Satu Majlis sederhana telah dianjurkan bagi tujuan pengagihan makanan kepada warga miskin di DUN Selat Klang telah diadakan pada petang 27hb Jun 2008 bertempat di Sungai Bertek Utara.Foto semasa majlis pengagihan tersebut.
Aktiviti ADUN Selat Klang pada 27/06/08: Pengagihan Makanan Kepada Warga Miskin
Muslimat PAS Kawasan Kapar yang diketuai oleh Ustazah Noraini Hussin, merangkap Timb Ketua Muslimat PAS Negeri Selangor telah menganjurkan majlis ramah mesra dan kesyukuran pada 27hb Jun 2008 bertempat di Pejabat ADUN Selat Klang.Ketua Muslimat Kapar menyampaikan cenderahati kepada ADUN Selat Klang.
Alhamdulillah setakat ini, kerjasama dan persefahaman yang wujud dalam kalangan anggota
Exco Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor cukup memuaskan. Kerja berpasukan diamalkan. Sikap
saling hormat menghormati dan lengkap melengkapi menjadikan segala keputusan dibuat
dengan mudah. Walaupun berlainan ideologi politik namun semua pihak saling memahami
antara satu sama lain. Dato' Dr Hassan Mohd Ali mengesahkan hal ini dalam akhbar Sinar Harian
bertarikh 27hb Jun 2008 yang telah diimbas.
So the overall ceiling for development has been up another RM30 billion from the original RM200 billion. So is that why RM30 billion has been taken away from the fuel subsidy to compensate for inflation in the costing of mega projects. Who and how was the inflation created in the first place? So much has been inflated in the budgeting cost to fill the BN's coffer for the next general election via cronies.
RM30b more for 9MP
Husna Yusop, Llew-Ann Phang, Giam Say Khoo, Himanshu Bhatt and Tan Yi Liang
KUALA LUMPUR (June 26, 2008): Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi tabled the 9th Malaysia Plan (9MP) mid-term review (MTR) motion in Parliament today, announcing an extra RM30 billion for development but was hazy on the fate of mega projects, especially those in Penang.
He said the overall ceiling for development allocation is now RM230 billion, up from the original RM200 billion.
"The increase is required to cater for the rising costs of implementing existing projects as a result of the rising prices of building materials as well as to account for new priorities such as the regional corridor developments and adequate food production for the nation," Abdullah said.
His 24-page speech, however, did not list the mega projects that would be halted or postponed.
Instead, the premier dwelt on the enhancement of current projects and new projects which looked into the welfare of the lower-income category and the minority in the light of rising prices worldwide.
Among the projects mentioned were the improvement of the 1990 Social Safety Net scheme, poverty eradication programmes for minority groups and the non-productive poor, income generation programmes for the urban poor and better housing and social amenities.
"I would like to emphasise that the federal government will continue to implement the 9MP development project in all states," he said, addressing a concern that the states ruled by the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) would lose out in the review.
Abdullah said priority will be given to people-centric projects which provide basic amenities and impart direct benefit to the people like water supply, electricity, health facilities, education, low-cost public housing, poverty eradication and public safety.
He said the greatest challenge confronting the economy is the rising global oil prices. On top of that, the economy is also affected by the state of global financial markets which have yet to recover from the sub-prime crisis.
"In fact, many economic experts expect that this crisis may lead to a global recession which would surely adversely impact our own economic prospects."
In explaining the government’s role to make decisions and initiate changes that will preserve public prosperity and national interests in the long term in the face of these challenges, Abdullah cited the recent decision to restructure oil and gas subsidies as one of its courageous decisions.
"Nevertheless, the government was compelled to act decisively since the rise in global oil prices has put a strain on the nation’s finances.
"At the same time, the move was necessary to ensure that subsidies would go directly to those who need them most and by restructuring subsidies, we will have greater flexibility to navigate risks of a global recession, should one occur in the near future," Abdullah added.
Further, he said, rising oil prices and uncertainty caused by external factors make it difficult for any nation to fully shield its citizens from hardship.
"Nevertheless, the government remains committed towards doing everything within its power to lighten the burden of the people and preserve their quality of life.
In an immediate response to the motion, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Amirsham A. Aziz says the country's fiscal deficit is still mangeable with the decision to raise the development allocation by RM30 billion in MTR of the 9MP.
"We will have to work within the allocation. Hopefully, the price increase in terms of building cost does not get out of hand.It it does, we will have to relook the prices.
"As far as the 9MP is concerned, we have increased the allocation to RM230 billion, so we should be on track," he said in Parliament lobby.
Tabling the MTR, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said Malaysia’s fiscal deficit is expected to be at 3.2% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2010.
Amirsham said some of the projects had to be reviewed and may be placed under the 10th Malaysia Plan because of certain constraints in terms of managing the government's fiscal deficit.
"The Prime Minister will make further announcements when tabling Budget 2009 in August. We want to ensure we manage (the) fiscal (policy) very well," he added.
On claims that the federal government is discriminating one state government and another in terms of the projects to be deferred, he said: "There is no such thing. No discrimination as far as we are concerned.
"We go on the basis of the principle that if a project is people-centric and will drive the economy, we go ahead. If not, it doesn’t matter where they are, we won’t (go ahead)," he said.
Asked whether the states where projects have been affected by the MTR have been informed, Amirsham said: "The respective ministries will have to deal with it."
The MTR is "good and consistent", Transparency International Malaysia president Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam said.
Navaratnam praised the MTR as "consistent with the five thrusts of the 9MP". They are:
> to move the economy up the value chain;
> to raise the capacity for knowledge and innovation and nurture "first-class mentality";
> to address persistent socio-economic inequalities constructively and productively;
> to improve the standard and sustainability of quality of life; and
> to strengthen the institutional and implementation capacity.
He said the RM30 billion (increase in development allocation) would help counter the current state of economic stagnation and inflation, a condition which has been dubbed as "stagflation".
"The substantive point is the increase of RM30 billion for the mid-term is an indication of government pump priming. This will help counter the stagflation now being experienced in the country.
"Economic growth has slowed down with rising inflation. This is what they call stagflation," said Navaratnam who pointed out that the allocation would "stimulate economic growth and increase the supply of goods and services which should help bring down prices".
However, he noted that a large portion of the expenditure was being diverted to large infrastructure projects.
"There is not enough evidence that this is a people's budget because the bulk of the expenditure is going towards infrastructure projects, including RM10 billion being allocated to the various economic corridors," he told theSun in a phone interview.
Navaratnam cautioned that such expenditures be conducted in a transparent and accountable manner. "Otherwise there would be considerable wastage of public funds and the economy will not be sufficiently stimulated to bring inflation under control."
"Nothing new" was the Opposition MPs' standard response to the MTR tabled by Prime Minister cum Finance Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Parliamentary Opposition Leader Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail said the MTR was contradictory because Abdullah said the country needed more allocation for development because of rising crude oil prices.
"He (Abdullah) said he would do that by increasing the fuel price (in the country) and yet he said he will not increase the burden of the low-income group," she told reporters in Parliament lobby today.
"The increase in fuel prices showed the government's lack of planning (for the long-term). Increase should be in stages," she added.
"The government's administration did not seem to have given a thorough thought before raising fuel prices. It immediately introduced the cash rebate and after that cutting down the allowances of Cabinet ministers going for (their annual) holidays," she added.
DAP's Bukit Bendera MP Liew Chin Tong said the MTR was not surprising because it dealt mainly on racial distribution and neglected the growth of the country's future economy.
He also complained the MTR did not touch on improving infrastructure.
Liew, however, welcomed the government's aim to set up a national public transport commission although it has been "announced" many times.
Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir (BN-Jerlun) said there were a lot of planning but there were problems in "implementation".
"The increase in fuel prices will definitely affect the projects and the money allocated initially will definitely be not enough. I am not confident that our objectives (in the 9MP) can be fulfilled as expected," he said.
Mukhriz suggested that the government revived the National Economic Action Council "because the increase in fuel prices is a complicated matter with long-term effects that trigger price increase of goods".
In GEORGE TOWN, Gerakan acting president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon said the government's real test was in the actual delivery and implementation of the promises, programmes and projects under the 9th Malaysia Plan mid-term review (MTR).
He said the delivery mechanism must be further upgraded to be more effective than what it has been to date.
"Implementation must not only be effective, but fair and just to all so as to benefit all communities and social strata," he said.
"It is also crucial to have the political will to put in real efforts to plug wastage and leakage through greater transparency and efficiency."
"No doubt the macro socio-economic indicators of economic growth, foreign reserve, employment and so on are still healthy. But, the real concern is at the micro level, in terms of adverse impact of rising costs on businesses, livelihood and quality of life of the man on the street."
He stressed that while poverty rates declined by 2007, recent increases in the costs of fuel, food and goods, would definitely worsen "absolute and relative poverty".
"Even the middle income groups are feeling the pinch," he said, adding that areas like housing, public transportation, healthcare and welfare needed more emphasis and allocation. Read More “CONTRADICTORY STATEMENT re MEGA PROJECT BUDGETING” »»CONTRADICTORY STATEMENT FROM PETRONAS: FOR RAKYAT TO JUDGE
Petronas was once again put in the limelight in Parliament today but this time the topic was not petrol or subsidy but about its five-star Prince Court Medical Centre. Well done Azmin. You got him. More story..
MPs query Petronas' 5-star hospital
Husna Yusop, Llew-Ann Phang and Giam Say Khoon at the Dewan Rakyat today
KUALA LUMPUR (June 25, 2008): National petroleum company Petronas was again attacked by MPs during question time in the Dewan Rakyat (Parliament) today when they queried its five-star Prince Court Medical Centre (PCMC) in the city centre.
Azmin Ali (PKR-Gombak) asked the Prime Minister the rationale for Petronas to venture into private hospital services given the many private medical centres in the country.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Amirsham A. Aziz said Petronas' venture into the health sector was done after considering the commercial returns.
"It is also part of Petronas' initiative to meet its corporate social responsibility (CSR), in line with its corporate mission to contribute towards the people and country's prosperity.
"The setting-up of PCMC is also to complement the government's efforts to provide medical service in line with its health tourism programme," he said, adding PCMC offered world-class health service to Malaysians.
It also provides specialist services in critical diseases such as cancer (oncology), heart and lung, women and children, urology, nephrology and men’s health and plastic surgery, cosmotology, dermatology and burns.
"PCMC is the only private hospital in the country equipped with hyperbaric chamber equipment that provided quick recovery in the treatment of fire victims," Amirsham said.
He said PCMC is also cooperating with the Medical University of Vienna (MUV), the biggest medical research university in Europe, based in Vienna, Austria.
"MUV's expertise can be transferred to PCMC when their doctors serve here. This cooperation enables PCMC doctors to get expert views in the fields of tele-radiology, tele-pathology and tele-cytogenetics through tele-medicine with MUV," he added.
Such a partnership, he said, benefits Malaysians as they could get specialist service at reasonable charges, adding some of the services were not available in other private hospitals in the country.
"PCMC is also expected to attract more foreign patients in line with the country's effort to develop medical tourism. Since this field has yet to be explored fully, Petronas' involvement here does not pose any competition to other private hospitals," he added.
To Azmin’s question, he said PCMC’s construction had cost RM544 million while its management cost is RM11.5 million a year.
To his supplementary question, Amirsham said Petronas does not intend to set up a fund for the poor to enable them to seek treatment from PCMC because they could still use the facilities if they were referred by government hospitals. Read More “CONTRADICTORY STATEMENT FROM PETRONAS: FOR RAKYAT TO JUDGE” »»CHICKEN OUT OR STRATEGIC MOVE BY SIME DARBY?
Sime Darby received letter of intent from the Finance Ministry and the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister's Department in November 2007 for Sime Darby to hold Majority stake in Sarawak Hidro Sdn Bhd (SHSD), being the owner of BAKUN DAM and Trans Co, the company that undertakes the high voltage direct current transmission link (HVDC) to supply elecrticity to Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak. Ekran was formerly involved with this project and went bust. The rest is history. Now Sime Darby has decided to pull out too. The only party that has not woken up to the rude awakening is your guess.....More below.
Govt accepts Sime Darby's pullout in Bakun
KUALA LUMPUR (June 26, 2008): The government has accepted Sime Darby Bhd's decision to pull out of the Bakun hydroelectric project and is looking for another investor, said Finance Minister II Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop.
The project entails the construction of an underground sea cable (high voltage direct current transmission link) to supply electricity from Sarawak to Peninsular Malaysia.
"If Tenaga Nasional Bhd is interested to undertake the project, it can apply to the government and we will study (its application)," he told reporters in Parliament lobby.
Yesterday, Sime Darby announced that it had decided not to take up the equity interest in Sarawak Hidro Sdn Bhd.
Its president and group chief executive Datuk Seri Ahmad Zubir Murshid said the board was of the view that the project economics did not fit with its business status. "We will continue in our role as a contractor to complete the construction of the dam."
Nor Mohamed said to date no one else have applied to take up equity stake in the project was not put on hold Read More “CHICKEN OUT OR STRATEGIC MOVE BY SIME DARBY?” »»Aktiviti Exco Pendidikan pada 26/06/08:Majlis Doa Selamat Serta Penyampaian Sijil Penghargaan ICE2008
Unisel telah mengadakan satu majlis doa selamat serta penyampaian sijil penghargaan kepada petugas Industrial Ceerer Exposition 2008 yang telah berlangsung dari 6hb Jun hingga 8hb Jun 2008 yang lalu. Lebih kurang 3000 peluang pekerjaan telah diwujudkan pada program tersebut.
Di atas adalah gambar kenang-kenangan majlis penghargaan petugas.
Aktiviti Exco Pendidikan pada 26/06/08:Majlis Pelancaran Promosi Pesta Buku
Satu majlis Pelancaran Promosi Pesta Buku Selangor telah diadakan pada 26hb Jun 2008 bertempat di Perpustakaan Awam Raja Tun Uda Shah Alam.Exco Pendidikan sedang berucap.
Penyampaian sijil penghargaan kepada para Penerbit dan Pengedar yang terlibat dengan Pesta Buku.
BUDAYA BOHSIA, BOHJAN, BUNTING, BUNUH BUANG bertarikh 18hb Jun 2008 yang lalu saya
ada menqiaskan senario dan gejala masakini dengan penanaman benih padi dengan tumbuhnya
lalang. Tanpa memohon maaf di kesempatan ini izinkan saya sebut sekali lagi hal yang sama.
"Para petani menanam benih padi berharap padi akan jadi, tetapi sungguh malang, yang naik
hanyalah lalang. Tuan tanah terbiar tidak pernah berharap atau berdoa padi akan tumbuh di
tanahnya malah berpuas hati jika lalang sahaja yang naik. Begitulah hidup ini, jika kita berusaha,
berikhtiar dan berdoa agar suatu natijah yang baik akan timbul dari usaha titik peluh kita belum
tentu lagi usaha kita dijamin kejayaan, tetapi sebaliknya jika kita memulakan sesuatu yang tidak
baik, jangan mimpi hasilnya tiba-tiba jadi cemerlang. Ini adalah sunnatullah."
Dalam entri berjudul "BUDAYA BOHSIA, BOHJAN, BUNTING, BUNUH BUANG" di atas saya
mengakhiri bicara saya dengan kata-kata "Tanamlah benih padi dari sekarang agar padi yang
tumbuh pada suatu hari nanti. Jika terdapat lalang di samping pokok padi, cepat-cepat cabut atau
racun lalang yang tumbuh itu, agar pokok padi berpeluang hidup berbunga serta berbuah".
Apabila membelek akhbar Sinar Harian edisi 26hb Jun 2008, saya tertarik dengan tajuk di bawah.
Teruskan membaca.Kewujudan 12,000 orang anak luar nikah di Selangor dari jumlah besar 70,000 orang seluruh
negara bagi saya satu statistik sungguh menakutkan.
Ketua Penolong Pengarah Bhg Penyelidikan JAKIM dilaporkan ada menyebut " Jika dalam hal
ini kita masih hendak kira 'payung' dan 'bendera' masing-masing tidak mustahil kita akan
Pada pendapat saya beliau menyatakan pendirian beliau setelah membuat kajian dan
penyelidikan. Bagaimana pula dengan pendirian dan polisi Jabatan (JAKIM) serta pak menteri
yang bertanggung jawab?
Saya berharap Pak Menteri Pelajaran dan Pendidikan Tinggi ada membaca Sinar Harian edisi
26hb Jun 2008. Jangan hairan dan kata tak tahu atau tak diberitahu tentang statistik di atas.
Government attempts to "reduce deficits" whilst continuing with "expansionary" and "extravagant" projects like ECER, IDR, Sarawak Core Corridor Of Renewable Energy etc. At least what the government can do is to revise the costing if possible trimming and cutting corner here and there if not scrapping them all together. The revenue of PETRONAS from the sale of petroleum is increasing, not at all reduced.
For those economists in the government, petrol as a commodity is inelastic in terms of supply, demand and cost. No matter how high one INCREASES the price, the demand does not decrease proportionately since it is almost a basic necessity. In the face of higher fuel price, people still has to travel, eat, use electricity and what- not. Perhaps well- to- do folks will think twice before buying higher capacity luxury vehicles to add to their stable but ordinary citizens still have to get a family car in order to get by. Has anyone tried to get a taxi or a bus in times of emergency or if one is in a hurry?
Now the real and core issue is our elected representatives in Dewan Rakyat, about 129 of them all, have become so callous, care-less, heartless, voiceless, merciless, non-empathetic, non-sympathetic, robot-like and rubber stamps MPs........For discussion on "Fiscal" and "monetary" policies
Setelah polisi "Rundingan terus atau direct nego" dihentikan di Selangor, BN Selangor mati kutu sebab antara lain ialah mereka kini terpaksa bukan sahaja berdepan dengan ekonomi negara yang merudum malah ekonomi parti dan kocek individu turut terjejas. Kini mereka terpinga-pinga mencari sumber dana yang baru. Dulu semasa BN memerintah Selangor, "money no problem" kata mereka. Semua peringkat parti kenyang.
Banyak projek mega dan runding terus terpaksa diteruskan kerana kerajaan (dibaca "rakyat") telah membelanjakan duit dari A sampai Z. Tidak munasabah untuk memberhentikannya. Nak kena saman dari syarikat? Masih ingat projek "Babi Negara" di Sepang?
Aktiviti MP Kapar & ADUN Selat Klang pada 23/06/08:Kes Bunuh Dan Bakar
Wakil Rakyat kawasan parlimen Kapar beserta ADUN Selat Klang telah menziarahi keluarga serta tempat kejadian jenayah bunuh dan bakar yang berlaku pada 23hb Jun 2008 bertempat di No 9, Taman Anika baru, Off Jln Hasan , Sg Udang Klang. Sila rujuk keratan akhbar Sinar Harian..Keluarga mangsa yang berada dalam keadaan yang teramat sedih.
AUDIO: Speeches delivered at Siri Pemikiran Kritis of BAR COUNCIL OF MALAYSIA 1st Session on 11.01.20
Majlis telah menjemput Tan Sri Dato’ Abdul Khalid Ibrahim untuk berkongsi pengalaman beliau yang mana kebanyakan asasnya adalah lebih kurang sama tetapi melalui proses yang berbeza.
Khalid berpendapat bahawa selagi golongan yang sama diberi kuasa, pemansuhan DEB langsung tidak mendatangkan kesan. Perbincangan berkenaan DEB juga mestilah terbuka dan tidak dianggap sebagai bidasan terhadap hak-hak orang Melayu di bawah Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Menurut beliau, semua bukti-bukti yang menunjukkan penyalahgunaan kuasa, rasuah dan sebagainya telah diletakkan di bawah Akta Rahsia Rasmi. Ujar beliau, kaedah terbaik bagi mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut adalah dengan mendesak kerajaan supaya menggubal satu Akta Hak Kepada Informasi (“Right to Information Act”) sepertimana yang telah dilakukan oleh Kerajaan India baru-baru ini.Bagi memastikan bahawa kemajuan negara dari aspek sosial dan ekonomi akan terus dicapai, kerajaan perlu bersikap telus
dalam setiap keputusan yang dicapai dalam pentadbiran negara.
Bagi memastikan bahawa kemajuan negara dari aspek sosial dan ekonomi akan terus dicapai, kerajaan perlu bersikap telus dalam setiap keputusan yang dicapai dal
Khalid menegaskan bahawa Malaysia mempunyai wawasan yang baik tetapi tanpa perancangan yang rapi dan bersepadu menerusi sistem yang efisien, tiada kemajuan yang akan dapat dicapai melainkan jika terdapatnya “check and balance” atau pemantauan dari masa ke semasa bagi mengawal penggunaan kuasa oleh pihak pentadbir.
To listen to Tan Sri Khalid's speech to lawyers Read More “TAN SRI ABDUL KHALID SPOKE TO LAWYERS” »»
Institute of Strategic Analysis and Policy Research (Insap) CEO Fui K. Soong has every reason to be overly concern with Pakatan Rakyat because she is presently being an employee of MCA. However, Khoo Kay Peng who claimed to be an independent political analyst in his blog "Straight Talk" mentioned the shortcomings of both Pakatan Rakyat and the Barisan Nasional.
Visit Khoo at:
Also please pay Fui k Soong a friendly visit at:
Analysts: Pakatan not practising what it preaches | |
©New Straits Times It has been 100 days since the Pakatan Rakyat took over office in Penang, Selangor, Kedah and Perak, but aside from populist moves like the cancellation of backlogged summonses in Penang and Perak, free rice to the poor and providing 20 cubic metres of free water for Selangor residents, no substantive plans for future growth and development have been announced. Part Two paragraph eight of the PR memorandum said: "Five years from the MEA's implementation date, the per capita income of Malaysians will be three times what it is presently; in seven years it will be four times and in ten years, five times the present value." |
Poor man! Please give credit where credit is due will you. Why didn't you say so when that poor man was in power? At least he could give you a piece of his mind. Now it is too late to do anything. He is now powerless, even Nazri and Rafidah don't think highly of him. Where are all those souls that were mentored by that poor man? Where are all creatures that wept when he spoke about stepping down from being PM?
Do you want to tear down all the gigantic and majestic buildings in Putrajaya or the twin tower for that matter?
My friends, when the substance of your respect for someone is no other than money and power, when that someone has nothing to give it to you, your respect for him is withdrawn instantaneously without any reservation whatsoever. "Indeed Melayu and the like forgets easily"-"Melayu mudah lupa". MORE ..
Mahathir’s record: More negatives than positives
By : NORAMTAZ ABDULLAH, Petaling JayaTun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is associated with many mega projects in the country |
I REFER to P.C.A. Lee's letter on Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's record ("Good, bad or plain ugly?-- NST, June 18).
It was during his administration that another "brilliant" idea was mooted which thankfully did not materialise: to build a bridge linking Malaysia and Sumatra. Just imagine the consequence to the country's financial resources and the ballooning budget deficits had the project proceeded.
His yearning for mega projects was indeed insatiable, especially when these become synonymous with his name. He wanted to create his own history, especially for the young generation. After all, those who were born at the time Dr Mahathir became prime minister were adults when he retired.
This generation knows only him as prime minister and this is the memory he wants to perpetuate, even to the extent of dismantling parts of the historical past.
The availability of oil money and Petronas under his control had no doubt become the driving force behind his thirst for mega projects, including the heavy industry, as well as for bailing out public and private companies from the fallout of the 1997/1998 Asian financial crisis.
The national car project was developed at high social cost to the country and people, when it could have been done differently and at a lower cost and yet still meet our national objectives and aspirations.
Just look at what Thailand did to its automotive industry, which is robust and competitive compared with ours. And we were ahead of Thailand at one time. Perwaja is another disaster that has to be salvaged.
Is the Formula One circuit financially viable and self-financing or still dependent upon the continuing injection of public money or Petronas money?
What did the country get substantively out of the Twin Towers apart from having the tallest building in the world, though not any more now? Was the Twin Towers fully occupied upon completion?
Did our construction industry or contractors gain any technological mileage in terms of expertise and skills when we engaged foreign labour for its construction?
I tried to list down his positive contributions to the country, especially to the ordinary citizens who may remember him in their hearts for a long time. We are not talking of the few hundred families or individuals who were direct beneficiaries of his 23-year administration through negotiated contracts, privatisation deals, business monopolies, exclusive supplies and services, but the millions of ordinary low-income and poor people in the rural and urban areas throughout the country.
Frankly, not much can be documented for their direct well-being and welfare, except the widening disparity of incomes among the major races and within a race and between urban and rural areas during his administration. The gap between the rich and poor is widening.
I only see more and more negatives than positives, as enumerated by P.C.A. Lee, like the thriving corruption, the erosion of public confidence in the judiciary, racial polarisation, wastage of public funds, substandard buildings, schools, roads implemented through direct negotiations and consequently abandoned, but later salvaged by the new administration at tremendous cost to the nation.
To add to the list of negatives is the declining respect for our laws because "you can do wrong things for the right reason". Or you can be spared of your wrongdoings before the law if you can tell the judges what to do. Anything is possible at the right price.
The explosion in the number of awards for honorific titles among Malaysians happened during his premiership, so much so that cynical remarks were made by everyone that if someone throws a stone on the street or at any public function, the chances are that you would hit a Datuk, Datuk Seri or Tan Sri.
The scramble for such titles became paramount, as they provide tremendous mileage in terms of securing preferential treatment of sorts and access to the corridors of power, all which adds a new dimension to Malaysian culture and way of life.
However, we must be fair to Dr Mahathir. Let us hope as time goes on, more and more of his good deeds and not his misdeeds will be revealed. As the saying goes, elephants leave behind their tusks and the tigers their stripes when they die. Human beings leave behind their names Read More “MAHATHIR AND HISstory” »»
Majlis Peguam atau Bar Council telah menyediakan satu buku kecil tentang panduan bagaimana berhadapan dengan pihak POLIS dan hak-hak anda sebagai warganegara dalam sebuah negara merdeka yang berdaulat. Buku yang kecil ini amat penting untuk dimiliki oleh mereka "yang loyar buruk" tanpa mempunyai ijazah LLB atau sarjana muda undang-undang DAN kategori manusia termasuk blogger, aktivis politik atau aktivis kemasyarakatan
Buku ini mengandungi 12 muka surat dan terbahagi kepada sembilan tajuk utama.
Muat Turun Buku panduan POLIS DAN HAK-HAK ASAS ANDA
Aktiviti Exco Pendidikan pada 23/06/08: Majlis Perasmian Cawangan ArRahn Jln Raja Laut Oleh Dato' MB Kelantan
Majlis Perasmian cawangan Ar- Rahn (sistem gadaian Islam) Jalan Raja Laut Kuala Lumpur telah disempurnakan pada 23hb J un 2008 oleh YAB Tuan Guru Dato' Hj Nik Aziz Nik Mat, MB Kelantan.
Ar Rahn merupakan anak syarikat Permodalan Kelantan Bhd yang mana syarikat induknya ialah PKINK Pada 25-26 Julai 2008, PKB telah menganjurkan Persidangan Antarabangsa Ekonomi Dinar Emas.YAB MB Kelantan bersama sidang Media selepas perasmian.
LINK lain tentang Perbadanan Kemajuan Iktisad Negeri Kelantan
LINK tentang dinar emas
LINK tentang Ar Rahn
Aktiviti Exco Pendidikan & ADUN MERU pada 22/06/08: Majlis Penubuhan Cawangan PAS Tmn Sg Sireh P. Klang
Satu lagi cawangan PAS telah ditubuhkan di kubu kuat UMNO iaitu di Tmn Sg Sireh P. Klang pada malam 22hb Jun 2008. Turut hadhir ialah ADUN MERU merangkap YDP Pas Kawasan Kapar.Para penyokong dan ahli PAS yang hadhir.
YB Dr Rani sedang berucap.
Penyerahan borang dan dokumen berkenaan.
Aktiviti Exco Pendidikan & Ahli Parlimen Kota Raja pada 22/06/08: Merasmikan Seminar PMR Anjuran Kelab Penyokong PAS DUN Sri Muda
Exco Pendidikan sedang berucap.
Dr Mariah sedang berbincang tentang persembahan multimedia
Para pelajar yang mendaftar seminar PMR
Aktiviti Exco Pendidikan pada 22/06/08: Unisel Menerima Pelajar Anak Orang Asli
Bertempat di Unisel Kampus Bestari Jaya pada 22hb Jun 2008, Unisel mengadakan majlis penerimaan pelajar dari anak-anak Orang Asli yang layakmengikuti kursus di Unisel.Kelihatan Exco, Naib canselor Unisel dan Kakitangan serta pelajar dan ibu bapa kaum Orang Asli.
Sesi wawancara bersama Pelajar Orang Asli.
Bersempena dengan 100 Hari Pakatan Rakyat Selango, satu edisi khas telah dikeluarkan yang mana telah memuatkan wawancara, pendapat dan cetusan minda Dato' MB Selangor, para Exco Kerajaan Negeri dan para pemimpin NGO serta kaum di Selangor. Ikuti ulasan selanjutnya di bawah..