*Rakaman CCTV Tunjuk Imej Teoh Semasa Memasuki Plaza Masalam - *MACC investigating officer did not make any notes -Bernama/sun2surf
Pegawai Penyiasat SPRM Tidak Buat Catatan Semasa Soal Siasat TeohRakaman CCTV Tunjuk Imej Teoh Semasa Memasuki Plaza Masalam
SHAH ALAM, 12 Ogos (Bernama) -- Setiausaha politik seorang exco Selangor, Teoh Beng Hock, dilihat berjalan tanpa diiring dengan kawalan ketat ketika memasuki Plaza Masalam.
Imej itu dapat dilihat menerusi rakaman kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) yang dipertonton kepada umum dalam prosiding inkues siasatan kematian Teoh hari ini dan rakaman kira-kira 10 minit itu menunjukkan Teoh berada di bahagian paling belakang dari individu lain.
Daripada 16 rakaman yang ditunjukkan hanya terdapat tiga imej Teoh dari posisi muka sebelah tepi dan bahagian belakangnya. Beliau juga dilihat bergerak dari bahagian lobi menuju ke satu sudut yang lain.
Di hadapan Teoh pula terdapat imej antara dua hingga tiga lelaki tetapi pergerakan mereka dengan Teoh tidak terlalu rapat.
Rakaman itu ditunjukkan kepada mahkamah kira-kira pukul 11.40 pagi ketika saksi ke-11 Inspektor Mohd Zulaimi Zubir, 29, memberi keterangan.
Teoh, 30, setiausaha politik kepada Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tetap Kampung Baru dan Pengurusan Kilang Haram Selangor, Ean Yong Hian Wah, ditemui mati pada 16 Julai lalu di tingkat lima plaza tersebut, selepas memberi keterangan sebagai saksi siasatan penyalahgunaan wang kerajaan negeri Selangor kepada SPRM Selangor yang berpejabat di plaza itu.
Ketika ditanya peguam yang mewakili kerajaan Malaysia, Tan Hock Chuan bagaimana Mohd Zulaimi boleh mengenal pasti imej Teoh pada rakaman itu, beliau berkata ia dikenal pasti menerusi baju yang dipakai.
Sebelum rakaman itu, Mohd Zulaimi telah memberitahu bahawa beliau telah melihat mayat Teoh dan didapati si mati memakai jaket berwarna gelap, berseluar putih dan berkasut hitam.
Prosiding di hadapan Koroner Azmil Muntapha Abas disambung esok.
Pegawai Penyiasat SPRM Tidak Buat Catatan Semasa Soal Siasat Teoh
SHAH ALAM, 12 Ogos (Bernama) -- Prosiding inkues kematian Teoh Beng Hock pada Rabu dikejutkan dengan kenyataan seorang pegawai penyiasat polis yang menyatakan tiada sebarang catatan dibuat oleh pegawai penyiasat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah (SPRM) ketika menyoal siasat Teoh.
Insp Mohd Zulaimi Zubir, 29, dari cawangan jenayah Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Shah Alam berkata perkara itu disedari selepas melakukan pemeriksaan ke atas 10 muka surat buku catatan harian rasmi milik pegawai SPRM Mohd Anuar Ismail yang dirampas 18 Julai lalu.
Peguam yang mewakili kerajaan Malaysia, Tan Hock Chuan mengesahkan Mohd Anuar bertanggungjawab menyoal siasat Teoh.
"Hasil pemeriksaan saya dapati dalam buku bertarikh 8 Julai 2009 tercatat 'rumah/putrajaya/pejabat/tol RM' sahaja. Pada 15 dan 16 Julai tiada sebarang catatan dibuat," katanya.
Teoh, 30, setiausaha politik kepada Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tetap Kampung Baru dan Pengurusan Kilang Haram Selangor, Ean Yong Hian Wah, ditemui mati pada 16 Julai lalu di tingkat lima Plaza Masalam, di sini selepas memberi keterangan sebagai saksi siasatan penyalahgunaan wang kerajaan negeri Selangor kepada SPRM Selangor yang berpejabat di plaza itu.
Kepada soalan Tan iaitu dari 1 Julai hingga 18 Julai lalu, adakah hanya terdapat satu catatan sahaja yang beliau nampak, Mohd Zulaimi berkata: "Ya."
Sebelum itu Mohd Zulaimi berkata beliau hanya merampas buku harian milik Mohd Anuar dan buku yang lain dirampas oleh pegawai polis lain.
Dalam prosiding, buku asal itu tidak ditandakan eksibit memandangkan ia masih diguna pakai dan hanya salinan dikemukakan tetapi ia telah disahkan oleh Timbalan Pengarah SPRM.
Mohd Zulaimi turut memberitahu beliau juga telah merampas cakera keras rakaman kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) di Plaza Masalam dan diarah menyiasat pergerakan Teoh, pegawai SPRM dan individu lain di plaza itu yang dipaparkan dalam rakaman CCTV itu.
Mohd Zulaimi, saksi ke-11 berkata sebelum rampasan beliau telah melihat pergerakan di dalam rakaman CCTV itu dan mendapati terdapat pergerakan Teoh yang memasuki ruang lobi di tingkat 4 pada pukul 6.08 petang.
"Keesokan hari (selepas kejadian), saya diarahkan untuk mengenal pasti pukul berapa si mati masuk, pergerakan pegawai SPRM dan individu lain dalam banguanan dari jam 00:00 15 Julai hingga 7 pagi esoknya," katanya.
Beliau berkata rakaman CCTV itu kemudiannya diserahkan kepada jabatan forensik 18 Julai lalu untuk siasatan lanjut tetapi terdapat beberapa kesukaran untuk mengesan pergerakan kerana masalah teknikal.
Pergerakan Teoh hanya dilihat menerusi salinan yang dibuat melalui 'pen drive' tetapi ia tidak boleh dicetak dan Mohd Zulaimi berkata menerusi bantuan bahagian sekuriti di bahagian Plaza Masalam, sebanyak 47 imej orang keluar masuk pada 16 Julai dapat dikesan.
Katanya, rakaman itu dilihat pada 19 Julai lalu di pejabat keselamatan Plaza Masalam dan bukannya di jabatan forensik Bukit Aman.
Terdahulu Mohd Zulaimi memberitahu hasil siasatannya, tiada CCTV diletakkan di tempat Teoh ditemui mati dan kebanyakan kamera berada di tempat letak kereta, pintu utama dan jalan masuk ke pasaraya.
Menceritakan penglibatan beliau dalam siasatan kes itu, Mohd Zulaimi berkata beliau berada di tempat kejadian pada pukul 2.20 petang dan ketika itu mayat mendiang telahpun ditutup dengan plastik hitam.
"Selepas itu saya telah membuka plastik tersebut dan melihat keadaan mayat dan saya mendapati ia mayat seorang lelaki berbangsa Cina dalam keadaan tertiarap sebelah kanan dan terdapat kesan darah kering di bahagian mulut dan hidung.
"Mayat itu telah ditinggalkan di situ dan tidak lama kemudian saya lihat beberapa pegawai dipercayai dari SPRM turun ke tempat kejadian dan saya menemui mereka. Mereka mengesahkan si mati itu adalah salah seorang saksi mereka," katanya.
Mohd Zulaimi berkata pada pukul 3.10 petang hari yang sama, beliau dan beberapa anggota telah pergi ke pejabat SPRM untuk mengenal pasti butiran si mati dan beliau kemudiannya diarahkan mengesan rekod Teoh menerusi nombor kad pengenalannya.
Katanya hasil siasatan tiada sebarang rekod jenayah dicatatkan menerusi nama Teoh.
Prosiding yang didengar di hadapan Koroner Azmil Muntapha Abas hanya berhenti rehat kira-kira pukul 1.35 tengah hari selepas peguam keluarga Teoh dan peguam yang mewakili kerajaan Selangor menonton beberapa pergerakan Teoh dalam rakaman CCTV itu.
MACC investigating officer did not make any notes
SHAH ALAM (Aug 12, 2009) : The inquest into the death of Teoh Beng Hock was shocked by the statement of a police investigating officer that no notes were made by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) investigating officer who questioned Teoh.
Inspector Mohd Zulaimi Zubir, 29, from the Shah Alam police district headquarters' crime branch said the non-existence of the notes was detected during investigation on 10 pages of the official daily note boke belonging to Mohd Anuar Ismail (a MACC officer) which was seized on July 18.
The lawyer appointed by the Government to assist in the inquest, Tan Hock Chuan, confirmed that Mohd Anuar was responsible for questioning Teoh.
"My examination revealed that in the book under July 8, 2009 there was noted 'rumah/ Putrajaya/ pejabat/ tol RM' (house/ Putrajaya/ office/ toll RM) only. For July 15 and 16 there were no notes made," he said.
Teoh, 30, political aide to Selangor executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah was found dead on July 16 on level five of Plaza Masalam after giving a statement as a witness into alleged abuse of state government allocations at the Selangor MACC office located in the same building.
Asked by Tan that from July 1 till July 18, whether there was only one entry that he saw, Mohd Zulaimi said: "Yes".
Before this Mohd Zulaimi said he only seized the daily day of Mohd Anuar and other daily books were seized by other police officers.
In the proceedings, the original book was not marked as an exibit as it was still being used and only a copy was tendered but it was certified by a MACC deputy director.
Mohd Zulaimi also said he seized the hard disk of the CCTV recoring at Plaza Masalam and was ordered to investigate the movements of Teoh, MACC officers and other individuals in the building.
Mohd Zulaimi, the 11th witness said before the seizure he had seen the movements on the CCTV recording and saw Teoh entering the lobby at the 4th floor at 6.08pm.
"The next day (of the incident), I was instructed to identify the time the deceased entered, of the movements of MACC officers and other individuals in the building from 00:00 hours July 15 till 7am the next day," he said.
He said the CCTV recording was later turned over to the the Forensics Department on July 18 for further investigation but there were several difficulties to detect movements due to technical problems.
Teoh's movements were only seen through a copy made using a 'pen drive' but it could not be printed and Mohd Zulaimi said with the help of the security division at Plaza Masalam, 47 images of people going in and out on July 16 were detected.
A 10-minute long CCTV recording viewed at the inquest yesterday shows Teoh (in dark jacket and light trousers) arriving at the Selangor MACC
officer for questioning at 6.08pm on July 15. According to a Bernama report, of the 16 frames viewed, only three images of Teoh could be
seen -- from the side and rear -- walking from the lobby to a corner. Teoh was in the background, with two or three other individuals walking
ahead of him.
He said the recording was seen on July 19 at the office of security office of Plaza Masalam and not at the office of the Forensics Department of Bukit Aman.
Earlier Mohd Zulaimi said his investigation revealed that there was no CCTV camera in the area Teoh was found dead and most of the cameras were at the car park, the main entrance and the entrance road to the supermarket.
Relating his involvement in the case investigation, Mohd Zulaimi said he was at the scene at 2.20pm and the body had already been covered by a black piece of plastic.
"I lifted up the plastic and saw the condition of the body and saw that it was that of a Chinese man lying on his right and there was dried blood around his mouth and nose.
"The body had been left there and not much later I saw several officers believed to be from the MACC come down to the scene and I met them. They confirmed that the deceased was one of their witnesses," he said. He could not determine who the identifying officer was as he forgot to note the name.
"They knew the deceased was their witness after I directed the police to uncover the body covered by a plastic sheet. At that time there were about four to five MACC officers in the building about 10-20m from the body.
"Eventhough they were not near the body, but they could identify and see clearly the deceased's face from the glass window of the building," said Mohd Zulaimi.
Asked by counsel Gobind Singh Deo, for Teoh's family, if he could identify the MACC officers there, Mohd Zulaimi said: "I can remember only one person, an officer known as Azim. The others I cannot recognise."
He also rejected a suggestion by counsel that it was the MACC officers who actually asked the police to lift the plastic sheet for identification.
Mohd Zulaimi also said he did not find Teoh's wallet at the scene and was only provided the identity card number of the victim by Shah Alam police
district chief ACP Noor Azam Jamaluddin.
Mohd Zulaimi said after making observing the scene, he went up to the 14th floor for further investigation.
"On the 14th floor I saw Azim only. I did not see the MACC officers who were at the fifth floor, but other officers were at the office,"
He said at the MACC office, the district police chief had conducted investigation and took statements about the victim from the officers there.
"At the 14th floor, the district police chief asked about the deceased and took his details, and a female MACC officer confirmed that Teoh was their
witness," said Mohd Zulaimi.
Gobind: "Did you ask when was the last time the deceased was seen?"
Mohd Zulaimi: "I was told by the district police chief the deceased was last seen at about 6am (July 16)."
Gobind: "Did you feel there was a possibility that he (Teoh) fell by being pushed or thrown from the 14th floor?"
Mohd Zulaimi: "Initially I was of that opinion. After that the investigating officer conducted the investigation, he (the investigating officer) said there
was a possibility he (Teoh) fell accidentally or was pushed from one of the windows on the 14th floor.
Mohd Zulaimi said at 3.10pm of the same day, he and several personnel had gone to the MACC office to get details of the deceased and he later instructed to check Teoh's record using his identity card number. He said he found there was no criminal record.
The proceedings before coroner Azmil Muntapha Abas only rested at 1.35pm after the lawyers for Teoh's family and the Selangor government watched Teoh's movements in the CCTV recording.
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