Ust Hadi telah mendapat 136 pencalonan daripada 137 kawasan yang menghantar pencalonan jawatan. Beliau juga telah menjawab surat tawaran yang dihantar. Tahniah, semoga ALlah membantu dalam melaksanakan amanah dan mampu memimpin ummah ke mercu kejayaan duniawi ukhrawi.
Bagi jawatan Ahli Jawatankuasa Kerja Pusat pula, seramai 86 calon layak bertanding. Jawatankuasa itu menawarkan 24 kekosongan termasuk enam yang dilantik.
6 Mei, 2009 19:35 PM
Hadi Menang Tanpa Bertanding Jawatan Presiden Pas
KUALA LUMPUR, 16 Mei (Bernama) -- Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang kekal sebagai Presiden Pas selepas menang tanpa bertanding bagi jawatan itu bagi penggal 2009-2011.
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pemilihan PAS Datuk Mustafa Ali yang membuat perisytiharan itu hari Sabtu berkata kemenangan Abdul Hadi itu berikutan ketiadaan pencabar untuk jawatan itu.
"Beliau (Hadi) telah mendapat 136 pencalonan daripada 137 kawasan yang menghantar pencalonan jawatan. Beliau juga telah menjawab surat tawaran yang dihantar," katanya dalam sidang media ketika mengumumkan senarai calon yang layak bertanding dalam pemilihan muktamar tahunan PAS ke-55, di Pejabat Agung PAS di sini.
Katanya tarikh tutup untuk setiap kawasan membuat pencalonan bagi pemilihan muktamar parti itu ialah 8 Mei lepas.
Beliau berkata daripada 176 kawasan di seluruh negara, hanya 137 kawasan yang menghantar pencalonan manakala selebihnya tidak berbuat demikian.
"Yang menghantar (keputusan) pencalonan hanya 137 kawasan. Kenapa? Boleh jadi ada sebahagian kawasan itu bermesyuarat lewat daripada 8 Mei ataupun boleh jadi dia bermesyuarat dulu dia tak hantar keputusan atas apa-apa sebab yang kita tak tahu," katanya.
Mustafa berkata berdasarkan pada 137 pencalonan itu, jawatan Timbalan Presiden layak ditandingi oleh lima calon termasuk penyandangnya Nasharudin Mat Isa.
Empat lagi ialah Menteri Besar Kedah Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak, dua Naib Presiden PAS Datuk Husam Musa dan Mohamad Sabu serta Timbalan Mursyidul Am PAS Datuk Dr Haron Din.
Bagi tiga jawatan Naib Presiden, 16 layak bertanding termasuk tiga penyandang jawatan itu iaitu Husam, Mohamad Sabu dan Ahmad Awang.
Antara lain yang layak bertanding ialah Azizan, Setiausaha Agung PAS Datuk Kamarudin Jaffar, Ketua Penerangan Mahfuz Omar, Nasharudin, Timbalan Pesuruhjaya Pas Perak Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin dan Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Salahuddin Ayub.
Katanya dalam sejarah PAS, ini merupakan jumlah paling ramai bertanding jawatan Naib Presiden.
Bagi jawatan Ahli Jawatankuasa Kerja Pusat pula, seramai 86 calon layak bertanding. Jawatankuasa itu menawarkan 24 kekosongan termasuk enam yang dilantik.
"Kesemua yang layak kita telah hantarkan surat tawaran dan mereka perlu menjawab selewat-lewatnya 25 Mei ini. Bagi yang tidak menjawab surat tawaran itu dianggap tidak berminat (bertanding)," katanya.
Mustafa berkata parti itu akan mengumumkan senarai calon yang akan bertanding jawatan tertinggi PAS itu pada 26 Mei ini.
Muktamar PAS kali ke-55 dijadualkan berlangsung di Stadium Malawati Shah Alam, pada 3 hingga 7 Jun ini.
Akhbar melaporkan:
"Sejak 7 Mei lepas sehingga semalam, 35 pendatang tanpa izin dimasukkan ke HBM manakala dua lagi dirawat di Hospital Seberang Jaya selepas mengalami demam yang dipercayai dijangkiti penyakit leptospirosis"
Penyakit Leptospirosis terjadi disebabkan oleh pendedahan kepada kuman Leptospira yang terdapat di dalam air yang tercemar dengan kencing binatang. Biasanya berlaku di negara beriklim panas.
Penyakit ini memiliki beberapa nama seperti Penyakit Weil, Demam Icterohemorrhagia Demam pesawah (Rice-field fever), Demam Pemotong tebu (Cane-cutter fever), Demam Swamp, Demam Lumpur, Jaundis berdarah, dan Demam Canicola.
Faktor risiko termasuklah:
* Melakukan pekerjaan yang terdedah kepada panas- Petani, penternak/peladang, pekerja rumah penyembelihan, doktor haiwan, pemotong kayu, pekerja sistem pembentungan, pesawah dan anggota tentera.
* Aktiviti rekreasi dalam air seperti berenang , berkayak dan berbasikal di laluan denai di kawasan panas.
* Terdedah kepada peralatan di rumah termasuk, binatang peliharaan seperti anjing, binatang peliharaan untuk disembelih, ruang perangkap air dan mengambil makanan yang telah digigit oleh binatang seperti tikus, tupai dan arnab.
Tanda dan Gejala
Gejala :
1. Masa pengeraman di antara 2 hingga 26 hari (anggaran 10 hari).
2. Bermula dengan demam, menggigil, sakit anggota tubuh dan sakit kepala. Gejala ini melibatkan lebih kurang 75% hingga 100% pesakit.
3. Batuk tidak berkahak (25%-35% kes)
4. Loya, muntah dan cirit-birit ( 50 kes) Sakit sendi, sakit tulang, sakit tekak dan sakit perut adalah gejala yang kurang berlaku.
5. Radang selaput mata.
6. Antara 7% hingga 40% pesakit mungkin mengalami sakit otot, pembesaran limpa atau hati, bengkak salur kelenjar, sakit tekak,kekerasan otot, perubahan bunyi pada paru-paru atau ruam.
Sejarah penyakit
Sembuh dalam kebanyakan kes, bagaimanapun kematian boleh berlaku pada kes yang rumit dan tidak menerima rawatan yang sewajarnya.
* Jangkitan selaput otak (Meningitis).
* Perdarahan yang teruk.
* Masalah pernafasan
* Kegagalan fungsi hati.
* Kegagalan fungsi buah pinggang
Jauhi kawasan yang ada air bertakung/ air tenang, terutama di kawasan iklim tropika seperti tasik. Jika anda terdedah kepada kawasan yang berisiko, pengambilan ubat doxycycline boleh mengurangkan risiko mendapat penyakit.
Diubahsuai dari infosihat
11 Lagi Pendatang Tanpa Izin Dirawat Kerana Leptospirosis
PULAU PINANG, 16 Mei (Bernama) -- Sebelas lagi pendatang tanpa izin dari Depoh Tahanan Pendatang Tanpa Izin di Juru dimasukkan ke Hospital Bukit Mertajam (HBM) dekat sini malam tadi kerana dijangkiti penyakit Leptospirosis.
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kesihatan dan Kebajikan, Masyarakat Penyayang dan Alam Sekitar negeri Phee Boon Poh berkata kesemua mereka dimasukkan ke hospital selepas mengalami demam.
"Sejak 7 Mei lepas sehingga semalam, 35 pendatang tanpa izin dimasukkan ke HBM manakala dua lagi dirawat di Hospital Seberang Jaya selepas mengalami demam.
"Separuh daripada mereka dijangka dibenar keluar dalam masa terdekat selepas memberi respon positif kepada rawatan yang diberi," katanya kepada pemberita di sin, Sabtu.
Akhbar hari ini melaporkan seorang rakyat Myanmar meninggal dunia dan 26 lagi dirawat di dua hospital di sini berikutan dijangkiti penyakit Leptospirosis, yang biasanya tersebar kepada manusia melalui penggunaan air yang dicemari air kencing tupai atau tikus.
Phee berkata berikutan kes itu Jabatan Kesihatan Pulau Pinang mengambil tindakan segera dengan menjalankan kerja pembersihan di depoh tahanan berkenaan, termasuk menghapuskan binatang yang dipercayai mempunyai kaitan dengan penyakit itu.
Beliau turut menasihatkan penduduk di kawasan itu agar tidak panik sebaliknya sentiasa menjaga kebersihan di persekitaran mereka.
"Keadaan di situ terkawal dan kita telah mengambil langkah segera bagi memastikan ia tidak merebak ke kawasan lain," katanya.
Majlis Peguam Malaysia telah meluluskan 11 usul (sila lihat di
bawah) yang dikemukakan oleh Sdr Ragunath Kesavan (foto kanan) pada Mesyuarat Agung Luarbiasa semalam. Tahniah dan syabas atas keberanian menegakkan keadilan. Sumber teks dan gambar dari Malaysianbar.
Salah satu usul Ragunath, Presiden MPM ialah mendesak agar Menteri Dalam Negeri, Ketua Polis Negara.......meletak jawatan.
"7. Demands the resignation of the Minister for Home Affairs, the Inspector-General of Police, OCPD ACP Wan Abdul Bari bin Wan Abdul Khalid and DSP Jude Pereira of the Brickfields police station over this shameful incident.
Bar's EGM: Multitude of lawyers unanimously condemn arrest of lawyers Friday, 15 May 2009
A heartening multitude of 1,429 lawyers and 81 chambering students unanimously and unequivocally called for the resignation of the Minister for Home Affairs, the Inspector-General of Police and the OCPD of the Brickfields police station at the Malaysian Bar’s Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) this afternoon.
The EGM was called following the arrest of five Kuala Lumpur Legal Aid Centre (KL LAC) lawyers at Brickfields police station last Thursday evening. The five lawyers – Fadiah Nadwa binti Fikri (Secretary), Murnie Hidayah binti Anuar, Puspawati binti Rosman, Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal (Chairperson) and Syuhaini binti Safwan – were arrested when they tried to gain access to their clients who had themselves been arrested earlier that evening, for participating in a candlelight vigil in support of arrested political scientist Wong Chin Huat.
Whereas on the night of 7 May 2009, five members of the Kuala Lumpur Legal Aid Centre, Fadiah Nadwa binti Fikri (Secretary), Murnie Hidayah binti Anuar, Puspawati binti Rosman, Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal (Chairperson) and Syuhaini binti Safwan (collectively known as the “LAC Lawyers”), in their capacity as Advocates & Solicitors, had requested the police at the Brickfields Police Station for access to the detained persons who were arrested that same night whilst holding a candlelight vigil at the same Police Station over the recent arrest of political scientist Wong Chin Huat.
Whereas Article 5(3) of the Federal Constitution entrenches the fundamental right of a person to consult and be defended by the legal practitioner of his/her choice. Further, sub-sections 28A(2) to (7) of the Criminal Procedure Code (“CPC”) set out in detail the rights of arrested persons including their right to communicate and consult with a legal practitioner of their choice.
Whereas the Police denied the LAC Lawyers access to the detained persons, the Police, without any reasonable grounds, proceeded to arrest the LAC Lawyers and only released them on police bail the following day at around 3 p.m., notwithstanding the repeated requests by other lawyers for their immediate release.
1. Strongly condemns and denounces the wrongful arrest, detention and interrogation of the LAC Lawyers.
2. Strongly condemns and denounces the blatant transgression of the rule of law and the constitutional right of every person to counsel and access to justice.
3. Strongly condemns the unnecessary arrest and detention of those exercising their constitutional right to assemble peaceably.
4. Strongly condemns the arbitrary, improper and frequent resort by the Police to section 28A(8) of the Criminal Procedure Code, thus denying an arrested person access to counsel and making the right provided under section 28A(3) meaningless.
5. Strongly condemns and denounces the appalling treatment of the LAC lawyers and all those held in custody, including compelling them to wear lock up uniforms and unnecessarily handcuffing them.
6. Strongly condemns and denounces the Police for deliberately refusing to disclose to their family or their lawyers any information in relation to the LAC lawyers after their arrest, including their location and their next course of action.
7. Demands the resignation of the Minister for Home Affairs, the Inspector-General of Police, OCPD ACP Wan Abdul Bari bin Wan Abdul Khalid and DSP Jude Pereira of the Brickfields police station over this shameful incident.
8. Condemns the gross abuse of police powers and demands that the Government offer an unconditional apology to the LAC Lawyers.
9. Demands that the Government commit to and uphold the Rule of Law as enshrined in the Federal Constitution.
10. Reiterates its previous calls on the Government to establish the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) in its original form to serve as an independent external oversight mechanism.
11. Demands that the Government uphold and defend the fundamental rights of advocates and solicitors to discharge their responsibilities to their clients in an environment free from threats and intimidation and unhindered by law enforcement agencies.
Proposed by: Ragunath Kesavan
Dated: 8 May 2009
The motion, as amended, was unanimously carried.
Trunnell and his lawyer, Marc Rosenthal, do not claim that Smithfield purposely bred the virus, but rather that its Perote operation, which raises some 1 million pigs annually in close quarters, established the necessary conditions for the virus to arise. If Smithfield had taken better care of its farm, the petition claims, H1N1 might never have been introduced to the world.
"We think that the conditions down there are a recipe for disaster," says Rosenthal. "This type of virus is more likely to evolve and mutate in this much filth and putrescence. It's more than a mere coincidence that the first cases emerged right there in La Gloria, Mexico."
H1N1 Virus: The First Legal Action Targets a Pig Farm
In an initial step toward what could be the first wrongful-death suit of its kind, Texas resident Steven Trunnell has filed a petition against Smithfield Foods, the world's largest pork producer, based in Virginia, and the owner of a massive pig farm in Perote, Mexico, near the village of La Gloria, where the earliest cases of the new H1N1 flu were detected.
Trunnell filed the petition in his home state on behalf of his late wife, Judy Dominguez Trunnell, the 33-year-old special-education teacher who on May 4 became the first U.S. resident to die of H1N1 flu.
In late April, Dominguez Trunnell, who was eight months pregnant, became ill with what would eventually be confirmed as H1N1 flu. While the vast majority of victims of the virus — there have been more than 4,700 probable and confirmed cases in the U.S. — have recovered without complications, Dominguez Trunnell grew sicker, eventually being placed on a ventilator. Early this month Dominguez Trunnell passed away, weeks after her baby daughter was delivered via cesarean section. "She was a fun and caring person," Trunnell tells TIME. "She didn't deserve this."
Trunnell's petition seeks to investigate claims that the H1N1 outbreak began in Smithfield's massive pork operation in La Gloria and that the virus may have been caused in part by the conditions under which the farm operates, which the petition terms "horrifically unsanitary."
"This affected my family," says Trunnell, a paramedic who will now be raising two children on his own. "I need someone to be held accountable for this."
If Trunnell ends up following through with a wrongful-death suit against Smithfield Foods, it will most likely make legal history. No one has ever tried to hold a corporation responsible for the inadvertent creation of an infectious disease. Trunnell and his lawyer, Marc Rosenthal, do not claim that Smithfield purposely bred the virus, but rather that its Perote operation, which raises some 1 million pigs annually in close quarters, established the necessary conditions for the virus to arise. If Smithfield had taken better care of its farm, the petition claims, H1N1 might never have been introduced to the world.
"We think that the conditions down there are a recipe for disaster," says Rosenthal. "This type of virus is more likely to evolve and mutate in this much filth and putrescence. It's more than a mere coincidence that the first cases emerged right there in La Gloria."
The suit will hinge on the fact that the first confirmed case of H1N1 appears to be a 5-year-old Mexican boy from La Gloria who lived not far from the Smithfield pork-farming operation. Local villagers had been complaining about the smell and the vast amounts of manure created by the Smithfield pig farms for some time, and H1N1 infection rates in the community were high. The idea that factory farming — where pigs are packed together closely — could provide a breeding ground for new viruses also has some scientific backing. A recent study by the Pew Charitable Trusts and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found that such operations could increase the risk for transmission of new viruses, including swine and avian flu.
To date, 34 countries have reported 7,520 confirmed cases of H1N1 infection, including 60 deaths in Mexico. In the U.S., the death toll reached four on Friday, and scientists studying the virus say the novel flu virus appears to be about twice as contagious as the regular seasonal flu. Although the "H1N1 virus tends to cause very mild illness in otherwise healthy people," according to a World Health Organization statement on Monday, "the youth of patients with severe or lethal infections is a striking feature of these early outbreaks."
The outbreaks have been a minor catastrophe for pork producers. Though international health officials were quick to assure the public that the disease initially known as swine flu could not be contracted by eating pork, consumption of pig products dropped rapidly in the wake of the virus's spread. "That is our biggest concern — the economic impact of people shying away from eating our product over fear," C. Larry Pope, CEO of Smithfield Foods, told the Richmond Times-Dispatch on May 5. The National Pork Producers Council estimated that between April 24 and May 1 — the most frenzied days of the H1N1 outbreak so far — the disease cost the pork industry $7.2 million a day.
If Trunnell's claim goes forward, Smithfield will face more serious problems. But that's a big if. Scientists are still far from certain where the H1N1 virus originated or how long it may have been circulating in pigs or people (the first human outbreak is thought to have occurred in February). So far, no pigs have been found to be infected with the virus, other than at one farm in Canada on May 2, where the swine were actually infected by a human worker. And on May 14, Smithfield announced that Mexican authorities had completed tests of the company's pigs in Perote and found no evidence of the virus in the swine. (It's not clear what test Mexican authorities used; only blood tests for antibodies can confirm the virus.)
Rosenthal says he doubts the Mexican tests and wants to have the Perote pigs examined by his own experts. Having Smithfield report on the tests "is like the fox guarding the henhouse," he says. If the case goes forward, Trunnell will be suing Smithfield for up to $1 billion, which would include punitive damages, and Rosenthal indicates that he would be open to launching a class action on behalf of other H1N1 victims.
Reached for comment, Smithfield declined to discuss Trunnell's petition.
New viruses have emerged from animals to infect and kill humans for thousands of years, and while today's factory-farming conditions may raise that risk, it will be tough to hold any one corporation responsible. But Steven Trunnell wants to fight. He says that, contrary to early media reports, his wife Judy had no underlying medical complications and was healthy before she contracted H1N1. "She accomplished so many goals, and she was the mother to a 4-year-old," he says. "It was a gross injustice." Viruses, however, have no sense of justice — and no court in the world will be able to change that.
Program 'Retrenchment Helpline' akan disertai oleh pihak adalah seperti berikut:
Tarikh: 16 April 2009 (Sabtu)
Masa : 8.30 pagi-12.30 tengah hari
Tempat: Seperti di bawah
Kerajaan Selangor menyediakan perkhidmatan ini adalah sebagai usaha membantu dari sudut khidmat nasihat dan runding cara kepada pengadu untuk memulihkan keyakinan dalam mencari pekerjaan.
Kaunter klinik kerjaya disambung untuk rakyat Selangor
SHAH ALAM, 15 Mei (Hrkh) - Kerajaan Selangor melalui Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri (UPEN) telah membuat keputusan menyambung program 'Retrenchment Helpline' hingga 30 Mei ini.
Sekretariat Akhbar Kerajaan Negeri Selangor memaklumkan program itu amat berguna kepada semua pihak terutama orang awam yang menghadapi masalah dalam pekerjaan mahupun yang sedang mencari kerja.
Kaunter klinik kerjaya dibuka setiap minggu pada hari Sabtu di setiap Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) di Selangor.
Manakala skuad bantuan pula akan turut sama turun ke kaunter tersebut di pejabat PBT tertentu setiap minggu.
Pada minggu ini, kaunter klinik kerjaya dan retrenchment helpline yang akan sertai oleh pihak adalah seperti berikut:
Tarikh: 16 April 2009 (Sabtu)
Masa : 8.30 pagi-12.30 tengah hari
Tempat :
1- Petaling Jaya - Pejabat Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya.
2- Selayang - Pejabat Majlis Perbandaran Selayang.
3- Klang - Pejabat Majlis Perbandaran Klang.
4- Kajang - Pejabat Majlis Perbandaran Kajang.
Orang ramai yang menghadapi masalah dalam pekerjaan atau diberhentikan kerja, boleh membuat pendaftaran dikaunter tersebut sekitar kawasan masing-masing mengikut PBT yang berdekatan.
Kerajaan Selangor menyediakan perkhidmatan ini adalah sebagai usaha membantu dari sudut khidmat nasihat dan runding cara kepada pengadu untuk memulihkan keyakinan dalam mencari pekerjaan.
Sebarang pertanyaan mengenai perkara ini boleh menghubungi Bahagian Korporat dan Perhubungan Awam di setiap pejabat Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan masing-masing atau urus setia di talian 03-55447113/7114/7121 (urusan waktu pejabat).
mks/Saidah Hairan/harakahdaily
Inilah dilema yang dihadapi: sama ada menjawab soalan yang diajukan oleh pemberita atau setakat menjawab "no comment".
Kesan dari laporan agensi berita Bernama seperti yang tertera di sebelah, hampir semua blog di bawah rumpun BPN (Blogger Pembela Negara) membawa/membuat komen dan ulasan tentang wujudnya politik wang dalam PAS. Contoh di bawah diambil dari pemuda enggang dan disalin oleh beberapa blog lain.
Nak cari ahli untuk mengisi jawatan AJK cawangan, kawasan dan peringkat seterusnya memang agak sukar dalam PAS, "dia tolak dia", hingga orang yang sama terpaksa memikul beberapa jawatan dalam parti.
Membuat kenyataan wujud politik wang dalam pemilihan PAS adalah suatu yang mempunyai implikasi yang sangat besar kepada pergerakan Islam PAS.
Tiada politik wang dalam pemilihan PAS
KUALA LUMPUR, 15 Mei (Hrkh) - Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pemilihan PAS, Dato' Mustafa Ali menafikan berlakunya politik wang dalam pemilihan pimpinan PAS Jun nanti.
Mustafa menegaskan tidak ada sebarang aduan mengenai politik wang diterima.
Isu politik wang, tegas beliau, ditimbulkan hanya bertujuan untuk memecahbelahkan parti.
"Perkara mengenai politik wang ini tidak berbangkit menjelang pemilihan dalam Muktamar PAS Jun nanti.
"Aduan mengenai politik wang juga tidak diterima jadi ia jelas hanya mainan media untuk memecahbelahkan parti," tegas Mustafa.
Mustafa juga meminta ahli-ahli PAS agar tidak terpengaruh dengan mainan media arus perdana yang berniat jahat itu.
Justeru itu, beliau mendesak agar semua pihak berhenti membangkitkan isu politik wang dan tidak membuat kenyataan berdasarkan andaian sahaja.
Isu politik wang menjelang pemilihan pucuk pimpinan PAS menjadi perbualan bila media arus perdana cuba memberikan gambaran PAS turut dijangkiti kegiatan rendah moral itu sama seperti apa yang berlaku dalam Umno.
mks/Irwan Muhammad Zain/harakahdaily
Ulasan berkaitan
Cenangau :Muktamar ke-55 Politik wang Dalam PAS
Seorang pelajar berusia 21 tahun disahkan positif influenza A (H1N1) melalui ujian makmal yang dilakukan pada 15 Mei 2009. Beliau sampai dengan penerbangan MH 091 dari Newark, USA dan tiba di lapangan terbang KLIA pada 7.15
pagi kelmarin. Pelajar berkenaan mengalami demam, sakit tekak dan sakit badan semalam dan dimasukkan ke Hospital Sungai Buloh pada hari yang sama.
Kes pertama selsema babi di Malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR, 15 Mei (Hrkh) - Kementerian Kesihatan hari ini mengesahkan bahawa seorang pelajar berusia 21 tahun menjadi mangsa pertama dijangkiti wabak influenza A (H1N1) atau selesema babi di negara ini
"Kementerian ingin memaklumkan mengenai satu kes yang dimasukkan ke Hospital Sungai Buloh dan telah disahkan positif influenza A (H1N1) melalui ujian makmal yang dilakukan pada 15 Mei 2009," kata Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan, Tan Sri Dr Mohd Ismail Merican yang dipetik daripada laman web.
"Ini merupakan kes yang pertama influenza A (H1N1) dikesan diMalaysia."
Pelajar itu, dipercayai dari Amerika Syarikat pada Rabu lalu, mula mengalami demam, sakit tekak dan sakit badan semalam dan dimasukkan ke Hospital Sungai Buloh pada hari yang sama.
"Beliau telah diberi rawatan antiviral dan berada dalam keadaan stabil," kata Dr Mohd Ismail dalam satu kenyataan di laman web rasmi kementerian berkenaan.
Kementerian Kesihatan telah mengambil tindakan pencegahan dan kawalan termasuk penyiasatan perhubungan mangsa dengan orang lain, termasuk ahli keluarga beliau dan penumpang serta anak kapal penerbangan MH 091 dari Newark, USA yang tiba di lapangan terbang KLIA pada 7.15 pagi kelmarin.
Kementerian juga meminta semua penumpang dan anak kapal pesawat tersebut supaya menghubungi talian 03-8881 0200 atau 03-8881 0300 untuk tindakan susulan.
Menurut kenyataan itu lagi, kementerian meminta semua klinik dan hospital swasta agar sentiasa merujuk segera kes-kes mereka yang baru kembali dari negara yang dilanda wabak tersebut dan mengalami gejala-gejala seperti demam dan salah satu daripada gejala berikut: batuk, susah bernafas, sakit badan, sakit kepala atau sakit tekak ke hospital-hospital rujukan yang telah ditetapkan.
Sehingga jam 12 tengah malam tadi, selain kes di atas, Pusat Tindakan dan Persiapan Krisis (CPRC) kementerian menerima 11 lagi notifikasi kes - enam kes dimasukkan ke wad pengasingan Hospital Sungai Buloh, dua di hospital Seremban dan masing-masing satu kes di hospital Ipoh, Hospital Pulau Pinang dan hospital Kota Bharu bagi tujuan siasatan dan pemerhatian.
15 Mei, 2009 18:56 PM
Kes Influenza A (H1N1) Pertama Malaysia: Rakyat Dinasihat Tidak Panik
PUTRAJAYA, 15 Mei (Bernama) -- Rakyat Malaysia dinasihat tidak panik setelah kes pertama Influenza A (H1N1) dikesan di negara ini melibatkan seorang pelajar lelaki berumur 21 tahun yang baru pulang dari Amerika Syarikat, Rabu lepas.
Pemangku Menteri Kesihatan Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha berkata kementerian telahpun mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga termasuk dengan melakukan kuarantin rumah bagi kesemua lima anggota keluarga pesakit itu, walaupun tiada antara mereka yang menunjukkan sebarang simptom setakat ini.
Beliau berkata mereka yang mempunyai kontak secara terus dengan pesakit itu termasuk kakitangan hospital yang memeriksanya turut diletakkan di bawah pemerhatian.
Kementerian Kesihatan dengan kerjasama Penerbangan Malaysia (MAS) juga sedang menghubungi penumpang-penumpang dalam penerbangan tersebut untuk diperiksa, katanya kepada pemberita di sini hari ini.
Beliau berkata terdapat 199 penumpang dan krew dalam penerbangan tersebut tetapi tidak semua penumpang terbabit berada di negara ini memandangkan ia merupakan penerbangan transit.
Kong, yang merupakan Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan memangku jawatan tersebut kerana Menteri Kesihatan Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai Liow sedang dalam perjalanan ke Geneva, Switzerland, untuk menghadiri Perhimpunan Agung Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO).
Ditanya mengapa virus itu tidak dapat dikesan ketika pemeriksaan dibuat di lapangan terbang sebaliknya hanya dapat dikesan selepas dua hari apabila pelajar itu dimasukkan ke hospital, Kong berkata ia kerana virus itu tidak menyebabkan demam serta-merta.
Video Muzik Hidup Hanya Sementara oleh UNGU
Andaiku tahu oleh UNGU
Andai Ku tahu
Kapan tiba ajalku
Ku akan memohon
Tuhan tolong panjangkan umurku
Andai ku tahu
Kapan tiba masaku
Ku akan memohon
Tuhan jangan kau ambil nyawaku
Aku takut
Akan semua dosa-dosa ku
Aku takut
Dosa yang terus membayangiku
Andai ku tahu
MalaikatMu kan menjemputku
Izinkan aku
Mengucap kata taubat PadaMu
Ampuni aku
Dari segala dosa-dosa ku
Ampuni aku
Menangis ku bertaubat PadaMu
Aku manusia
Yang takut neraka
Namun aku juga
Tak pantas di surga
Andai Ku tahu
Kapan tiba ajalku
Izinkan aku
Mengucap kata taubat PadaMu
Meningitis adalah sejenis penyakit radangan pada selaput sekeliling otak (BRAIN) dan saraf tunjang (SPINAL CORD). Ia boleh membawa kepada septisemia (keracunan darah) seterusnya kematian.
Penyakit meningitis boleh disebabkan oleh bakteria Neisseria meningitidis, pneumococcus, TB, virus dan lain-lain. Penyakit Meningitis berjangkit secara langsung menerusi titisan-rembesan respiratori dari hidung dan tekak orang yang dijangkiti.
Penyakit ini kebanyakkannya berlaku di kalangan kanak-kanak berumur bawah 5 tahun. Ia juga kerap berlaku di kalangan kanak-kanak, remaja dan orang dewasa. Mereka yang mempunyai tahap imuniti yang rendah dan rapat dengan pesakit, pelancong yang melawat ke kawasan endemik di dunia juga mempunyai risiko yang tinggi.
Tanda-tanda dan Gejala
5 %– 10 % adalah pembawa pembawa sihat yang tidak mempunyai gejala. Tanda-tanda dan gejala adalah seperti berikut:
* Sakit kepala yang teruk
* Demam panas
* Loya
* Muntah
* Sakit tengkuk/ ketegangan bahagian leher
* Tidak boleh melihat cahaya
* Ruam
* Tanda-tanda lain seperti mengantuk dan kebingungan (drownsiness & confusion)
* Bayi dan kanak-kanak mempunyai tanda-tanda yang sedikit berbeza dan perlu disyakki bagi mereka yang demam panas. Sila rujuk gambar.
Berlaku Kematian:
* 5 – 15 % kes yang menerima rawatan
* 50% tanpa rawatan
* 20 % di kalangan pesakit yang selamat mengalami masalah saraf termasuk pekak dan lumpuh.
Amalan kesihatan diri yang baik, mengelakkan kesesakan tempat tinggal atau tempat tidur serta ventilasi adalah cara pencegahan yang baik. Penyakit ini berjangkit melalui "close contact" dengan pesakit bukan menular melalui udara.
Pelalian seperti imunisasi ACWY (mencevax) untuk mencegah meningokokal meningitis yang diwajibkan bagi jemaah haji dan umrah, Hiberix bagi bayi dan kanak-kanak dan lain-lain.
Beberapa laporan dan insiden mengenai wabak meningitis
*Orang Ramai Jangan Panik Dengan Wabak Meningitis *Meningitis threat: 35 pupils skipped school *Meningitis: 42 Sedang Dirawat Di Hospital Melaka
*Meningitis: Bilangan Yang Dirawat Di Hospital Melaka Meningkat Kepada 46 Kes
Meningitis: 42 Sedang Dirawat Di Hospital Melaka
PUTRAJAYA, 14 Mei (Bernama) -- Jumlah pelatih Akademi Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) yang sedang dirawat di Hospital Melaka berikutan wabak disyaki meningitis ialah 42 orang, dan 9 daripada mereka dibenarkan pulang petang Khamis.
Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Tan Sri Dr Mohd Ismail Merican berkata daripada 46 kes yang dirawat semalam, lima telah dibenarkan pulang dan pada masa yang sama satu kemasukan baru dari akademi itu.
"Dua kes yang dirawat di Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU) telahpun pulih dan sekarang dirawat di wad isolasi," katanya dalam kenyataan di sini, Khamis.
Beliau berkata beliau telah melakukan lawatan ke Hospital Melaka dan Akademi JPJ berkenaan hari ini, dan mendapati aktiviti kawalan dan pencegahan yang sedang dilaksanakan adalah baik dan teratur.
"Saya yakin dengan kerjasama daripada pihak pengurusan Akademi JPJ, langkah-langkah pencegahan dan kawalan yang sedang dijalankan...kesemua kes (akan) pulih sepenuhnya," katanya.
Mohd Ismail berkata amalan kesihatan diri yang baik, mengelakkan kesesakan tempat tinggal atau tempat tidur, serta ventilasi yang baik adalah cara yang baik untuk mengelak jangkitan meningococal meningitis.
Katanya penduduk dan pelajar di sekitar Akademi JPJ Melaka tidak perlu risau akan risiko jangkitan penyakit ini, kerana ia tidak menular melalui udara.
"Seperti yang telah kami maklumkan, penyakit ini berjangkit melalui "close contact" dengan pesakit," katanya.
Meningitis: Bilangan Yang Dirawat Di Hospital Melaka Meningkat Kepada 46 Kes
PUTRAJAYA, 13 Mei (Bernama) -- Jumlah kes yang membabitkan pelatih Akademi Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) Melaka yang dirawat di Hospital Melaka berikutan wabak disyaki meningitis meningkat kepada 46 kes berbanding 38 kes semalam.
Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Tan Sri Dr Mohd Ismail Merican berkata daripada jumlah itu, dua kes sedang dirawat di Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU) yang dijangka akan dikeluarkan daripada ICU esok dan baki 44 lagi di Wad Isolasi.
"Jumlah 44 orang yang diletakkan di wad isolasi adalah terdiri daripada 39 pelatih, seorang jurulatih, seorang wanita kontak kepada pelatih, dua orang pelatih juru x-ray dan seorang pelatih jururawat, " katanya di dalam kenyataan di sini Rabu.
Pada kejadian 4 Mei lalu, seorang pelatih Akademi JPJ itu meninggal dunia ketika dalam perjalanan ke Hospital Melaka manakala tiga dimasukkan ke ICU dan 85 lagi terpaksa dikuarantin akibat meningitis.
Beliau berkata pasukan perubatan masih diletakkan sepenuh masa di akademi tersebut untuk mengawasi sejumlah 81 pelatih.
"Semua pelatih dan kontak mereka yang sedang dirawat adalah dimaklumkan sedang pulih dan seperti yang telah kami maklumkan sebelum ini, langkah-langkah pencegahan dan kawalan ini akan diteruskan sehingga kesemua kes telah pulih sepenuhnya," katanya.
Dr Mohd Ismail berkata infeksi meningococcal meningitis ini adalah disebabkan oleh kuman bakteria Neisseria meningitidis yang hanya manusia merupakan pembawanya dan jangkitan ini tidak sama atau mempunyai kaitan dengan Nipah encephalitis atau Influenza A (H1N1).
Sehubungan itu, katanya amalan kesihatan diri yang baik, mengelakkan kesesakan tempat tinggal atau tempat tidur serta ventilasi adalah cara pencegahan yang baik.
Orang Ramai Jangan Panik Dengan Wabak Meningitis
SEREMBAN, 14 Mei (Bernama) -- Pengarah Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sembilan Dr Zainal Ariffin Omar meminta orang ramai tidak panik tentang kematian seorang anggota polis di Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar di sini, Khamis yang dikatakan akibat serangan Meningitis.
Katanya, siasatan sedang dijalankan untuk mempastikan sama ada kematian anggota itu akibat penyakit itu.
Beliau turut mengesahkan bahawa jenazah anggota polis terbabit sudah dihantar ke Hospital Kuala Lumpur untuk dibedah siasat.
"Saya boleh sahkan bahawa tidak ada tanda serangan penyakit berbahaya seperti selesema babi di negeri ini buat masa sekarang," katanya kepada pemberita di pejabatnya.
Negeri Sembilan dan seperti negeri-negeri lain sentiasa mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga dan beliau turut menasihatkan agensi keselamatan yang lain seperti bomba dan Jabatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia mengikuti prosedur yang dipersetujui di dalam Pelan Persediaan Pandemik Influenza Kebangsaan (NIPP).
Orang ramai yang berada di Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar heboh pagi tadi apabila mendapat tahu, seorang anggota polis dari negeri ini baru meninggal dunia 'akibat jangkitan wabak Meningitis'.
Kekecohan berlaku selepas mereka melihat kakitangan hospital itu menggunakan penutup muka dan sarung tangan semasa menguruskan jenazah seorang anggota polis yang berasal dari Sabah yang meninggal di hospital itu.
Pengarah Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar Dr Jaafar Che Mat ketika dihubungi Bernama tidak menolak kemungkinan mangsa suspek Meningitis.
Sementara itu seorang kakitangan hospital yang ditemui Bernama memberitahu, pemakaian topeng muka dan sarung tangan itu merupakan prosedur biasa untuk mengelakkan berlakunya kejadian jangkitan wabak itu ke atas dua kakitangan Hospital Melaka baru-baru ini.
Meningitis threat: 35 pupils skipped school
by Kong See Hoh
MALACCA (May 14, 2009): The mask issue of the Chinese primary school in Tiang Dua went up a notch on Wednesday when 35 pupils skipped school a day after the education department banned them from covering up their mouths and noses.
A briefing by health officials to explained the meningitis outbreak at the Road Transport Department Academy located next to the school received lukewarm response from parents.
To placate the anger of parents, some of whom had also came to the school during recess to fetch their children, the department said it is now up to the pupils to decide whether they want to wear masks, the Chinese press reported today.
On Monday, the pupils of SRJK (C) Tiang Dua donned the masks distributed by the school board and parent-teacher association.
On Tuesday, the department raised the ire of parents with a ban on the mask in the school.
The same day, village head Chiang Kwang Woo threatened to call for a boycott of classes.
Although the school said it did not know yet why so many pupils skipped classes, it is learnt that many parents had decided not to send their children to school for safety and health reasons.
Some of the parents left with their children when, on arriving at the school, they were told of the department's directive.
Tiang Dua has 126 primary school pupils, 25 kindergarten pupils and 24 teachers.
With the school separated from the meningitis-hit RTD Academy by just a fence, many parents believe they have reasons to fear for the safety of their children who are attending classes in the school.
Contacted by the press on Wednesday evening, state education director Isa Abu said, "It is up to the parents if they insist that their children wear the face masks".
He explained that the department had earlier issued the directive to avoid causing panic among the public.
The department felt that there was no need for pupils to wear the mask after being given an assurance that meningitis is not air-bourne and would not spread from the academy to the school.
"Why should the pupils wear masks if there is no meningitis threat? (Because) If they do, it would give public the wrong impression that the situation is very serious. "But since parents want their children to wear masks, (I) leave it to them," he said.
Earlier, health officials also assured a dozen parents at the briefing that there is no danger of the meningitis epidemic spreading from the academy to the school.
They said pupils were not encouraged to wear masks but should not be stopped from doing so if that would lessen the fear their parents had.
Nizar telah memfailkan permohonan kepada Mahkamah Rayuan pada pukul 1420 13hb Mei 2009 melalui peguam beliau tetapi Mahkamah
Rayuan Putrajaya telah menetapkan 18hb Mei 2009 untuk mendengar rayuan Nizar bagi mengetepikan keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan pada 12hb Mei 2009 yang membenarkan penangguhan pelaksanaan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi.
Mahkamah Rayuan sementara itu terlalu sibuk sehinggalah 18hb Mei 2009 untuk mendengar kes Nizar (persepsi penulis). Mahkamah Rayuan hanya memerlukan sehari untuk permohonan mendengar kes Zambry dan membuat keputusan. Mungkin dalam kes Nizar mahkamah rayuan perlu masa untuk merujuk kesnya ke peringkat antarabangsa ( Queen Counsel agaknya) atau lebih tinggi dari itu.
Sila ikuti hujah dan afidavit Nizar kepada mahkamah rayuan di bawah ini. Ikuti hujah Zambry kenapa beliau perlu perintah "stay of execution".
Mahkamah dengar rayuan Nizar 18 Mei
KUALA LUMPUR,13 Mei (Hrkh) - Mahkamah Rayuan hari ini menetapkan 18 Mei ini untuk mendengar rayuan Dato' Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin bagi mengetepikan keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan semalam yang membenarkan penangguhan pelaksanaan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi.
Tarikh itu ditetapkan selepas Nizar memfailkan notis usul itu di pejabat Pendaftar Mahkamah Rayuan hari ini melalui firma guaman Tetuan Leong & Tan.
Kelmarin Mahkamah Tinggi memutuskan bahawa Nizar ialah Menteri Besar Perak yang sah.
Turut disertakan bersama notis usul itu ialah sijil supaya kes itu disegerakan.
Bagaimanapun Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan, Dato' Ramly Ali membenarkan Dato' Seri Dr. Zamry Abdul Kadir kekal sebagai Menteri Besar Perak sehingga Mahkamah Rayuan menyelesaikan kes rayuannya terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi semalam yang mengisytiharkan Nizar sebagai Menteri Besar Perak yang sah.
Dalam afidavit sokongannya, Nizar berkata keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan semalam untuk memberikan perintah penggantungan itu kepada Zambry adalah salah dan beliau (Nizar) mengemukakan permohonan untuk membetulkan perkara itu.
Nizar berkata Mahkamah Tinggi telah membuat takrif yang betul terhadap Perkara 16 (6) Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri Perak.
Beliau berkata sekiranya perintah pelaksanaan itu diberikan ia akan merampas haknya serta membuat keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi mengisytiharkannya menteri besar Perak sebagai sia-sia.
Menurutnya perintah yang diperoleh Zambry itu akan mengganggu pelaksanaan secara lancar dan baik pentadbiran kerajaan negeri Perak selaras dengan peruntukan Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri Perak.
Nizar juga berkata perintah berkenaan akan mengelirukan rakyat negeri itu mengenai siapakah menteri besar yang sah serta menjadikan keadaan politik lebih tegang dan krisis perlembagaan lebih mendalam.
Court of Appeal to hear Nizar's application on Monday
S. Tamarai Chelvi and Giam Say Khoon
PUTRAJAYA (May 13, 2009) : The Court of Appeal will hear on Monday Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin's application to set aside a stay of execution order on the High Court decision declaring him the rightful mentri besar of Perak.
Nizar's application was filed at the Court of Appeal registry at 2.20pm today through his lawyers Messrs Leong and Tan.
He is seeking to set aside the stay of execution order granted to Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir by Court of Appeal judge Datuk Ramli Ali yesterday. Alternatively, Nizar wants the court to vary the stay order to include conditional terms, which are deemed fit and proper.
In his application, Nizar said a stay of execution order cannot be granted for declatory orders. He said special circumstances are in favour of him, for the court not to grant the stay order.
He also said there is no prejudice against Zambry if the stay order is not granted or not continued further.
In a supporting affidavit filed with the notice of motion, he said the Court of Appeal judge has erred in granting the stay order and the application was filed to correct the matter.
Nizar said that before May 11, 2009, he had never applied for any stay of execution order against Zambry as Nizar did not want to cause political instability and constitutional crisis in Perak to become even worse.
He said he waited for the High Court proceedings as usual and intended to respect the process and the decision of the High Court.
He said if the stay was granted it will;
> take away his rights and the High Court order which he had been waiting will become ineffective;
> disrupt and prevent the administration of Perak to be executed smoothly and in accordance with law;
> substantively, Zambry will carry out his responsibility, duties and functions illegally
> confuse the people as to who is the Mentri Besar as the High Court judgement stated that he is the MB
> confuse the Perak state government's officers and third parties as to the real status of the MB and his Exco members
> could cause political instabililty and constitutional crisis to become deeper
> cause undesirable emotions among the people as Nizar had been informed that the people had accepted the High Court decision well.
He added that the MB's post is to serve the people and that the post is "an office of trust", which means the MB is holding the trust for the people.
Nizar said the post does not belong to anyone personally and that Zambry or himself do not have personal rights on the post.
He said there is no prejudice towards Zambry if the stay is not given but if it was given it will be prejudice towards him.
Meanwhile, in Ipoh, state DAP chairman Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham said Zambry must not continue to present himself as the Mentri Besar because it is a contempt of court as the High Court had ruled that Mohammad Nizar is the rightful Mentri Besar.
In a statement, he said that although the Court of Appeal had granted Zambry a stay of execution, "it is without a doubt that until the High Court judgment is reversed by the Court of Appeal, Zambry remains an illegally appointed Mentri Besar".
He said a stay order merely gave one an opportunity to get the opinion of a higher court before the judgment of the lower court can be enforced.
Ngeh, who is a practising lawyer, said Zambry should not and cannot exercise the powers and the privileges of Mentri Besar, including going back to occupy the office of the Mentri Besar.
"Zambry also has no power to reinstate the state secretary and state legal adviser, who were suspended by the Pakatan Rakyat state government through its exco meeting on the night of May 11 (before the stay order was granted to Zambry)," he said.
Ngeh also said the statement by Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan that action cannot be taken by the state government against the state secretary and the state legal adviser was legally flawed.
"The state secretary and the state legal adviser are federal officers appointed by the Public Service Commission and the Judicial and Legal Service Commission, respectively, but when they are seconded to the state government, it has the authority over them as their employer," he said.
"Therefore, when they acted against the interest of the state government, they can be suspended from their duties pending formal complaints being lodged against them with the Public Service Commission and the Judicial and Legal Service Commission, respectively, and be dealt with under the Public Officers (Conduct and Discipline) Regulations 1993.
"Any other interpretation will mean that federal officers can lord over the state governments with impunity. Therefore, the Pakatan Rakyat state government has acted within what is permitted in law."
Zambry's adviser and Gerakan deputy president Datuk Chang Ko Youn argued that when the Court of Appeal granted the stay "everything must remain status quo".
He said the reason for the Court of Appeal to grant the stay order was the state could not afford to have a vaccum and that there must be someone to head the government.
"The situation will remain status quo until the Court of Appeal decides whether to uphold the decision of the High Court or not," he said.
Barisan Nasional state speaker Datuk R. Ganesan said the removal of PR Speaker V. Sivakumar at the state assembly sitting last Thursday was "undoubtedly legal".
He said that when a motion was moved against the Speaker, he must not decide on the motion because he was the interested party and it was against the natural rule of justice.
Since Sivakumar could not rule on the motion, it was "natural" for Deputy Speaker Hee Yit Foong to replace him, "which had been done correctly and (with) the support of 31 assemblymen, they elected me (as the Speaker)".
"How could they say I am not the rightful Speaker? It was legally done and I have no doubt about it."
Ganesan also said he did not mention he was going to call for an emergency sitting of the assembly.
"We respect the decision of the High Court and I will leave it to the BN leadership to proceed with whatever action necessary," he said.
Tahniah dan Tahmid buat Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah yang telah selamat menjalani pembedahan injap jantung.
Takziah dan Innalillahi wainna ilaihi raaji'un buat Sultan Perak Sultan Azlan Shah serta kerabat diraja kerana pulang ke Rahmatulllah Raja Datuk Seri Baharom Almarhum Sultan Yusuff Izzuddin Shah.
Sultan Selangor Dibenar Keluar Hospital
KUALA LUMPUR, 12 Mei (Bernama) -- Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah dibenarkan keluar daripada Pusat Perubatan Stanford University di Palo Alto, California, pada Isnin selepas menjalani pembedahan injap jantung di situ pada 2 Mei lepas.
Doktor peribadi baginda, Datuk Dr Anuar Masduki, memberitahu Bernama bahawa Sultan Sharafuddin akan menjalani rawatan pemulihan di bawah penyeliaan pakar pusat perubatan itu.
Baginda juga akan menjalani rawatan susulan oleh Dr Craig Miller yang telah menjalankan pembedahan itu.
Selain Dr Anuar, baginda turut diiringi ke California oleh adinda baginda, Tengku Ahmad Shah, Datuk Pengelola Bijaya Diraja kepada Sultan, Datuk Zakaria Abdul Rahman dan Ahli Dewan Diraja Selangor Tan Sri Syed Mohd Yusof Tun Syed Nasir selain pembantu peribadi Kelvin Ong.
Kekanda Sultan Perak Meninggal Dunia
IPOH, 13 Mei (Bernama) -- Kekanda sulung Sultan Perak, Raja Datuk Seri Baharom Almarhum Sultan Yusuff Izzuddin Shah meninggal dunia di kediaman beliau di Taman Canning sini hari ini.
Allahyarham yang berusia 83 tahun meninggal dunia kerana sakit tua pada pukul 10.45 pagi ini.
Sultan Perak Sultan Azlan Shah serta kerabat diraja lain berangkat menziarah jenazah Allahyarham tengah hari ini.
Jurucakap Istana Kinta berkata jenazah Allahyarham dijadual dikebumikan pada pukul 9 pagi esok di Tanah Perkuburan Islam Sekedup, Batu Gajah bersebelahan makam bondanya Toh Puan Dewangsa Khadijah Ahmad.
Jangan dibakulsampahkan sahaja konsep "Keluhuran Perlembagaan" serta "Kedaulatan Undang-undang" jika sudah tidak mahu melaksanakan serta menghormatinya, perlu dihumbankan ke dalam lautan.
Zambry diingatkan tidak tambah kekalutan di Perak
Dato' Dr Zambry Abd Kadir diminta supaya tidak menambahkan lagi kebuntuan dan kekalutan yang dihadapi rakyat Perak.
Ketua Penerangan PAS Pusat, Dato' Mahfuz Omar dalam satu kenyataan kepada Harakahdaily menegaskan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur masih sah dan tidak seharusnya Zambry bertindak berlawanan dengan keputusan tersebut.
"Mahkamah Rayuan hanya menangguhkan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi bukannya membatalkan.
"Kerana itu Zambry harus ingat bahawa dia bukanlah Menteri Besar yang sah dan untuk itu beliau tidak boleh bertindak di luar dari apa yang diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi," tegas Mahfuz.
Zambry, tegas Mahfuz dalam keadaan sekarang tidak boleh meluluskan sebarang projek dan hanya boleh mempengerusikan mesyuarat exco untuk berbincang soal pentadbiran semata-mata.
Mahfuz dalam masa yang sama berpendapat Mahkamah Rayuan sepatutnya memberikan syarat tertentu kepada Zambry bila memutuskan untuk menerima permohonan menangguhkan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur.
Antara syarat yang boleh diberikan tegas Mahfuz, Zambry tidak dibenarkan melakukan apa-apa yang bertentangan dengan keputusan yang telah dibuat oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur.
Beliau menegaskan, PAS bimbang jika syarat seperti itu tidak diberikan, Zambry akan membuat keputusan yang boleh memberi kesan kepada kewangan Perak.
Semalam Mahkamah Rayuan membenarkan permohonan Zambry untuk menangguhkan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur 11 Mei lepas yang mengisytiharkan Dato' Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin sebagai menteri besar Perak yang sah.
Penangguhan keputusan mahkamah itu diberikan sementara menunggu selesai rayuan yang dikemukakan oleh Zambry berhubung perkara tersebut.
mks/Irwan Muhammad Zain/harakahdaily
1. Malaysia telah telah mengeluarkan nasihat khas perjalanan termasuk suntikan demam bermusim ke negara Amerika Syarikat (AS), Mexico, Kanada, Sepanyol dan Britain. Ini kerana 96.8 peratus kes penyakit A(H1N1) yang dilaporkan berpunca dari kelima-lima negara berkenaan.
2. Malaysia juga telah mengharamkan import daging babi dari Kanada.
3. Negara jiran sebelah utara (Thailand) telah melaporkan dua kes penyakit A(H1N1) dan kedua-dua mangsa didapati baru pulang dari Mexico sementara rakan mereka seramai 10 orang kini dalam pemantauan.
4. Thailand kini memiliki stokpenimbal 1.32 juta tablet anti-flu oseltamivir
Malaysia Keluar Nasihat Perjalanan Mengenai Influenza A(H1N1)
KUALA LUMPUR, 12 Mei (Bernama) -- Kementerian Luar Selasa mengeluarkan satu nasihat perjalanan sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga kepada semua rakyat Malaysia yang melawat lima negara, Amerika Syarikat (AS), Mexico, Kanada, Sepanyol dan Britain.
Ia menyatakan bahawa 96.8 peratus kes yang dilaporkan berpunca dari kelima-lima negara berkenaan.
Nasihat perjalanan itu juga menggesa rakyat Malaysia menangguhkan perjalanan ke tempat di mana virus tersebut telah melanda dengan teruk seperti Illinois, Wisconsin dan California di Amerika Syarikat.
Bagi perjalanan ke luar negara yang tidak dapat dielakkan, mereka hendaklah merujuk kepada doktor untuk mendapatkan suntikan demam bermusim.
Nasihat perjalanan itu menggariskan keperluan untuk mendapatkan maklumat terkini jika ada wabak atau kes baru influenza itu di destinasi berkenaan.
Ia juga menasihatkan agar mengelakkan diri daripada bersentuhan dengan mereka yang dijangkiti virus itu.
Bagi suspek influenza, mereka diperlukan agar mengelak diri daripada bersentuhan dengan yang lain sebaik mungkin dan tinggal di rumah atau di bilik hotel dan hubungi pihak berkuasa kesihatan tempatan dengan segera.
Thailand confirms 2 cases of swine flu
By AMBIKA AHUJA,Associated Press Writer - Wednesday, May 13
BANGKOK – Thailand announced Tuesday its first confirmed cases of swine flu in two people who recently returned from Mexico and have recovered from the illness.
Health Minister Witthaya Keawparadai declined to disclose the identities of the patients, citing doctor-patient confidentiality and the fact that their conditions had improved.
"The two patients have received a full dose of antiviral medicine and have returned to live normal lives," Witthaya said. "There is no outbreak in Thailand."
The cases in Thailand also marked the official arrival of swine flu in Southeast Asia. Other countries on the continent have reported cases, including China, Japan and South Korea.
Following the confirmation, Witthaya said the country's public health officials will step up surveillance by setting up more thermal scanners at airports and border checkpoints.
"We will have to be even more vigilant," he said. "We will also make sure our mobile medical teams are ready to be dispatched in case there is a case and to check on those who had possible contact with patients."
Witthaya said one of the patients had a fever upon returning from Mexico and the other developed a temperature three days after getting back to Thailand, declining to say when that was.
Authorities have contacted passengers who traveled on the same flight as the two patients and "no one has presented any symptoms," said Kumnuan Ungchusak, an official at Thailand's Department of Communicable Disease Control.
Health authorities sent samples from both patients last week to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control for final testing, Witthaya said.
Authorities have also monitored eight people close to both patients for a week and none registered any symptoms, Witthaya said. He said an additional 10 people in Thailand were being monitored for swine flu.
Fourteen Thais who returned from an exchange program in Mexico earlier this month were taken to a hospital for observation. All tested negative.
Kumnuan said Thailand has a stockpile of 1.32 million tablets of the anti-flu medicine oseltamivir, and the Health Ministry is expected to buy more raw materials to locally produce at least another 2 million tablets.
FACTBOX: Countries slap bans on pork after flu outbreak
(Reuters) - Fears about a global outbreak of a new strain of flu has prompted some countries to ban pork from countries reporting human cases, even though officials have said there is no risk of spreading the virus by eating pork.
Here is a list of current restrictions on U.S. and Canadian pork and meat:
* Russia - all raw meat (including beef and poultry) from California, Texas, New York, South Carolina; all pork from Arizona, Delaware, Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio
* China - pork and swine from 38 states, including California, Texas, Kansas, New York, Ohio, Arizona, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, South Carolina, Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, Virginia, Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, Wisconsin, Georgia and Maine
* South Korea - live swine, but not pork
* Kazakhstan - pork from Texas, California, Kansas
* Uzbekistan - all pork
* Kyrgyzstan - all meat
* Azerbaijan - all pork
* Ukraine - swine, all pork and all products including pet food
* Macedonia - swine
* Serbia - raw pork and swine
* Croatia - pork and swine
* Thailand - pork, swine, swine genetics, hides and skins
* Indonesia - all pork
* Saint Lucia - pork, swine and pig semen
* Ecuador - swine and pork
SOURCES: U.S. Trade Representative, U.S. Agriculture Department
* Armenia - swine, pork, certain feed ingredients and genetics
* Azerbaijan - ban on all meat
* China - swine and pork from Alberta
* Croatia - swine, pork and genetics
* Honduras - pork
* Indonesia - pork
* Lebanon - pork
* Malaysia - swine and pork
* Philippines - pork
* Russia - swine and pork from Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Nova Scotia
* South Korea - swine
* Thailand - swine, pork and genetics
* Ukraine - swine and pork
* Venezuela - swine and pork
SOURCE: Canadian Food Inspection Agency
(Reporting by Roberta Rampton and Rod Nickel; editing by Jim Marshall and Andre Grenon)
For the convenience of the readers, we have included three reports and interviews by the staff of sun2surf, The Malaysian Insider and MP cum blogger Jeff Ooi as to the legality of Zambry deeds and actions as for example, signing official documents, whilst "acting" and "usurping" as the Menteri Besar Of Perak.
The issue is real and was brought up by the Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry president Datuk Lim Kok Cheong , who is also the deputy president of the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
Nizar was declared the rightful mentri besar by the Kuala Lumpur High Court on Monday.
On Monday, High Court (Appellate and Special Powers) judge Justice Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim had granted a declaratory relief to Nizar that he is still and was mentri besar at all material times.
The court, which issued a declaratory relief that Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir had no right to occupy the office of Perak Mentri Besar, also ordered him to show cause and give information under what policy, power or authority he allegedly held office and exercised the responsibilities, functions and duties as mentri besar.
Perak crisis: Stay of execution grantedNizar: I am still MB
By Shannon Teoh
IPOH, May 12 - Perak continues to be in a state of confusion as Pakatan Rakyat's (PR) Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin maintained today he was still the legitimate mentri besar despite a Court of Appeal decision this morning which granted a stay on a High Court declaration yesterday.
While stating that the stay of execution raised more questions than answers, Nizar suggested that the only logical conclusion was that he was still mentri besar.
Barisan Nasional's (BN) Datuk Seri Zambry Abd Kadir had earlier claimed he was now the rightful MB after the court had granted him a stay pending his appeal on the decision by the High Court yesterday that Nizar was and is the MB.
But at a press conference this evening with two lawyers, Nizar's counsel Leong Cheok Keng and one of his state executive councillors Thomas Su, Nizar insisted that despite the stay, his government was still legitimate.
Su had said that while PR accepted the decision of the Court of Appeal, they were unsure as to what it really meant.
But Nizar reasoned that as the stay did not mean that Zambry had been affirmed as MB nor was it possible for there to be no MB, the only option left was that he remained the rightful mentri besar.
"Since I was sworn in on March 12, 2008, I have been the mentri besar until now," Nizar said.
"The High Court ruling was not an order to act which can be stopped by staying it. It is not like paying damages where you can halt the payment until a decision has been made," explained Leong.
"This is a declaration that Nizar has been the legitimate MB all this while. How can you temporarily vacate him from office?" he added.
Leong also said that he has never come across a stay of execution over a declaration, something which High Court Judge Datuk Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim had also expressed after delivering his verdict yesterday.
"It is impossible not to have a mentri besar at any point of time. There cannot be a gap," Nizar added.
Su insisted that Zambry could not be MB as the stay did not overturn the High Court's ruling, and hence, this meant that Nizar was still the mentri besar.
The Malaysian Insider
Poser: Are documents signed by Zambry the last two months legal?
by Kong See Hoh
KUALA LUMPUR: (May 12, 2009) : Are all documents signed by Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir during the last two months when BN was governing Perak legal?
Raising the poser yesterday was Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry president Datuk Lim Kok Cheong in the light of the High Court declarion yesterday that Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin is Perak's rightful Mentri Besar.
"Zambry can appeal the court decision but while pending a decision on the appeal, can Nizar and his exco members perform their official duties?" he asked.
He said questions such as this will crop up which may lead to more court cases, which cannot be resolved by dissolving the state assembly, he said.
Speaking to Sin Chew Daily after the High Court in Kuala Lumpur ruled yesterday that Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin is the rightful Perak Mentri Besar, Lim said Pakatan Rakyat (PR) and Barisan Nasional (BN) should sit down to talk about how they can cooperate to improve the state's economy.
Lim, who is also the deputy president of the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, said since Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak has stated BN is willing to cooperate with PR, the two sides should leave their political tussle to the next general election and focus their energy and attention on improving the state's economy now.
Zambry back as MB
S. Tamarai Chelvi and Giam Say Khoon
PUTRAJAYA (MAy 12, 2009) : Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin clocked in as the Mentri Besar of Perak this morning following a High Court order declaring him the rightful chief executive of the state, but by afternoon, the seat went back to Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir.
This is because the Court of Appeal today granted an urgent application by Barisan Nasional mentri besar Zambry for a stay of execution of the High Court order made on Monday afternoon that Pakatan Rakyat's Mohammad Nizar is the rightful Mentri Besar, pending an appeal of the decision.
This means Nizar's position is now back to his position before 3.30pm on Monday, when the High Court decision was delivered.
In granting the stay of High Court judge Datuk Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim's order, Justice Datuk Ramli Ali said the case is unique as it does not only involve Nizar and Zambry alone, but the whole state.
He said the court has the jurisdiction to grant a stay order on declaratory orders.
"The court is satisfied that there are special circumstances in this case. Stay is granted," said Ramli, adding that the court will fix an early date to hear Zambry's appeal.
After the decision, Nizar's lawyer, Sulaiman Abdullah, asked whether the judge will be imposing any terms (conditions) but the judge said he would not.
Lawyer Ranjit Singh, who also represents Nizar, said they will file an application to set aside the stay order, before a panel of three judges of Court of Appeal, on an urgency basis.
Earlier, Sulaiman said "the best solution for this problem" is to fix an early date to hear the appeal.
He said Zambry should have gone back to the High Court for a stay order as in earlier attempts in the case, the Federal Court had ordered the case to go back to the High Court.
(On Monday, the High Court judge had asked the lawyers to put in written application for him to hear.)
Zambry's lawyer Datuk Cecil Abraham earlier told the court that if a stay is not granted, the "status quo" will be changed pending the appeal. He said if the Court of Appeal does not grant a stay, a dissolution can take place for fresh election.
Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, who is an intervenor in the case, said if Nizar is asking for a dissolution of the assembly now, it has to be due to loss of confidence of the majority.
"If he goes to back to the State Legislative Assembly, what will happen? Thirty Barisan Nasional supporters will say we don't support you," said Gani, adding that Nizar will be asking for a dissolution. "Either way, If the Sultan of Perak says 'No', he has to go back to the Assembly."
Gani said the matter has to be settled "once and for all" and that the state cannot have changes "like flips of a coin" every few months.
> Zambry's response:
Zambry told reporters at the Umno headquarters in Ipoh he would continue his job as the Mentri Besar until the legal process is completed.
"It may look messy for the people but it was Mohammad Nizar who challenged my status as the MB. I hope the people can understand as I understand the public views but this is a legal process we must respect."
Zambry said BN has abided by the law and vacated the MB's office once the High Court made its decision,
"For me (after the High Court's decision on Monday), I did not go to the office or seek an audience with the Ruler although we (including the executive councillors) were invited to the palace to attend the investiture ceremony in Kuala Kangsar and I had ordered all to leave the office."
Asked for his opinion on Mohammad Nizar's official request to seek an audience with the Ruler, which was sent this morning, Zambry said when the Court decides, whatever happened before that was no longer valid.
On the status of the state assembly sitting on May 7, which was branded by Perak DAP chairman Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham as illegal, Zambry said the opposition could call him the illegitimate MB but the right to call for a sitting lies with the Ruler, not with the Mentri Besar.
Asked if BN will call for an emergency sitting to pass a motion of no-confidence against Mohammad Nizar, Zambry said it was premature to talk about this.
Zambry has also lifted Nizar's order to suspend State Secretary Datuk Abdul Rahman Hashim and state legal adviser Datuk Ahmad Kamal Shahid.
> Nizar's response:
"Whatever court action, we need to sincerely stop the impasse. The only remedial action that can stop this impasse is a dissolution of the assembly."
Mohammad Nizar reached his office with his executive councillors, which was heavily guarded by the Federal Reserved Unit at 7.30am, and left 20 minutes later for Kuala Kangsar to attend the investiture ceremony at the palace.
He returned to the state secretariat around 1.30pm and vacated his office at 2.35pm.
Earlier, Ngeh, who represented Mohammad Nizar to hold a press conference at the MB office, said while the legal process can go up to the Federal Court, such a prolonged impasse will not do any good for the people and the best solution is to hold fresh elections.

So, what does the 'stay of execution' order mean when the Court did not fix the date for hearing of Zambry's appeal over yesterday's High Court ruling?
Or rather, what doesn't the court order mean in terms of implications?
* It doesn't mean that the Court of Appeal has overturned the High Court's ruling yesterday that Nizar is, and was, the rightful MB at all material time.
* It doesn't mean that Nizar has exhausted his options, including his right to appeal to a three-man bench of the Court of Appeal to set aside this court’s stay order.
* It doesn't mean that the Sultan cannot consent to Nizar's request to dissolve the state assembly to call for fresh state-wide election.
* It doesn't mean that the decision of the Court of Appeal is final recourse for Nizar and/or Zambry. The Federal Court awaits.
On the other hand, the decision made by the Court of Appeal may create another miscarriage of natural justice:
1. The stay order will allow the “person found by the High Court to be the usurper" of authority to continue his office.
2. The stay order will enable Zambry to initiate a motion of no-confidence against Nizar and the court can later say the case is academic as Nizar is no longer mentri besar.