamad dibebaskan dengan jaminan polis selama sebulan.
Menurut peguam yang mewakili beliau, Aminuddin Zulkifli mahkamah tidak berpuas hati dengan alasan-alasan yang diberikan oleh pegawai penyiasat.
Pegawai penyiasat mengatakan mereka memerlukan masa untuk menyiasat Mohamad yang dituduh melakukan hasutan supaya orang ramai menggagalkan sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun) Perak hari ini.
Pasukan peguam Mohamad Sabu kemudiannya membantah tuduhan tersebut kerana tertuduh hanya menyeru orang ramai supaya hadir ke majlis solat hajat dan doa munajat memohon agar Perak terus aman.
Laporan maklumat pertama (FIR) terhadap Mohamad Sabu dibuat oleh Ketua Polis Perak sebelum beliau ditahan secara misteri petang semalam di Kuala Lumpur.
mns/Irwan Muhammad Zain/harakahdaily
Wabak penyakit kolera kini berada di tengah-tengah masyarakat Klang. Di samping pandemik Flu A N1H1 yang boleh merebak ke kawasan anda pada bila-bila masa sahaja dan kes demam denggi serta Chikugunya yang sudah berada di tahap yang sangat membimbangkan, kini ditambah pula dengan penyakit kolera.
Cuaca yang panas, tekak yang kering serta peluh yang banyak keluar boleh membuatkan anda berhenti di tepi jalan untuk menikmati minuman air tebu atau jambu batu. Tetapi awas anda dan keluarga terdedah kepada kuman Vibrio Kolerae yang sentiasa menunggu mangsa yang cuai dan kurang cermat dalam aspek kebersihan makanan serta minuman.