KEBERSIHAN tanggungjawab bersama
Faktor penting yang mesti diutamakan ialah kebersihan. Ia boleh mencegah penyakit yang menyusahkan, merugikan masa dan perbelanjaan rawatan serta boleh mengancam nyawa.
Tabiat menjaga kebersihan mesti dipupuk.
Gotong royong ini bertujuan menyuntikkan semangat kebersamaan dan rasa tanggungjawab kolektif terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat.
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Najib Tidak Mengesahkan Nasib MH370 pada Sidang Akhbar Hari Ini
PM tidak sahkan MH370 dirampas, misi diteruskan ke dua koridor baru

Bomoh (SHAMAN) MH370 : Ibrahim Mat Zin sepintas lalu
Wahai kaumku, mohonlah kepada Pencipta kalian agar mengampuni segala dosa. Lalu, kembalilah kalian kepada-Nya. Sesungguhnya jika kalian melakukan hal itu, Dia akan mengaruniakan hujan deras berturut-turut sehingga kalian akan memperoleh kebaikan yang semakin banyak. Dan Dia pun akan menambah kekuatan yang ada pada kalian, yang kalian bangga-banggakan itu! Janganlah kalian berpaling dari seruannya dengan terus melakukan kejahatan yang mengantarkan kalian pada kehancuran."Hud 52
Sumber Rujukan:
(1) Al Quran Al Karim
(2) Majalah al Ustaz
In the midst of anger, suspense, desperation, depression spreading fast amongst the relatives and friends of passengers and crews of MAS AIRLINES MH370, it is understandable that many people will resort to all kind of ways to vent their anger or emotional turmoils that they are going through to undergo this trying time.
Tears are common and very understandable and even acceptable. Harsh words may spring from uncontrollable emotions.
The opportunistic may show their 'uncalled for talents' to obtain popularity from the ready and hopeful crowd.
Sanity is difficult in those circumstances except to those who have trained themselves to self discipline, big picture thinking,crisis management skills, people handling,communication and interaction skills and most importantly FAITH IN THE ALMIGHTY.
Convinced that if He wills so be it! Kun fa yakun!
Thus. self retraint during the most difficult times is testimony to a person's character. Putting 'mouth brakes' when provoked to scream his head off and utter the most embarassing words and display uncivilzed actions needs hands-on practice. It doesn't come with ease. With practice insya Allah.
So, the mystery surrounding the fate of MH370 is a real test of man's Spiritual Quotient, Physical(technology) Quotient, Intellectual Quotient, Emotional Quotient and Social Quotient(social responsibility-beyond self) or S.P.I.E.S QUOTIENT.
Krisis MH370 Beri Gambaran Pimpinan Negara Kita
malaysian Insider/admin
Ketidakselarasan dan ketidakcekapan dalam mengendalikan insiden kehilangan pesawat MH370 menunjukkan bahawa lebih 50 tahun mengamalkan kawalan ketat ke atas maklumat adalah tidak sesuai bagi Malaysia dalam mengendalikan krisis yang kini sedang diikuti seluruh dunia, lapor Bloomberg hari ini.
Ia berkata, China mengesa Malaysia supaya lebih telus dengan “tindakan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak menjadikan sepupunya, Pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, individu bertanggungjawab terhadap siasatan” mengapa pesawat milik Malaysia Airlines (MAS) hilang pada 8 Mac.
Pesawat Boeing 777- 200ER dalam perjalanan ke Beijing dengan 239 orang penumpang apabila ia hilang. Penyiasat dari sekurang-kurangnya sembilan negara masih berusaha mencarinya.
"Mereka mengendalikan isu global yang besar seolah-olah ia adalah politik domestik," kata Prof Emeritus Clive Kessler, ahli Sosiologi dan Antropologi di University of New South Wales di Sydney, yang menganalisis politik negara selama setengah abad .
“Dengan punca kehilangan masih tidak diketahui anda boleh memahami keperluan mengekalkan budi bicara dan sikap berhati-hati tetapi ia dilihat sebagai usaha menyembunyikan kebenaran sama ada di Malaysia dan tempat lain di rantau."
"Pentadbiran Najib sedang menghantar mesej rakyat harus membiarkan ‘kerajaan memberitahu mereka apa yang mereka perlu tahu, bila mereka perlu tahu, dan bukan sebelum itu’,” kata Kessler.
"Itulah cara mereka bertindak sejak sekian lama dan mereka mula menyedari ia tidak lagi berkesan. "
"Hanya pada beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini terdapat gerakan ke arah pilihan raya lebih kompetitif, di beberapa daerah , yang memberi kelebihan untuk bercakap secara terbuka.
"Kerajaan kurang dalam memberi mesej yang jelas, diburukkan lagi dengan beberapa petunjuk palsu mengenai lokasi pesawat berada dan persoalan mengenai penyelarasan, memberi risiko imejnya di peringkat antarabangsa," kata laporan itu.
Kebanyakan akhbar dan rangkaian televisyen di Malaysia dikawal oleh kerajaan secara langsung atau tidak langsung.
Dan Najib, 60, masih belum membuat sebarang usaha untuk menggantikan Akta Hasutan dengan undang-undang yang akan melindungi kebebasan bersuara dan dalam masa yang sama menghalang hasutan terhadap kebencian agama atau etnik, kata agensi berita itu.
Undang-undang yang diwujudkan sejak 1948 semasa Malaysia berada di bawah kawalan British, mengenakan hukuman penjara sekurang-kurangnya tiga tahun bagi perkataan dianggap menghasut, termasuk "membangkitkan rasa tidak puas hati" terhadap kerajaan.
MAS, sebuah syarikat di bawah kawalan kerajaan dalam satu kenyataan semalam berkata akan "terus bersikap telus dalam berkomunikasi dengan masyarakat umum melalui media" berhubung semua perkara yang melibatkan pesawat MH370.
Pencarian besar-besaran terhadap kehilangan pesawat itu tidak banyak yang boleh dilakukan dengan tiadanya panggilan atau isyarat kecemasan, cuaca buruk atau tanda lain mengapa pesawat itu boleh lenyap begitu sahaja pada fasa yang paling selamat sesuatu penerbangan.
Rondaan udara untuk hari kelima dengan pesawat dan kapal memenuhi kedua-dua belah perairan Semenanjung Malaysia selepas gagal mencari serpihan sepanjang laluan jet .
Penemuan dua penumpang menaiki penerbangan yang hilang menggunakan pasport curi menimbulkan kebimbangan mengenai tahap keselamatan imigresen Malaysia, kata laporan Bloomberg .
"Pihak Malaysia tidak boleh mengelak daripada tanggungjawabnya," kata Global Times, sebuah akhbar yang dikawal kerajaan Cina dalam ruangan editorial pada 10 Mac.
"Tindakan awal Malaysia tidak cukup pantas. Terdapat kelemahan dalam tugas MAS dan pihak berkuasa keselamatan."
Berhadapan dengan tekanan daripada keluarga 153 warga China yang menaiki pesawat, jurucakap Kementerian Luar China, Qin Gang untuk hari kedua semalam menyedari kekurang kemajuan dalam operasi mencari Boeing Co 777-200.
"Kami sekali lagi meminta dan menggesa pihak Malaysia meningkat dan mengukuhkan usaha menyelamat dan mencari," Qin kepada pemberita di Beijing.
"Kerajaan China juga berhadapan dengan banyak tekanan," kata Xu Liping, fellow kanan di Institut Strategi Antarabangsa, Akademi Sains Sosial China di Beijing. Rakyat biasa di China berasa siasatan "tidak dilakukan secara profesional. "
Hubungan antara Malaysia dan China mungkin tidak akan terjejas, dia berkata , memetik perbualan telefon antara Perdana Menteri China Li Keqiang dan Najib pada 8 Mac mengenai kehilangan pesawat. "Bahagian ini tiada sebarang halangan."
China menyumbang RM8.262 bilion eksport Malaysia pada bulan Januari, jumlah kedua terbesar selepas Singapura. Malaysia meluluskan ASS$920 juta pelaburan asing dari China dalam sektor pembuatan pada 2013, meningkat daripada AS$646 juta tahun sebelumnya, mengikut laporan Lembaga Pembangunan Pelaburan Malaysia .
Kerajaan Najib mempunyai rancangan 10 tahun berjumlah RM1.4 trilion 10 tahun untuk membina jalan raya, pelabuhan dan kilang utiliti untuk menjadikan status Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara maju pada 2020.
Difahamkan Najib tidak mahu isu berprofil tinggi dalam situasi seperti ini mencemarkan personaliti berhati-hati beliau, menurut Joseph Liow, dekan bersekutu di S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies di Singapura.
"Beliau bukan jenis individu yang akan berhadapan dengan kamera tanpa ada sebarang kemajuan substantif dalam penyiasatan itu,” beliau dipetik sebagai berkata oleh Bloomberg.
"Hisham sangat berbeza daripada sepupunya. Dia seseorang yang tidak tidak selesa dengan perhatian," katanya merujuk kepada Hishammuddin.
Hishammuddin, 52, menjadi pemangku menteri sejak pilihan raya umum Mei lalu. Beliau tidak memegang jawatan itu secara rasmi kerana terdapatnya gabungan dalaman yang menganggap ia dimiliki oleh parti tertentu dalam kabinet.
Pemimpin Asia yang lain berhadapan dengan persoalan kerana tidak bertindak balas terhadap krisis serta-merta. Presiden Filipina Benigno Aquino dikritik kerana mengambil masa dua hari melawat mangsa Taufan Super Haiyan tahun lepas.
Begitu juga bekas Perdana Menteri China, Wen Jiabao, apabila mengambil masa lebih dua minggu untuk melawat tapak ribut salji terburuk di negara itu dalam tempoh 50 tahun pada 2008.
Di Amerika Syarikat, Presiden George W. Bush dikritik kerana cara beliau mengendalikan kerosakan yang disebabkan taufan Katrina pada 2005 selepas beliau tetap meneruskan percutian di saat New Orleans ditenggelami air.
Beliau memendekan percutiannya sebanyak dua hari untuk meninjau kerosakan dari udara, yang merupakan "kesilapan besar " kerana ia membuatkan beliau kelihatan "asing dan bersikap tidak peduli. "
Najib perlu memastikan rakyat Malaysia dan masyarakat antarabangsa bahawa kerajaannya sedang melakukan segala yang termampu, kata Vishnu Varathan, seorang pakar ekonomi di Mizuho Bank Ltd, Singapura.
"Apa yang boleh dilakukan adalah perdana menteri mewakilkan setiausaha pengangkutan untuk mencari pesawat dan melantik seorang lagi individu bertanggungjawab bagi menyiasat pelanggaran keselamatan dan seorang lagi bagi mengendalikan hubungan antarabangsa," kata beliau yang dipetik oleh Bloomberg.
"Ia tidak mudah untuk menyampaikan semua yang berlaku dan kerajaan perlu mengetengahkan perkara-perkara ini. "
Apa yang jelas, imej yang diberi oleh pihak berkuasa yang mengetuai penyiasatan sedang bergelut untuk berkomunikasi dengan berkesan. MAS mengeluarkan tiga versi kenyataan akhbar semalam untuk membetulkan beberapa kesilapan. Satu daripada adalah mengenai perkataan "expensive” (mahal) bagi operasi menyelamat, yang sebenarnya adalah “extensive” (memperluaskan).
"Terdapat beberapa isu besar – ketelusan, perkongsian maklumat, persoalan berkaitan keselamatan," kata Bridget Welsh, seorang profesor sains politik di Universiti Pengurusan Singapura .
"Mereka tidak berjaya mengawal perbincangan dan masalahnya ialah mereka tidak berjaya meyakinkan. Semua orang ingin mendapat kebaikan daripada keraguan yang timbul tetapi ini adalah berkaitan krisis kredibiliti pentadbiran."
Najib menangguhkan lawatan ke Mauritius, mengikut agensi berita Bernama. Beliau juga bertemu keluarga anak-anak kapal yang hilang di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur, kata pejabat akhbarnya di Twitter pada 8 Mac.
"Saya memberi jaminan kami akan melakukan segala yang boleh mengikut kemampuan kita," Najib berkata di Twitter pada 9 Mac.
"Kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas doa anda, bantuan dan semangat perpaduan."
Pejabat Najib mengajukan pertanyaan mengenai kebimbangan China berkenaan pengendalian kejadian itu kepada pihak berkuasa yang terlibat dalam penyiasatan.
Hishammuddin yang juga Menteri Pertahanan, dipilih sebagai naib presiden Umno pada bulan Oktober, meletakkan beliau sebagai calon pengganti Najib. Beliau adalah anak saudara perdana menteri Malaysia kedua ini iaitu bapa Najib, Abdul Razak Hussein.
"Kekurangan pengalaman, sesiapa sahaja akan diuji," kata ini Welsh. "Ini adalah ujian Hisham, dan ujian kerajaan Najib."
Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, yang menerajui Malaysia melalui krisis kewangan Asia 1998, "seorang pemimpin yang kuat," kata Liow RSIS.
Dr Mahathir bertindak dengan kawalan modal apabila pelabur melarikan diri dari Asia semasa krisis ekonomi. Beliau memanggil jutawan kewangan George Soros "penyangak" yang cuba memusnahkan pertumbuhan melalui serangan spekulatif ke atas mata wang. – 12 Mac, 2014. Read More “Krisis MH370 Beri Gambaran Pimpinan Negara Kita” »»
MH370 masih 50-50 walau sudah 4hari ghaib, pelajaran ke 2
Walaupun sudah 4 hari kapalterbang MAS MH370 'hilang' di angkasa dan tidak ada bukti ianya terhempas langsung setakat hari ini, peluang untuk anak kapal dan semua penumpang di dalam pesawat itu masih berada 50% selamat dan 50% sebaliknya.
Kita harus yakin bahawa Allah berkuasa di atas segalanya, termasuk ke atas perkara yang tidak mampu di cerna pancaindera kita kerana keterbatasan kita sebagai manusia.
Teknologi tinggi tidak boleh menjamin keselamatan. Ledakan maklumat tidak memahamkan kita erti segala fenomena yang berlaku.
Hiruk pikuk seantero dunia ekoran keganjilan hilang MH370 DI RADAR dan tidak dapat di kesan oleh pihak kawalan udara termasuk angkatan tentera udara merimaskan manusia sejagat terutama sekali ahli keluarga penumpang dan anak kapal. Pelbagai teori telah timbul.Semuanya adalah kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang tidak boleh ditolak dek tiada jawapan daripada pihak yang bertanggungjawab yang boleh mententeramkan imaginasi orang yang risau.
Namun kita sebagai makhluk yang telah dicipta oleh Allah swt mesti akur dan yakin kepada apa yang telah diberitahu Allah Yang Maha Pencipta bahawa Dialah berkuasa dia atas segala sesuatu. Dialah YANG MAHA PELINDUNG. Dia yang menghidupkan dan mematikan. Segala-galanya bergantung kepada Dia.Kalau alat canggih manusia tidak boleh mengesan MH370, RADAR TULEN ILAHI sentiasa mengesan kita dan MAHA MENGETAHUI di mana MH370.
Kepada semua keluarga dan kenalan para penumpang, marilah kita rujuk kembali kepada yang MAHA BERKUASA, yakni ALLAH.Kepadanya kita mengadu dan berserah.
Moga Allah menyelamatkan mereka semua. Amin.
فَسُبْحَانَ الَّذِي بِيَدِهِ مَلَكُوتُ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَإِلَيْهِ تُرْجَعُونَ (36:83
Shirk Must be avoided At All Cost
MH370 brings bomohs, preachers and psychics out
The mystery surrounding MH370 is resulting in 'otherworldly' advice and offers.

Ibrahim claims to have been invited by a national leader. He also said he uses a fish tap hook and bamboo binoculars to aid his search for the victims.
He said that while he prayed at the KLIA entrance, his eyes hurt and his vision turned black, adding that he thinks the plane is still in the air or has crashed into the sea. MH370, which took off at around 12:40 am on Saturday, had enough fuel for around 8 hours of flight.
Meanwhile, a YouTube video has emerged, claiming that Nigerian preacher, televangelist and faith healer T.B. Joshua predicted the MH370 incident on July 28, 2013.
His prophecy, it is claimed, concerned 'an Asian nation' where a 'large aircraft, carrying over 200 people would develop a fault soon after takeoff'. Joshua goes on to claim that the fault 'can be discovered at the tarmac, but because of impatience...'.
The YouTube video, uploaded under the title of Malaysia Airlines Prophecy, was published on March 8 and has gained over 140,000 views so far.
Back in Malaysia, a psychic, who wants to remain anonymous, predicted that 'people will be walking out from the wild into civilisation' in a day or two. He advised officials to 'search inland around Ca Mau, where he said there's a field 'just enough for a plane to land'.
He says the plane will be found in 'the snowy mountains' of U Minh Thoung National Park in Vietnam. The park is an 80 sq km region in the southwest tip of Vietnam.
Psychics have long claimed to be able to predict future events. Nostradamus in the 16th century is said to have predicted future events like the rise of Napolean and Hitler as well as the World Trade Centre attacks. However, the criticism of Nostradamus is that most of his predictions only make sense in hindsight.
In the 20th century, Jeane Dixon became famous for predicting that President John F. Kennedy would be assassinated while in office. However, she also predicted that World War III would start in 1958 and that Russia would be the first country to land a man on the moon. Neither prediction came true.
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MH 370 Apa yang saya boleh belajar?
Nasib 12 anak kapal dan 239 orang penumpang masih menjadi teka teki.
Beribu- ribu kapal terbang berlepas dan mendarat dengan selamat di seluruh permukaan bumi setiap hari. Kenapakah kapalterbang MH370 ini berjaya berlepas dengan selamat tetapi kemudian hilang secara tiba-tiba.....Di manakah gerangan pesawat ini pergi? Kalau terhempas sekalipun sudah tentu ada kesannya...rangkanya, serpihannnya. Kalau di laut....ada pelampungnya....
Tetapi poin yang saya mahu tekankan ialah, tujuan kita naik kapalterbang ialah untuk memindahkan jasad kita daripada satu tempat permukaan bumi ke tempat yang lain dengan menggunakan alat pengangkutan yang terbaik waktu ini, iaitu kapal terbang. Zaman dahulu kita, ada kapal laut. Sekarang kita menggunakan kapal terbang yang boleh mengangkut jasad kita dengan waktu yang lebih singkat dan selesa.
Perkara yang manusia sering lupa ialah daya yang mmemperjalankan kenderaan seperti kapalterbang, kapal laut, ataupun kenderaan darat seperti kereta, motorsikal bahkan basikal sekalipun ialah ALLAH YANG MAHA KUASA. Apabila Allah curahkan segala nikmat melalui kemudahan dan keselesaan , manusia akan merasa megah dengan keupayaannya. Selah-olah manusia ini mempunyai kuasa mutlak. Sikaya merasa hebat kerana beranggapan kekayaannya memberi bahagia yang mutlak, semua tunduk kepada kekayaannya. TETAPI dia lupa, apakah nilai kekeyaannya bila dibanding dengan kekayaan AL GHANIY, YANG MAHA KAYA. Ada pula yang takabbur bila ia mempunyai otot berketul dan merasa dirinya kuat, tetapi tatkala kuman virus yang amat halus yang tidak boleh dilihat dengan mata kasar, menyerangnya melalui gigitan haiwan lemah seperti nyamuk menyebabkan dirinya tidak bermaya untuk bangun kerana demam teruk.Sebab itu apabila kita sihat jangan lupa Allah yang mengurniakan kita kesihatan. Apabila kita kuat jangan lupa, AL QAWIYY, yang MAHA KUAT.
Justeru, apabila sebuat 'mesin besi' yang boleh terbang membawa kita kepada pelbagai destinasi yang kita pilih secara sengaja jangan lupa LA HAULA WALA QUWWATA ILLA BILLAH, tiada daya dan kekuatan melainkan dengan izin Allah.
Pengajaran bagi saya yang selalu sibuk, dan tuan/puan yang sudi bersama di sini, segala-galanya yang berlaku di dunia ini berjalan dengan kehendak Allah, ketentuan dan takdirNya. Kita sebagai manusia jangan biadap dan sombong kepada Tuan Empunya segalanya, ALLAH YANG MAHA ESA.
Marilah kita ingat mengingati, pesan berpesan jangan buat dosa. Bukan sahaja orang buat dosa yang kena kemurkaan Allah , yang lain pun panik dan mendapat padahnya.
Astaghfirullahal 'adziim.
Ampunkan dosa dosa kami ya Allah
Read More “MH 370 Apa yang saya boleh belajar?” »»
Update On Demise Of MH370


Representatives from the US National Transport Safety Board (NTSB) and the UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) are in Malaysia.
UPDATE [11.50am]: Vietnamese searchers say they cannot find the rectangle object - thought to be one of the doors of MH370 - that was spotted on Sunday afternoon. Read it here.
UPDATE [10.40am]: Malaysia Airlines has given initial financial assistance to all families 'over and above their basic needs', it said in a statement this morning. More families expected in KL today. The airline will provide the families travel facilities, accommodation, meals, medical and emotional support.
UPDATE [9.30am]: Authorities will investigate why immigration officers at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport had no questions about Italian and Austrian passengers with Asian facial features, Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said. Full story here.
UPDATE [8:11am]: A video clip of a man dialing the number of his elder brother was shown on a Beijing Television's news bulletin. The call got connected, but no one picked up. He made the phone call three times. Full story here.
The 20 employees of Freescale Semiconductor who were on the MH370 flight 'were people with a lot of experience and technical background', says Mitch Haws, vice president, global communications and investor relations for Freescale Semiconductor. "It's definitely a loss for the company," he adds. Full story here.
UPDATE [4.46am]: French accident board BEA offers help in recovering missing flight MH370. There was a similar case in 2009 where Air France Flight 447 from Rio de Janeiro to Paris vanished in a storm. Full story here.
UPDATE [3.11am]: Thai police are investigating a 'passport ring' in Phuket, as details emerged of bookings made in Thailand with stolen European passports for the vanished Malaysia Airlines flight. Each ticket cost THB 20,215 (RM 2,036). Full story here .
UPDATE [1.17am]: Interpol confirmed that at least two passports - Austrian and Italian – recorded in its Stolen and Lost Travel Documents (SLTD) database were used by passengers on board missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH 370. Full story here.
UPDATE [12:40am]: Vietnamese authorities believe that the piece of debris spotted off the country's waters may be a door from the flight MH370. Full story here.
UPDATE [11:00pm]: Vietnamese media is quoting search and rescue officials as being 'surprised' at how tight-lipped the Malaysian government is. According to VN Express, Vietnam’s Chief of Air Administration Lai Xuan Thanh says they are receiving very little information from Malaysian partners, with most updates coming from international media.
UPDATE [10:49pm]: Sources say authorities are investigating a possible mid-air disintegration, due to the lack of debris from MH370. Full story here.
What we know as of 9.44pm, 9 March 2014:
Search and rescue operations:
1. A Vietnam rescue plane has detected two objects that look like debris. However, MAS has not received any confirmation.
2. Vietnam, China, Singapore, United States, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines and Australia are assisting in the search.
3. Search radius is 50 nautical miles (93km), involving 34 aircraft and 40 ships. Malaysia also searching the Straits of Malacca due to reports that MH370 turned back.
4. No signal from the plane's Emergency Locator Transmittor (ELT).
5. The US sent two naval ships and an aircraft equipped with long-range radar.
6. Malaysian submaries will not be deployed as they are not 'equipped for search and rescue'.
7. No sign of wreckage found till now.
8. Malaysia's Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) will be searching for MH370 off the coast of Kelantan.
Technical investigations still ongoing:
1. No signal from the plane's Emergency Locator Transmittor (ELT).
2. Oil slicks were spotted in the area, but Transport Minister Hishamuddin Hussein does not confirm if it came from the plane. More pictures here.
3. The yellow ‘suspicious floating objects’ near Tho Chu islet is unrelated to MH370, confirmed by Vietnamese media.
4. A portion of the aircraft wingtip was fixed by Boeing and was certified safe to fly. They dismissed the possibility of a technical problem and any form of threat prior to this.
5. An aviation lawyer said that the plane might have broken up due to lack of pressurisation or electrical failure.
6. Associated Press ran a detailed analysis of possible reasons behind the disappearance.
7. PM Najib said that satelite imagery cannot be used as it cannot detect anything below the water surface.
8. The flight was piloted by Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, with total flying hours of 18,365 hours. First officer, Fariq Ab.Hamid, 27, has a total flying hours of 2,763 hours.
9. The Vietnam Emergency Rescue Center found a signal of the missing plane at 9.50am, 8th March, 120 miles South West of Ca Mau cape, the Southern-most point of Vietnam.
10. MAS Operations Control Vice President Fuad Sharuji said the aircraft was carrying 7.5 hours of fuel at the time of its disappearance (2.40am).
11. Retired American Airlines Capt. Jim Tilmon said the route taken by the aircraft had plenty of antennae, radar and radios for contact, and the plane was 'as sophisticated as any commercial airplane could possibly be with an excellent safety record'.
Situation in Malaysia:
1. PM Najib Razak says KLIA security protocols will be reviewed and improved if necessary.
2. Transport for family members of MH370 passengers from Beijing and other countries to Kuala Lumpur will be arranged by MAS.
3. The internet is ablaze with concerned netizens expressing their views.
4. Families of passengers in Malaysia will be flown to the crash site, according to MAS.
5. The Department of Civil Aviation’s director-general Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman said the airport authorities have examined security footage of the passengers and the baggage, and he is satisfied.
6. 38 Malaysians were on-board MH370, including about 20 top management staff from Freescale Semiconductor.
7. The niece of Kuching police chief ACP Roslan Bek Ahmad was a passenger on MH370.
8. Malaysia Airlines says all other flights will proceed as usual, for now.
9. Politician Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin was slammed for an insensitive tweet about a 'new Bermuda triangle'.
Missing passports and possible terror links:
1. The two people (not four as previously reported) who traveled on MH370 under stolen passports had bought their tickets together.
2. Malaysia is working with the FBI on possible terror links to the MH370 disappearance.
3. MH370 Full passenger list here .
B777 pilot contacted MH370 before it vanished, says there was radio ‘interference’
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Plight MH370 in flight to Beijing: ? Human Error, Structural Failure, Engine Failure, Avionic or Others
UPDATE [2.05pm]: AFP reports that Vietnamese military has found a bigger and clearer oil slick, but nothing else
06:13 GMT - Cause - On the possible cause of the incident, Dunleavy says the airline "cannot make any assumptions about the root cause until we locate the aircraft."
"We will not know until we find the aircraft and find the black box."
Where the stolen passports are concerned he says the "airline itself cannot validate a passport we just need to check that when we see a passport it doesn't look like it's been forged, and it's got a legitimate visa."
"Airlines don't have access to national databases about passports, that would be a government investigation."
06:09 GMT - Airline defended - Hugh Dunleavy, commercial director for Malaysia Airlines, is speaking to reporters in Beijing and defending its response to the crisis which has come under attack from distraught relatives.
He says the airline has brought 92 people trained in dealing with stressful situations to Beijing.
"We came here as soon as we could. Even as we speak now we have not been able to locate the aircraft, so you can imagine four or five hours into the event you are much less certain of the information."
The airline will take relatives of the passengers to Malaysia, he said. "It's a decision for the families, if they want to go to Malaysia to be closer to the operations of the search and rescue activities we will take them there."
"The earliest they will depart will be tomorrow, before they can depart we've got to make sure they've got passports and visas."
06:06 GMT - Emotional scenes - Tom Hancock in Beijing reports emotional scenes at the Lido Hotel, where relatives continue to arrive from across China, hugging their loved ones, with some crying.
06:02 GMT - Turned back - Malaysia's air force chief, General Rodzali Daud, citing radar data, says authorities are looking into the "possibility" the plane had attempted to turn back.
"There is a distinct possibility the airplane did a turn-back, deviating from the course."
"One of the possibilities is that it was returning to Kuala Lumpur."
06:01 GMT - Summary - As the search continues a quick summary of events in the last few hours:
Malaysia has launched a terror probe and is investigating four people as it emerges at least two passengers boarded using stolen European passports.
The US Federal Bureau of Investigation is sending agents and technical experts to assist the probe.
Relatives of the 153 Chinese nationals on board, now camped out at the main international airport in Beijing, bemoan the lack of news.
Vietnamese boats reached the scene of two large oil slicks detected overnight but found no sign of the plane, while the search area has been expanded to 10,000 square kilometres (3,900 square miles.)
However, Azharuddin Abdul Rahman of Malaysia's Department of Civil Aviation says he cannot "confirm" the existence of the oil slicks.
Malaysia Airlines says it is "fearing for the worst," and urged "all Malaysians and people around the world to pray for flight MH370."
China, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore have all sent vessels and aircraft and the US Navy has sent a surveillance plane and a destroyer carrying two helicopters.
05:45 GMT - Bigger slick - An unanmed Vietnamese military official at the Ho Chi Minh City military air base, who is helping to co-ordinate search efforts, says the oil slick "was bigger and clearer today."
"The weather is good this morning so search and rescue teams saw the oil more clearly. But they didn't see anything else," says the officer, who was not on the plane but had received reports from his staff.
05:34 GMT - Recovery specialist - Malaysia Airlines says it "is continuously working with the authorities in providing assistance. In fearing for the worst, a disaster recovery management specialist from Atlanta, USA will be assisting Malaysia Airlines in this crucial time."
05:28 GMT - Search area - The search area has been expanded to 10,000 square kilometres (3,900 square miles), Vietnam's Civil Aviation Department says.
05:24 GMT - International effort - The plane's disappearance has triggered a search effort involving vessels from several nations with rival maritime claims in the tense South China Sea.
China, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore threw vessels and aircraft into the effort.
The United States also dispatched a destroyer, with two helicopters aboard, and a surveillance plane.
05:22 GMT - Oil slicks - During the initial search on Saturday Vietnam's military said two oil slicks had been spotted, but no debris.
"Two of our aircraft sighted two oil slicks around 15 to 20 kilometres (10-12 miles) long, running parallel, around 500 metres apart from each other," the Vietnam army's deputy chief-of-staff, Vo Van Tuan, told state-run VTV.
"We are not certain where these two oil slicks may have come from so we have sent Vietnamese ships to the area."
"I think the two oil slicks are very likely linked to the missing plane," Vice-Admiral Ngo Van Phat, who is helping to direct the search mission, told AFP.
05:18 GMT - Press - No sooner had relatives appeared at the Lido Hotel's restaurant than some members of the press hovered over their tables, even putting recorders on the table to try and tape conversations.
05:14 GMT - Hotel lunch - My colleague Tom Hancock Lido Hotel in Beijing where relatives are gathered, says some relatives have left their rooms to claim a buffet lunch at the hotel's restaurant.
A woman apparently in her twenties, wearing a bright pink jacket, clutched on to an elder woman's arm, sobbing gently as a hotel staff member assigned them a table.
A group of around seven people in bright blue jackets labelled 'special assitance team' are clustered at the entrance to the lunch area.
05:11 GMT - Lieutenant-General and Deputy-Chief General of Staff of Vietnamese Army, Vo Van Tuan, has told my colleague in Hanoi, Le Thang Long, the "biggest challenge for our research is to locate the position of the suspect site, especially during the night."
"That's why we have mobilized this morning a boat equipped with radar and equipment which can allow us to inspect under-water zones. I hope this will bring us new discoveries."
05:10 GMT - Passengers - The 153 Chinese passengers aboard the plane included an infant, while 38 Malaysians and seven Indonesians were aboard.
Six Australians, five Indians, four French nationals, and three Americans including an infant, were also among those listed and the Dutch Foreign Ministry said it believed one Dutch passenger was on the plane.
05:06 GMT - Relatives mourn - For the relatives of the 227 passengers -- including 153 Chinese nationals -- and 12 crew, there is little comfort.
Earlier Sunday the airline admitted: "It has been more than 24 hours since we last heard from MH370 at 1:30 am. The search and rescue team is yet to determine the whereabouts of the Boeing 777-200 aircraft."
It then urged "all Malaysians and people around the world to pray for flight MH370."
04:55 GMT - Search goes on - Rescuers are still hunting for the whereabouts of the twin-engine plane which mysteriously disappeared from radar screens somewhere between Malaysia's east coast and southern Vietnam.
Flight MH370 sent no distress signal or reports of rough weather, or other signs of trouble, and both Malaysia's national carrier and the Boeing 777-200 model used on the route are known for their solid safety records.
But about one hour into the flight, it dropped from radar screens.
Adding to the mystery are the two passengers who appear to have been using stolen EU passports.
An Austrian, named in reports as Christian Kozel, had his passport pinched in Thailand in 2012, while Italian Luigi Maraldi, 37, had his stolen last year, also in Thailand, officials and sources have said.
Despite their names being on the passenger manifest, neither man was on the flight.
FBI join investigation
04:52 GMT - US built - The US National Transportation Safety Board could also send a team to join the investigation because the plane was built in the US by Boeing, according to the FBI official.
04:50 GMT - Passports - The stolen passports used by two passengers on the plane are believed to have come from an Italian and an Austrian.
But a Department of Homeland Security official told the media that "just because they were stolen doesn't mean the travelers were terrorists. They could have been nothing more than thieves. Or they could have simply bought the passports on the black market."
04:48 GMT - Video scan - The FBI official stressed there was "no evidence" of terrorism thus far, but added FBI personnel will help review video from the Kuala Lumpur airport for images of passengers at the ticket counter, security sections and the boarding area.
The agents can then use counterterrorism technology to find any possible matches with known members of Al-Qaeda or other terror groups.
04:46 GMT - FBI involved - Earlier US media reported the FBI is sending agents and technical experts to assist in the investigation of the missing plane that had several Americans aboard.
US officials told The Los Angeles Times they are trying to determine whether there was any terror link to what caused Flight 370 to go missing as it carried 239 people from Kuala Lumpur toward Beijing.
"But so far, what happened is a mystery," an official told the newspaper.
04:41 GMT - Terror link - The minister says Malaysia is probing "four names" over airline security fears.
04:33 GMT - WELCOME TO AFP's LIVE REPORT as Malaysia looks at a possible terror link in the disappearance of an airliner believed to have gone down in the sea with 239 people aboard.
The country's transport minister, Hishammuddin Hussein, says Malaysian security agencies are investigating after it was discovered that two passengers may have boarded missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 using stolen passports, raising fears of potential terrorism.
"At the same time our own intelligence have been activated, and of course, the counterterrorism units... from all the relevant countries have been informed."
UPDATE [1.20pm]: Department of Civil Aviation clarifies earlier statement by the Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, saying only two – not four – passengers had boarded the flight using stolen passports.
CCTV footage shows the two individuals from the check-in point to departure. Footage will be used for investigations.
Malaysia Airlines says a portion of the aircraft wingtip had been repaired by Boeing and was certified safe to fly. They dismissed the possibility of a technical problem and any form of threat prior to this.
A Malaysian military radar showed trace of flight MH370 turning back before it vanished although the pilots did not issue any distress signals.
UPDATE [11.37am]: Malaysian is probing a possible terror link in the disappearance of MH370 and local authorities are working with international intelligence and counter-terrorism units. Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein says he has met with officers from the FBI.
The names of the four passengers said to be traveling on fake passports have been sent to local intelligence. The entire passenger manifest will be probed.
Singapore has deployed three vessels to aid in search and rescue. Hishammuddin says MH370 may have made an 'air turn back'. No Malaysian submaries will be deployed as they are not 'equipped for search and rescue' Hishammuddin said.
UPDATE [10.15am]: CNN’s Christine Amanpour reported that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is sending its agents to Malaysia “to support the investigation into the disappearance of Flight MH370”.
UPDATE [9.55am]: An aviation lawyer said the lack of warnings about a problem aboard the flight suggests a catastrophic failure, possibly due to lack of pressurisation or electrical failure.
UPDATE [9.12am]: Department of Cvil Aviation says overnight search and rescue found no sign of aircraft wreckage. Plane did not any signs of anomaly before contact loss. Mission enters day two with three aircrafts.
Authorities have yet to confirm the identities of two more European passengers on flight MH370 using stolen passports, bringing the total to four suspect identities allegedly onboard.
UPDATE [8.30am]: Bernama reports the Department of Civil Aviation will extend the search and rescue operation to the Straits of Malacca, Malaysian authorities are now awaiting the latest satellite imagery for any signs of wreckage from flight MH370.
UPDATE [7:20am]: Round-up of the first 30 hours, including background, relatives' reactions and social media chatter.
UPDATE [6:02am]: Associated Press runs an analysis on why MH370 could've disappeared. Experts assume that whatever happened was quick and left no time for pilots to react. Read the
UPDATE [5:31am]: This video was taken in Beijing a few hours ago. Relatives of flight MH370 passengers are not happy with the way the incident is being handled.
UPDATE [4:25am]: Malaysia Airlines 'Go Team' of volunteers have arrived in Beijing to provide support for family members of passengers. They left Malaysia at 4:25pm on Saturday, March 8.
Meanwhile, Malaysia Airlines has confirmed that they will bear all the costs of flying the relatives of the flight MH370 passengers to the location once the plane is found.
UPDATE [2:53am]: The New Straits Times reports that Malaysia's Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) will be searching for the missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 plane off the coast of Kelantan. The search operations come after a small piece of canvas was found by personnel involved in the search and rescue operations.
Good weather permitting, the MMEA will expand its areas of search. It has covered a 50 nautical mile radius from MH370's last known location since beginning operations at 11:30am on Saturday.
UPDATE [2:24am]: Singapore's Straits Times reports that the two imposters on MH370, who were using stolen passports, bought their tickets from China Southern Airlines, which code shares the KL-Beijing route with Malaysian Airlines.
UPDATE [1:49am]: The air search for flight MH370 has been suspended for the night. Ships, however, will continue the search mission.
Meanwhile, families of passengers, who were told to prepare their travel documents, have been put up at a hotel near the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
UPDATE [12:08am]: Authorities are looking into claims that two foreigners were travelling aboard the MH370 flight with stolen passports. According to several foreign news reports, Italian Luigi Maraldi and Austrian Christian Kozel, both had their passports stolen some time ago.
The Department of Civil Aviation’s director-general Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman said the airport authorities have examined security footage of the passengers and the baggage.
“This is an issue of security. So far we are satisfied,” he said.
UPDATE [11:38pm]: Conspiracy theories abound around the MH370 disappearance. Authorities refuse to confirm or deny if a passenger was travelling aboard the plane with a stolen passport.
Search and rescue ships from Vietnam are expected to reach the suspected crash site anytime now.
UPDATE [10:52pm]: The search for MH370 will continue into the night, say authorities. The Transport Ministry and the Department of Civil Aviation said the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) and the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) are “committed” to continue plying the inky waters between Malaysia and Vietnam until rescue efforts are officially called off.
UPDATE [10:22pm]: Ships from Vietnam are about 130km from the site. Reports say they will reach in 1 1/2 to 2 hours time.
UPDATE [10:04pm]: About 20 top management staff from semiconductor company Freescale Semiconductor were among 38 Malaysians onboard MAS flight MH370. The team comprising senior managers and managers were on their way to China to undergo a month-long course in Beijing.
UPDATE [9:41pm]: Vietnam Television Station, Tuoi Tre News, VNExpress – 3 big news agencies said that:
• 4:30 PM, an AN26 aircraft detected a sign similar to oil streaks 20km in the sea. This oil streak is managed by VN.
• Then, AN26 aircraft spotted a smoke from the sea but not clearly defined. 5:20 PM, AN26 aircraft found that smoke is another oil streak, near Tho Chu islands of VN.
• VN Navy ships are trying to approach 2 oil streaks.
• Maybe at midnight, VN Navy ships can approach the oil streaks.
UPDATE [9:24pm]: Vietnam air force planes spotted a 20km-long oil slick suspected to be from missing Malaysian jetliner, according to Lai Xuan Thanh, the director of the Civil Aviation Administration of Vietnam.
Anxiety builds up among families of the MH370 flight, after 18 hours of the initial notification.
UPDATE [7:20pm]:Highlights from MH370 press conference, attended by PM Najib Razak:
1. Vietnam navy confirms no evidence of wreckage.
2. 15 aircraft, close to 10 ships in search and rescue operations.
3. Search area expanded within South China Sea. Help from USA, China, Singapore & Vietnam.
4. Najib says satelite imagery cannot be used as it cannot detect anything below water surface.
5. Aircraft manufacturers and FAA have offered help.
6. Najib says rescue operations will continue for as long as it takes.
7. Najib spoke to Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and sent his condolences as 153 passengers were Chinese nationals. The Premier says China will help in rescue operations.
8. MAS will arrange flights for family members to Beijing if requested, and for Chinese nationals to Kuala Lumpur.
9. Najib requests that the public do not indulge in speculation. "We can't make conclusions, we are investigating all theories".
10. Dept of Civil Aviation received a call when MH370 went missing at 2.40am; Vietnam airport authorities acknowledged the plane entered its airspace at 1.30am before subsequently losing contact.
UPDATE [6:45pm]: Chinese relatives of passengers are furious at Malaysia Airlines for keeping them in the dark.
"There's no one from the company here, we can't find a single person. They've just shut us in this room and told us to wait," said one middle-aged man, who declined to give his name.
Another relative, trying to evade a throng of reporters, muttered: "They're treating us worse than dogs."
UPDATE [6:24pm]: No sign of wreckage was found off the coast of Malaysia. Earlier, an orange speck was seen where the last signal came from, but a vessel despatched to the location reported that it was nothing.
Kuching Police chief ACP Roslan Bek Ahmad said his niece was a passenger on the MH370 flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
UPDATE [6:15pm]: Countries across South-East Asia have launched air and sea search operations to find the missing MH370 plane. It's exact location remains a mystery as it relayed no distress signal, indications of rough weather, or other signs of trouble.
Mohd Lokman Hamid, the younger brother of passengers Norli Akmar Hamid said that he only found out about the news via Facebook.
UPDATE [4:41pm]: Tempers flare. AFP reports that an elderly man, believed to be a family member of one of the passengers of flight MH370, punched a cameraman as he was trying to film events at the Beijing airport.
In Malaysia, 56-year-old Hamid Ramlan fears the worst as he awaits news on the fate of his daughter and son-in-law, who were both on the flight.
UPDATE [4:33pm]: Malaysia Airlines CEO says 80 percent of the family members of the people on board flight MH370 have been contacted.
Meanwhile, acting Malaysian Transport Minister Hishamuddin Hussein that the authorities were slow to report on the missing Malaysia Airlines place.
UPDATE [3:39pm]: 68-year-old Hajjah Puteh Haji Idris, from Kajang, is in tears. Her daughter-in-law, Nor Fadzillah Mat Rahim, 37, was on flight MH370. Hajjah Puteh received a call from MAS at 6.30am.
" My daughter-in-law was traveling to Beijing for work. She has four kids and I pray that she is safe. She is the best daughter-in-law," she said.
Nor Fadzillah's husband will be at the airport at 6pm to assist in search and rescue.
Members of the Buddhist Tzu Chi Organisation, seen dressed in white pants and dark blue shirts, have been going in and out of the holding area. One member said they were providing counseling for the grief-stricken families. UPDATE [3:03pm]: At KLIA, the brother of a passenger says relatives are being told to bring a valid passport because they need to 'travel to the crash site'. Relatives have to be at KLIA before 6pm with valid passports for MAS to make 'travel arrangements'.
Police are escorting grief-stricken relatives out of the holding room. Many are distraught and in tears.
UPDATE [2:36pm]: Malaysian Transport Minister Hishamuddin Hussein denies reports that signal from aircraft has been received in the south of Vietnam. He says the government has no information of any wreckage at the moment, but 'are looking at all possibilities'.
The Malaysian government has dispatched a plane, two helicopters and four vessels to search seas off its east coast in the South China Sea. The Philippines also sends three navy patrol boats and a surveillance plane.
AFP, in its live report, has several airline safety experts speaking about Malaysia Airlines' safety record.
Malaysia Airlines says all other flights will proceed as usual, for now.
UPDATE [2:13pm]: MH370 has been removed from the arrivals board at the Beijing airport. Local media report that the passengers included 24 Chinese artists on their way back from an art exhibition in Malaysia.
UPDATE [2:06pm]: Members of the media have been barred from entering a special holding area for families of passegers and crew of flight MH370 at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Meanwhile, politician Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin is being slammed for an insensitive tweet about a 'new Bermuda triangle'.
UPDATE [12:37]: Tuoi Tre, a leading daily in Vietnam, reports that the Vietnamese Navy has confirmed the plane crashed into the ocean. According to Navy Admiral Ngo Van Phat, Commander of the Region 5, military radar recorded that the plane crashed into the sea at a location 153 miles South of Phu Quoc island.
When contacted, Malaysia Airlines declined to confirm or deny the reports, saying that the Malaysian authorities are working together with the Vietnamese government on the matter.
Meanwhile, Al Jazeera reports that China has dispatched two maritime rescue ships to help locate the missing plane.
UPDATE [12:01]: Altogether, 239 passengers & crew, from 14 different nationalities, including two infants. Passengers were from:
1. China - 152 plus 1 infant
2. Malaysia - 38
3. Indonesia - 12
4. Australia - 7
5. France - 3
6. United States of America - 3 plus 1 infant
7. New Zealand - 2
8. Ukraine - 2
9. Canada - 2
10. Russia - 1
11. Italy - 1
12. Taiwan - 1
13. Netherlands - 1
14. Austria - 1
The flight was piloted by Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, a Malaysian aged 53. He has a total flying hours of 18,365 hours.
He joined Malaysia Airlines in 1981. First officer, Fariq Ab.Hamid, a Malaysian, is aged 27. He has a total flying hours of 2,763 hours. He joined Malaysia Airlines in 2007.
UPDATE [11:32am]: VN Express, Vietnam's largest news site, reports that Vietnam Emergency Rescue Center just announced it has found signal of the missing plane at 9.50am 120 miles South West of Ca Mau cape, the Southern-most point of Vietnam.
The signal is believed to be the ELT (Emergency Locator Transmittor) , which can be activated manually by the flight crew or automatically upon impact.
A Malaysia Airlines flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, China has gone missing, the airline said.
Earlier this morning, MAS confirmed that flight MH370 had lost contact with the Subang Air Traffic Control at 2.40am today (March 8th, 2014)
Flight MH370, operated on the B777-200 aircraft, departed Kuala Lumpur at 12.41am and was expected to land in Beijing at 6.30am the same day. The flight was carrying a total number of 227 passengers (including 2 infants), 12 crew members.
Malaysia Airlines is currently working with the authorities who have activated their Search and Rescue team to locate the aircraft.
MAS Operations Control Vice President Fuad Sharuji said they 'have no idea where the aircraft is right now'.
Source: Yahoo Newsroom Read More “Plight MH370 in flight to Beijing: ? Human Error, Structural Failure, Engine Failure, Avionic or Others ” »»