Kerajaan Selangor teruskan agenda bertemu dengan pegawai kerajaan di semua jabatan dan agensi kerajaan, Penghulu, JKKK, ahli majlis , pimpinan masyarakat dan rakyat jelata.
Hari ini, kerajaan Selangor diketuai oleh YAB Dato' Menteri Besar bersama beberapa EXCO membuka 'pejabat bergerak' dengan mendengar segala aduan rakyat.
Rakyat berbilang bangsa dan lapisan masyarakat datang bertemu dengan MB dan EXCO yang turut disertai jabatan dan agensi kerajaan yang berkenaan.
Di antara EXCO yang hadir bertemu rakyat sepanjang hari itu ialah EXCO Pendidikan, Pendidikan Tinggi dan Pembangunan Modal Insan, YB Dr Hjh Halimah Ali yang dikunjungi oleh semua jenis sekolah: SMK, SAR, SJKT dan majlis ringkas penyerahan cek bantuan baikpulih kepada SAR dan SJKC juga telah dihulurkan oelh YB Dr Halimah dengan disaksikan oleh MB dan EXCO yang lain.
Pada sebelah malam pula, penyerahan cek bernilai RM1000 kepada pelajar yang berjaya berdaftar dengan IPT daripada pendapatan rendah telah diserahkan kepada 13 pelajar terbaru yang diluluskan.
Ini adalah insentif kepada pelajar yang diterima melanjutkan pelajaran mereka ke IPT agar terus komited dengan pembelajaran mereka bagi mempastikan mereka bebas daripada kongkongan kemiskinan yang selama ini diwarisi oleh keluarga mereka.
Kerajaan negeri telah melabur RM3.45 juta untuk memberi tuisyen rakyat percuma calon SPM sejak 2009. Dengan kejayaan dalam SPM mereka boleh meneruskan pengajian di IPT. Hadiah IPT ini bertujuan untuk memberi mesej yang jelas sebagai pengukuhan positif kepada mereka untuk terus cemerlang hingga tamat pengajian.
Kerajaan Selangor yakin dengan pelaburan sistematik terhadap pendidikan merupakan pelabauran berbaloi jangka panjang untuk membasmi kemiskinan dan menjamin kualiti hidup generasi Selangor akan datang.
Read More “HADIAH RM1000 anak masuk IPT KERAJAAN SELANGOR” »»
Muslimat Perak Gear 5 menuju PRU13
Muktamar Tahunan ke 49 Dewan Muslimat PAS Perak merupakan langkah-langkah pecutan terakhir untuk persiapan menghadapi PRU ke 13 yang sudah lama di nanti.
Muktamar dirasmikan oleh EXCO Dewan Muslimat PAS Pusat merangkap EXCO Kerajaan Selangor YB Dr Hjh Halimah Ali. Dalam ucapan perasmian beliau, ditekankan peri pentingnya kecerdasan berjaya (successful intelligence) diambilkira dan dipraktikkan agar maruah PAKATAN RAKYAT PERAK terjaga dan memungkinkan mereka menguasai kerajaan negeri Perak.
Langkah-langkah kritikal yang mesti ambil mesti dilakar siap dan dilaksanakan. Faktor kritikal mesti dikuasai. Faktor penghalang yang kritikal juga perlu diatasi dengan berkesan.
Paling penting katanya, DMPN Perak perlu dengan sedar memilih untuk menang PRU13. Satu permuafakatn untuk berkongsi visi dan misi mesti diambil untuk mempastikan kekuatan terbina akan mampu memacu kemenangan insyaallah.
Ucapan Ketua Dewan Muslimat PAS Perak, Dr Najihatussolehah telah menggariskan pedoman untuk disyarah dan ditelitikan oleh DMPK dan cawangan. Turut hadir TPJ, Ketua DPPN, Timbalan Ketua Dewan Ulamak dan perwakilan serta pemerhati daripada 23 DMPK
Jasa mantan ketua Dewan Muslimat negeri dan kawasan juga dikenang dan dihargai dengan diberi cenderahati. Pejuang awal ini amat menghargai usaha mengiktirafkan sumbangan mereka yang meletak batu asas kepada dewan Muslimat hang menghampiri separuh abad.
Tahniah kepada DMPN Perak kerana kejituan dan kematangan memimpin ummat dalam dakwah dan siyasah.
Semoga mendapat keredhaan Allah dan dilindungi daripada penyakit WAHN dan sifat mazmumah yang menghancurkan jemaah. Amin Read More “Muslimat Perak Gear 5 menuju PRU13” »»
Muktamar Tahunan ke 49 Dewan Muslimat PAS Perak merupakan langkah-langkah pecutan terakhir untuk persiapan menghadapi PRU ke 13 yang sudah lama di nanti.
Muktamar dirasmikan oleh EXCO Dewan Muslimat PAS Pusat merangkap EXCO Kerajaan Selangor YB Dr Hjh Halimah Ali. Dalam ucapan perasmian beliau, ditekankan peri pentingnya kecerdasan berjaya (successful intelligence) diambilkira dan dipraktikkan agar maruah PAKATAN RAKYAT PERAK terjaga dan memungkinkan mereka menguasai kerajaan negeri Perak.
Langkah-langkah kritikal yang mesti ambil mesti dilakar siap dan dilaksanakan. Faktor kritikal mesti dikuasai. Faktor penghalang yang kritikal juga perlu diatasi dengan berkesan.
Paling penting katanya, DMPN Perak perlu dengan sedar memilih untuk menang PRU13. Satu permuafakatn untuk berkongsi visi dan misi mesti diambil untuk mempastikan kekuatan terbina akan mampu memacu kemenangan insyaallah.
Ucapan Ketua Dewan Muslimat PAS Perak, Dr Najihatussolehah telah menggariskan pedoman untuk disyarah dan ditelitikan oleh DMPK dan cawangan. Turut hadir TPJ, Ketua DPPN, Timbalan Ketua Dewan Ulamak dan perwakilan serta pemerhati daripada 23 DMPK
Jasa mantan ketua Dewan Muslimat negeri dan kawasan juga dikenang dan dihargai dengan diberi cenderahati. Pejuang awal ini amat menghargai usaha mengiktirafkan sumbangan mereka yang meletak batu asas kepada dewan Muslimat hang menghampiri separuh abad.
Tahniah kepada DMPN Perak kerana kejituan dan kematangan memimpin ummat dalam dakwah dan siyasah.
Semoga mendapat keredhaan Allah dan dilindungi daripada penyakit WAHN dan sifat mazmumah yang menghancurkan jemaah. Amin Read More “Muslimat Perak Gear 5 menuju PRU13” »»
Guru Acuan Generasi Idaman
Semua orang mengidamkan masyarakat yang maju, aman, makmur, beradab dan berakhlak mulia. Ramai yang mahu keselesaan hidup, kebersihan yang terjaga, indah pemandangan, bersih dan nyaman udara. Teknologi tinggi memudahkan urusan, mendekatkan yang jauh, mengeratkan lagi silaturrahim.
Keadaan itu tidak akan datang menggolek begitu sahaja.Tanpa usaha. Tanpa perancangan.Tanpa dicorak dengan sengaja. Andaikata sudah ada hasil yang di tetapkan.Mana acuan yang akan mencorak hasil tersebut? Kalau mahu kuih bahulu, mana acuan bahulunya?
Itulah yang saya maksudkan dengan proses mencapai satu tamaddun dunia yang boleh dibanggakan zaman berzaman kita memerlukan satu acuan. Untuk mewujudkan negeri yang idaman, kita mesti dahulu melahirkan generasi berkualiti@idaman. Untuk melahirkan generasi insan berprestij tinggi dan berkemampuan optima untuk memungkinkan penggilapan potensi manusiawi yang dibekalkan kepadanya oleh Penciptanya maka acuannya harus disediakan. Acuan yang akan mencorak bentuk idaman.
Yang mempunyai kapasiti untuk membentuk ialah guru-guru. Guru dilatih untuk mendidik manusia. Sekurang-kurang inilah teorinya. 'Core business' atau kerja utama para guru ialah membentuk rebung- yang mudah dilentur agar menjadi insan yang benar-benar jitu sifat keinsanannya.Bukan semakin tumbuh dan berkembang tubuh badan yang fizikalnya, yang semakin meningkat hanyalah sifat ke'haiwanan' bahkan lebih teruk daripada itu seperti yang diingatkan dalam ayat 179 surah al A'raf.
Inilah yang menyebabkan kepincangan, kerosakkan, kemusnahan harta benda, keruntuhan keluarga, permusuhan hingga peperangan apabila tuntutan fizikal semata-mata menjadi rebutan tanpa mengambilkira keperluan asas yang lain seperti keperluan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan rohani dan akal. Kekurangan gizi rohani akan mengakibatkan penyakit parah yang sukar dikesan zahirnya tetapi memberi natijah dahsyat yang menyebab timbul masalah sosial di atas.
Akal yang kurang diguna dan hanya berfungsi minima akan menyebab merudumnya sebuah masyarakat yang sepatutnya mencapai satu 'benchmark' budaya berilmu dan beradab yang tinggi.Akal yang tidak dilatih untuk berfikir secara kritis,analytikal akan gagal membeza di antara yang baik dan buruk, yang hak dan batil, yang mendatangkan dosa dan menambahkan pahala.
Akal yang tidak dirangsang sepenuhnya tidak akan mampu menyelesaikan masalah kerana tidak ada daya kreatif dan kecerdasan praktikal untuk menggunakan sumber yang Allah sediakan walaupun di depan mata dan dalam lingkaran kediamannya sendiri.
Ketidakseimbangan pembangunan elemen-elemen asas ini adalah penyebab asas kenapa remaja menjadi manusia liar yang bertindak ganas, destruktif dan membazir tenaga muda yang sepatutnya boleh dilorongkan ke arah membina masyarakat dan membantu menambah kualiti hidup masyarakatnya!Sepatutnya tenaga kuat digunakan untuk mengindahkan taman, menambah prasarana dan membersihkan halaman dan mengurangkan keperluan kepada buruh asing!
Pengupayaan guru sebagai acuan keramat yang dituang adunan tangan ibubapa serta masyarakat sekeliling adalah faktor kritikal ke arah melahirkan khaira ummah. Justeru guru sebagai pemangkin amat penting dalam pelan pembangunan ummat. Seharusnya, guru di beri visi dan misi yang jelas untuk pastikan mereka bersama dalam menyokong dan mendokong misi tersebut.
Guru yang mempunyai wawasan yang jelas dan diberi pembelaan yang sewajarnya dan diletak dalam kerangka pelan tindakan pelan ummah yang sewajarnya akan menyerlah potensi diri dan pasti akan bangkit membuktikan kemampuan diri. Naluri guru sebagai pendidik akan mencurah khidmat bakti yang terbaik untuk mewariskan segala ilmu, kemahiran dan kebolehan untuk melihat bangsanya muncul ummat terbilang. Guru yang futuristik akan sentiasa dahaga kemajuan dan kecemerlangan murid. Guru yang mulia akhlaknya akan terubat dengan budi pekerti anak didiknya yang mencuri perhatian dan mendapat pengiktirafan.
Guru yang sedar dan faham nilai tugasnya akan melakukannya dengan bukan sahaja jasad/ fizikal tetapi memusatkan roh, akal,emosinya ke arah membentuk dan mencorak insan muda yang di amanahkan kepadanya dengan penuh kasih sayang dan tumpuan. Ia menerima kerjaya mulianya itu sebagai satu ibadah. Mesti dilakukan dengan cara terbaik untuk mempastikan PENILAI SEBENAR yakni ALLAH swt memberi markah paling banyak kepadanya untuk memenangi kasih sayangNya.
Hilang penat lelah guru melihat anak muridnya berjaya menjadi orang hebat.Bahkan ia rela anak muridnya lebih hebat daripada dirinya. Guru yang panjang akal akan mahu menuai hasil titik peluhnya bukan sekadar menunggu upah kerdil hujung bulan....Beliau melabur untuk generasi akan datang. Guru murabbi mahu bentuk insan rabbani. Guru yang bersifat ehsan akan melestarikan kesan pengaruh untuk memacu kejayaan dunia hingga akhirat. Guru muttaqin mahu melahir ummat yang bakal mewarisi Al Firdaus.
Guru penjana generasi idaman.
Guru Penyayang Guru Disayang
Selamat Hari Guru
Terima kasih, cikgu!
Selamat Hari Guru

Ensuring free and fair elections
By P. Gunasegaram
Just as justice has to be seen to be done, so must elections be seen to be just.
IF we cut through the noise and the chase, we will agree that all right-thinking Malaysians want free and fair elections so that they can elect the government of their choice without anyone depriving them of that right by foul means.
The Government says it wants it, the Opposition wants it and the people want it too — everybody wants free, fair and clean elections.
If that’s the case then there’s no problem. All it takes is for the election authorities to do the needful.
The divide arises because the Government and the Elections Commission (EC) maintain that all is fair and well, while the Opposition and a large section of the population do not, maintaining in particular that the electoral rolls are being manipulated by the addition of illegal immigrants.
It does not help too that there were attempts to hastily amend the election laws, a move which has been subsequently withdrawn.
There is only one way to bridge the divide. The EC has to not only ensure but show that all the actions that it takes are in furtherance of free and fair elections.
Only then can it restore confidence in the electoral system and assure the public that the elections will indeed be free, fair and clean.
Here are 10 ways that the EC can promote free and fair elections and be seen to be doing so:
1. Keep electoral rolls open for inspection at all times. Not only should the EC do this but it should promptly respond to and give explanations for anomalies that have been brought to its attention. This should be done publicly.
2. Inform those whose constituencies have been changed promptly. If for whatever reason, a person’s constituency has been changed, then the EC must inform the constituent immediately and explain clearly the need for the change. That will help clear any confusion immediately.
3. Ensure that all parties continue to have a right to observe the election process. Observers from all parties must always have the right to have their representatives present in the polling booth to ensure that elections are held according to the law. Under no circumstances must such rights be taken away.
4. Count ballots in the polling booths in the presence of observers. This is the best way to ensure that there is no stuffing of ballot boxes as counting can begin as soon as polling is over in the presence of observers. This is how it has been done in the past and there is no need to change it.
5. Open polling of armed forces and police personnel to observation. Even if polling takes place in security areas, observers must be allowed in to monitor the polling process to ensure that there is no pressure put on them by their superiors to vote en-bloc for a particular candidate.
6. Have safeguards to ensure postal ballots are tamper-proof. This will entail amongst others sealing ballot boxes in the presence of independent observers and opening them in the presence of other independent observers too.
7. Allow election observers from accredited agencies. If our elections are free and fair, what’s there to hide? Let anyone from anywhere come and observe the elections and see for themselves how fair and free it is.
8. Move towards automatic voter registration. Considering that each adult Malaysian has an electronic identity card, it is inexplicable why automatic voter registration based on the MyKad is yet to be implemented.
9. Ensure fair media time for all parties. Considering that most mainstream media is dominated by parties friendly to the ruling government, it is necessary to ensure that there is fairer election coverage so that Malaysians can vote on a true and fair representation of the facts.
10. Lengthen the campaign period. The campaign period should be lengthened to at least a month so that major issues are given enough time for a proper airing and the public have enough time to make up their minds over who they want to vote for.
An election is not just about processes but about confidence too.
The Malaysian public and the international community must have the confidence that they can rely on the election results.
If for any reason that confidence is lacking, then it is up the EC to take measures to ensure that confidence returns.
The only way it can do that is to take the right actions and be totally transparent about them.
Independent consultant and writer P. Gunasegaram likes this quote from James Freeman Clarke: A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.
Harga saham di Bursa Malaysia dijangka terus menurun
JPMorgan $2 billion loss hits shares, credit
"We know we were sloppy. We know we were stupid. We know there was bad judgment," Dimon (PIC left) CEO of JPMorgan said in an interview with NBC television to be broadcast on "Meet the Press" on Sunday.
NEW YORK/LONDON (Reuters) - JPMorgan Chase Co lost $15 billion in market value and a notch in its credit ratings on Friday while a chorus of regulators and politicians reacted to its surprise $2 billion trading loss by demanding stiffer oversight for the banking industry.
Harga saham di Bursa Malaysia dijangka terus diniagakan rendah pada minggu depan, berikutan tekanan sentimen luaran yang lembap yang biasanya akan memberi kesan kepada prestasi pasaran, kata para peniaga.
Masalah luaran seperti data pekerjaan AS yang tidak memberangsangkan serta data perdagangan China yang lebih rendah daripada jangkaan dan risiko di Eropah akan terus memberi kesan kepada bursa tempatan.
Harga saham dijangka terus menurun
Ketua Penyelidikan Runcit Affin Investment Bank Dr Nazri Khan berkata politik Eropah terus menjadi berita utama dengan jangkaan diadakan pilihan raya di beberapa negara.
"Ini akan menyebabkan perubahan kepimpinan baharu semasa benua Eropah terus bergelut untuk menyelesaikan krisis hutang kedaulatan," katanya kepada
Katanya data yang akan diterima akan mencorakkan pasaran pada minggu depan yang termasuk inflasi AS, pengeluaran perindustrian AS, pengeluaran perindustrian Eropah dan keluaran dalam negara kasar Jepun.
Nazri berkata kelemahan penanda aras tempatan akan ditampan oleh langkah pengurangan inflasi, ketahanan penggunaan domestik dan dasar monetari Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) yang akomodatif.
Pada Jumaat, BNM memutuskan untuk mengekalkan kadar dasar semalaman pada 3.0 peratus, sambil menyatakan bahawa inflasi dijangka menyederhana pada tahun ini, dengan bekalan domestik yang meningkat dan keadaan permintaan yang stabil.
"Kami menjangka FBM KLCI akan distabilkan selepas kejatuhan baru-baru ini dan selepas bergerak pada jajaran sempit antara 1,580 dan 1,590," kata Nazri.
Menurutnya, paras sokongan dijangka pada 1,580 dan 1,560 dan ditambat dengan halangan jangka sederhana pada 1,590 dan 1,600.
Bagi minggu baru berakhir, pasaran diniagakan menurun dengan catatan jumlah dagangan yang sederhana.
Berasaskan Jumaat ke Jumaat, FBM KLCI turun 6.72 mata kepada 1,584.32 daripada 1,591.04 .
Indeks Kewangan turun 32.59 mata kepada 14,173.49 daripada 14,206.08, Indeks Perusahaan rugi 29.7 mata kepada 2793.45 daripada 2,823.15 dan Indeks Perladangan merosot 68.76 mata kepada 8,640.20 daripada 8,708.96.
Indeks FBM Emas turun 67.29 mata kepada 10,852.93 daripada 10,920.22, Indeks FBM ACE turun 32.76 mata kepada 4,542.68 daripada 4,575.44, Indeks FBM Mid 70 rugi 166.93 mata kepada 11,879.98 daripada 12,046.91 dan Indeks FBM T100 merosot 65.64 mata kepada 10,655.78 daripada 10,721.42.
Jumlah dagangan mingguan keseluruhan meningkat kepada 6.033 bilion saham bernilai RM6.45 bilion daripada 4.904 bilion saham bernilai RM5.62 bilion.
Perolehan Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 3.702 bilion bernilai RM6.073 bilion daripada 3.007 bilion saham bernilai RM5.318 bilion sebelum ini.
Jumlah dagangan di Pasaran ACE meningkat 1.544 bilion saham bernilai RM272.771 juta daripada 1.06 bilion saham bernilai RM191.5 juta tetapi waran turun kepada 767.848 juta unit bernilai RM96.247 juta daripada 824.428 juta unit bernilai RM101.294 juta.
The loss by one of Wall Street's most respected banks embarrassed chief executive Jamie Dimon, a leader lauded for steering his bank through the fallout from the 2008 financial crisis without reporting a loss.
"We know we were sloppy. We know we were stupid. We know there was bad judgment," Dimon said in an interview with NBC television to be broadcast on "Meet the Press" on Sunday.
He said it wasn't clear whether the bank had broken any laws or violated any rules. "We've had audit, legal, risk, compliance, some of our best people looking at all of that."
The loss also invited regulatory scrutiny for a man who had all but led the charge to limit it, criticizing the so-called Volcker rule to ban proprietary trading by big banks.
The New York Times reported that the Securities and Exchange Commission has opened a preliminary investigation into JPMorgan's accounting practices and public disclosures about the trading loss.
On Friday, Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Mary Schapiro told reporters: "It's safe to say that all the regulators are focused on this."
The debacle sparked new fears about big banks and prompted Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Richard Fisher, who has called for the breakup of the top five U.S. banks, to say he is worried the biggest banks do not have adequate risk management.
The fallout extended across much of the banking sector, with shares of some of Wall Street's top names declining on Friday. Among others, Citigroup dropped 4.2 percent, Goldman Sachs fell 3.9 percent and Bank of America slipped 1.9 percent.
JPMorgan was far away the worst performer, however, falling 9.3 percent on a day when some 212 million of its shares traded, the most volume in its history.
Fitch Ratings cut JPMorgan's debt ratings a notch and put all of the ratings of the bank and its subsidiaries on negative ratings watch.
While Fitch saw the size of the loss as manageable, "the magnitude of the loss and ongoing nature of these positions implies a lack of liquidity," the ratings agency said.
"Fitch believes the potential reputational risk and risk governance issues raised at JPM are no longer consistent with an 'AA-' rating," it said.
Standard & Poor's put JPMorgan and its banking units on a negative outlook, but affirmed its current ratings.
In a conference call disclosing the problem on Thursday, Dimon said the $2 billion in losses could rise by a further $1 billion, and acknowledged they were linked to a London-based credit trader Bruno Iksil. Nicknamed the 'London Whale,' Iksil amassed an outsized position which hedge funds bet against.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, meanwhile, had been aware of JPMorgan's big trading loss and is currently monitoring the situation, according to a source close to the situation.
The Fed, which is JPMorgan's primary regulator, aims to ensure banks are sufficiently capitalized to withstand such trading mistakes, not to prevent them, the source said.
The exact nature of the trading loss is still unclear, although sources said a host of asset managers, arbitrageurs and hedge funds were on the other side of the bet, viewing it as good value and a effective way to insure portions of their portfolio.
Blue Mountain, a hedge fund with offices in New York and London, was among those on the other side of JPMorgan's trade, according to two people familiar with the situation.
Dimon will undoubtedly be pressed by investors for more details about what exactly went wrong when he hosts the bank's annual shareholder meeting on Tuesday in Tampa, Florida.
A national union on Friday urged shareholders to approve a stockholder resolution calling for an independent board chairman at JPMorgan. Dimon currently holds the chairman and CEO titles.
"The stakes are too high to leave Jamie Dimon unsupervised," said Gerald McEntee, president of the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees, which sponsored the proposal. "Dimon denied that the ‘London Whale' was making risky bets, and now that this has turned out to be a fish story, shareholders need to step in."
Dimon had parlayed his bank's reputation as a white knight during the financial crisis into a position as the de facto representative fighting against excessive post-crisis regulation.
"What concerns me is risk management, size, scope," said Dallas Federal Reserve Bank's Fisher answer to a question about JPMorgan's trading loss. "At what point do you get to the point that you don't know what's going on underneath you? That's the point where you've got too big."
The trader at the center of the storm, Iksil, who graduated in engineering from the Ecole Centrale in Paris in 1991, was not available for comment. The Frenchman, and the Chief Investment Office (CIO) where he works, are known by rival credit traders for taking extremely large positions.
Friends, colleagues and fellow traders describe an unassuming man, a far cry from the brash image normally associated with traders staking huge bets in fast-moving financial markets, including derivatives.
"He's a really nice bloke. A quiet bloke. He's not an arrogant trader, he's quite the opposite. He's very charming," one former colleague at JPMorgan said of Iksil, whom he said was married with "a couple of kids".
JPMorgan characterized the costly trading strategy that led to the loss as a hedge, rather than as proprietary trade, or a bet with the bank's own money. But that line has been difficult for regulators and experts to define as they seek to craft the Volcker rule.
One friend and former JPMorgan colleague said Iksil and the team were not carrying out proprietary trading in disguise, and that the unit's activities were known at the highest levels of the bank.
"The CIO does not do prop trading, let's be clear on that ... It involves taking positions in the form of investments, trades, credit-default swaps, or other, with the aim of rebalancing the risks of JPMorgan's balance sheet.
"The information comes from the very top of the bank and I do not even think that the CIO team members at Bruno's level are given the full picture," the ex-colleague said.
Iksil was brought into the CIO unit to head its credit desk, an asset class it had not previously covered, a person who worked in the unit said. It built up large credit positions over several years through trades which were vetted by management and the losses now likely resulted from a combination of these trades going wrong, the person said.
The CIO desk had grown rapidly in the past five years and was given free range to trade in a whole range of financial products, the only exception being commodities, they added. The CIO is run by New York-based Ina Drew, who is Chief Investment Officer.
Credit market traders said other banks have comparable functions to JPMorgan's CIO. The French banks, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank and UBS were all cited as examples of large treasury functions that hedge credit exposures in similar ways.
"The argument that financial institutions do not need the new rules to help them avoid the irresponsible actions that led to the crisis of 2008 is at least $2 billion harder to make today," U.S. Representative Barney Frank said in a statement.
The Democrat co-authored the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law designed to avoid a repeat of the recent credit crisis. Read More “TEMPIAS KERUGIAN JPMORGAN BAKAL MENIMPA BURSA KL” »»
JPMorgan $2 billion loss hits shares, credit
"We know we were sloppy. We know we were stupid. We know there was bad judgment," Dimon (PIC left) CEO of JPMorgan said in an interview with NBC television to be broadcast on "Meet the Press" on Sunday.
NEW YORK/LONDON (Reuters) - JPMorgan Chase Co lost $15 billion in market value and a notch in its credit ratings on Friday while a chorus of regulators and politicians reacted to its surprise $2 billion trading loss by demanding stiffer oversight for the banking industry.
Harga saham di Bursa Malaysia dijangka terus diniagakan rendah pada minggu depan, berikutan tekanan sentimen luaran yang lembap yang biasanya akan memberi kesan kepada prestasi pasaran, kata para peniaga.
Masalah luaran seperti data pekerjaan AS yang tidak memberangsangkan serta data perdagangan China yang lebih rendah daripada jangkaan dan risiko di Eropah akan terus memberi kesan kepada bursa tempatan.
Harga saham dijangka terus menurun
Ketua Penyelidikan Runcit Affin Investment Bank Dr Nazri Khan berkata politik Eropah terus menjadi berita utama dengan jangkaan diadakan pilihan raya di beberapa negara.
"Ini akan menyebabkan perubahan kepimpinan baharu semasa benua Eropah terus bergelut untuk menyelesaikan krisis hutang kedaulatan," katanya kepada
Katanya data yang akan diterima akan mencorakkan pasaran pada minggu depan yang termasuk inflasi AS, pengeluaran perindustrian AS, pengeluaran perindustrian Eropah dan keluaran dalam negara kasar Jepun.
Nazri berkata kelemahan penanda aras tempatan akan ditampan oleh langkah pengurangan inflasi, ketahanan penggunaan domestik dan dasar monetari Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) yang akomodatif.
Pada Jumaat, BNM memutuskan untuk mengekalkan kadar dasar semalaman pada 3.0 peratus, sambil menyatakan bahawa inflasi dijangka menyederhana pada tahun ini, dengan bekalan domestik yang meningkat dan keadaan permintaan yang stabil.
"Kami menjangka FBM KLCI akan distabilkan selepas kejatuhan baru-baru ini dan selepas bergerak pada jajaran sempit antara 1,580 dan 1,590," kata Nazri.
Menurutnya, paras sokongan dijangka pada 1,580 dan 1,560 dan ditambat dengan halangan jangka sederhana pada 1,590 dan 1,600.
Bagi minggu baru berakhir, pasaran diniagakan menurun dengan catatan jumlah dagangan yang sederhana.
Berasaskan Jumaat ke Jumaat, FBM KLCI turun 6.72 mata kepada 1,584.32 daripada 1,591.04 .
Indeks Kewangan turun 32.59 mata kepada 14,173.49 daripada 14,206.08, Indeks Perusahaan rugi 29.7 mata kepada 2793.45 daripada 2,823.15 dan Indeks Perladangan merosot 68.76 mata kepada 8,640.20 daripada 8,708.96.
Indeks FBM Emas turun 67.29 mata kepada 10,852.93 daripada 10,920.22, Indeks FBM ACE turun 32.76 mata kepada 4,542.68 daripada 4,575.44, Indeks FBM Mid 70 rugi 166.93 mata kepada 11,879.98 daripada 12,046.91 dan Indeks FBM T100 merosot 65.64 mata kepada 10,655.78 daripada 10,721.42.
Jumlah dagangan mingguan keseluruhan meningkat kepada 6.033 bilion saham bernilai RM6.45 bilion daripada 4.904 bilion saham bernilai RM5.62 bilion.
Perolehan Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 3.702 bilion bernilai RM6.073 bilion daripada 3.007 bilion saham bernilai RM5.318 bilion sebelum ini.
Jumlah dagangan di Pasaran ACE meningkat 1.544 bilion saham bernilai RM272.771 juta daripada 1.06 bilion saham bernilai RM191.5 juta tetapi waran turun kepada 767.848 juta unit bernilai RM96.247 juta daripada 824.428 juta unit bernilai RM101.294 juta.
The loss by one of Wall Street's most respected banks embarrassed chief executive Jamie Dimon, a leader lauded for steering his bank through the fallout from the 2008 financial crisis without reporting a loss.
"We know we were sloppy. We know we were stupid. We know there was bad judgment," Dimon said in an interview with NBC television to be broadcast on "Meet the Press" on Sunday.
He said it wasn't clear whether the bank had broken any laws or violated any rules. "We've had audit, legal, risk, compliance, some of our best people looking at all of that."
The loss also invited regulatory scrutiny for a man who had all but led the charge to limit it, criticizing the so-called Volcker rule to ban proprietary trading by big banks.
The New York Times reported that the Securities and Exchange Commission has opened a preliminary investigation into JPMorgan's accounting practices and public disclosures about the trading loss.
On Friday, Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Mary Schapiro told reporters: "It's safe to say that all the regulators are focused on this."
The debacle sparked new fears about big banks and prompted Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Richard Fisher, who has called for the breakup of the top five U.S. banks, to say he is worried the biggest banks do not have adequate risk management.
The fallout extended across much of the banking sector, with shares of some of Wall Street's top names declining on Friday. Among others, Citigroup dropped 4.2 percent, Goldman Sachs fell 3.9 percent and Bank of America slipped 1.9 percent.
JPMorgan was far away the worst performer, however, falling 9.3 percent on a day when some 212 million of its shares traded, the most volume in its history.
Fitch Ratings cut JPMorgan's debt ratings a notch and put all of the ratings of the bank and its subsidiaries on negative ratings watch.
While Fitch saw the size of the loss as manageable, "the magnitude of the loss and ongoing nature of these positions implies a lack of liquidity," the ratings agency said.
"Fitch believes the potential reputational risk and risk governance issues raised at JPM are no longer consistent with an 'AA-' rating," it said.
Standard & Poor's put JPMorgan and its banking units on a negative outlook, but affirmed its current ratings.
In a conference call disclosing the problem on Thursday, Dimon said the $2 billion in losses could rise by a further $1 billion, and acknowledged they were linked to a London-based credit trader Bruno Iksil. Nicknamed the 'London Whale,' Iksil amassed an outsized position which hedge funds bet against.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, meanwhile, had been aware of JPMorgan's big trading loss and is currently monitoring the situation, according to a source close to the situation.
The Fed, which is JPMorgan's primary regulator, aims to ensure banks are sufficiently capitalized to withstand such trading mistakes, not to prevent them, the source said.
The exact nature of the trading loss is still unclear, although sources said a host of asset managers, arbitrageurs and hedge funds were on the other side of the bet, viewing it as good value and a effective way to insure portions of their portfolio.
Blue Mountain, a hedge fund with offices in New York and London, was among those on the other side of JPMorgan's trade, according to two people familiar with the situation.
Dimon will undoubtedly be pressed by investors for more details about what exactly went wrong when he hosts the bank's annual shareholder meeting on Tuesday in Tampa, Florida.
A national union on Friday urged shareholders to approve a stockholder resolution calling for an independent board chairman at JPMorgan. Dimon currently holds the chairman and CEO titles.
"The stakes are too high to leave Jamie Dimon unsupervised," said Gerald McEntee, president of the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees, which sponsored the proposal. "Dimon denied that the ‘London Whale' was making risky bets, and now that this has turned out to be a fish story, shareholders need to step in."
Dimon had parlayed his bank's reputation as a white knight during the financial crisis into a position as the de facto representative fighting against excessive post-crisis regulation.
"What concerns me is risk management, size, scope," said Dallas Federal Reserve Bank's Fisher answer to a question about JPMorgan's trading loss. "At what point do you get to the point that you don't know what's going on underneath you? That's the point where you've got too big."
The trader at the center of the storm, Iksil, who graduated in engineering from the Ecole Centrale in Paris in 1991, was not available for comment. The Frenchman, and the Chief Investment Office (CIO) where he works, are known by rival credit traders for taking extremely large positions.
Friends, colleagues and fellow traders describe an unassuming man, a far cry from the brash image normally associated with traders staking huge bets in fast-moving financial markets, including derivatives.
"He's a really nice bloke. A quiet bloke. He's not an arrogant trader, he's quite the opposite. He's very charming," one former colleague at JPMorgan said of Iksil, whom he said was married with "a couple of kids".
JPMorgan characterized the costly trading strategy that led to the loss as a hedge, rather than as proprietary trade, or a bet with the bank's own money. But that line has been difficult for regulators and experts to define as they seek to craft the Volcker rule.
One friend and former JPMorgan colleague said Iksil and the team were not carrying out proprietary trading in disguise, and that the unit's activities were known at the highest levels of the bank.
"The CIO does not do prop trading, let's be clear on that ... It involves taking positions in the form of investments, trades, credit-default swaps, or other, with the aim of rebalancing the risks of JPMorgan's balance sheet.
"The information comes from the very top of the bank and I do not even think that the CIO team members at Bruno's level are given the full picture," the ex-colleague said.
Iksil was brought into the CIO unit to head its credit desk, an asset class it had not previously covered, a person who worked in the unit said. It built up large credit positions over several years through trades which were vetted by management and the losses now likely resulted from a combination of these trades going wrong, the person said.
The CIO desk had grown rapidly in the past five years and was given free range to trade in a whole range of financial products, the only exception being commodities, they added. The CIO is run by New York-based Ina Drew, who is Chief Investment Officer.
Credit market traders said other banks have comparable functions to JPMorgan's CIO. The French banks, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank and UBS were all cited as examples of large treasury functions that hedge credit exposures in similar ways.
"The argument that financial institutions do not need the new rules to help them avoid the irresponsible actions that led to the crisis of 2008 is at least $2 billion harder to make today," U.S. Representative Barney Frank said in a statement.
The Democrat co-authored the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law designed to avoid a repeat of the recent credit crisis. Read More “TEMPIAS KERUGIAN JPMORGAN BAKAL MENIMPA BURSA KL” »»
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