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Is there any connection US Embassy warden's Notice with the recent spate of ?vandalism ?arson on Malaysian Churches?

An Embassy "warden notice" is a routine alert issued by embassies all over the world on possible risks to travellers' safety.

It is not a travel alert, a travel warning or travel advisory each of which are considered much more far reaching and connotes a more serious and ongoing threat.
Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar has directed the state police chief to intensify patrols along the coast and islands around Sabah especially Semporna, Mabul and Sipadan.

Police Intensify Security Patrols In Sabah

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 16 (Bernama) -- The police have given an assurance that security patrols in the coastal areas and islands of Sabah will be intensified as a precautionary measure following a "warden notice" issued by the United States' embassy here that foreign tourists might come under attack by irresponsible elements n the area.

Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar said tight security would always be maintained to ensure that the country was free of all types of threats that could jeopardise national security.

"I have directed the state police chief to intensify patrols along the coast and islands around Sabah especially Semporna, Mabul and Sipadan.

"We will always monitor the situation and take appropriate action, thus the people and tourists are asked to be calm and not to be worried because we are always on alert," he told Bernama when contacted.

He was commenting on the notice which warned that criminal and terrorist groups were planning attacks against foreigners in the islands off Sabah.

The notice posted on the embassy's website and dated Friday, said resorts located in isolated areas of eastern Sabah posed a concern.

It urged "extreme caution" in connection with any travel in isolated areas of eastern Sabah, including Semporna and the islands of Mabul and Sipadan.

It noted that the Abu Sayaf militant group, an al Qaeda-linked militant group based in the southern Philippines, which is a short boat ride from Sabah, had previously kidnapped foreigners from Sabah's secluded resort areas in the past.

A "warden notice" is a routine alert issued by embassies all over the world on possible risks to travellers' safety.

It is not a travel alert or a travel warning or travel advisory which are each considered much more far reaching and connotes a more serious and ongoing threat.

Such warnings or alerts are issued only after a discussion/notification to the governments concerned.

Polis Tingkat Kawalan Keselamatan Di Sabah

KUALA LUMPUR, 16 Jan (Bernama) -- Polis menasihati rakyat tempatan dan pelancong asing agar bertenang dan memberi jaminan akan meningkatkan kawalan keselamatan di kawasan pantai dan pulau di sekitar Sabah sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga ekoran pengeluaran satu "warden notice" daripada pejabat kedutaan Amerika Syarikat di sini bahawa anasir jahat akan menyerang pelancong asing di kawasan itu.

Timbalan Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Ismail Omar berkata kawalan ketat akan sentiasa dijalankan dalam memastikan negara bebas daripada segala bentuk ancaman yang boleh menggugat keselamatan negara.

"Saya telah mengarahkan Ketua Polis Negeri itu untuk meningkatkan lagi kawalan di kawasan pantai dan pulau di sekitar Sabah terutama Semporna, Mabul dan Sipadan.

"Kita akan sentiasa memantau keadaan dan mengambil tindakan sewajarnya. Justeru rakyat dan pelancong diminta untuk bertenang dan tidak perlu bimbang kerana kita sentiasa berjaga-jaga," katanya kepada Bernama ketika dihubungi.

Beliau diminta mengulas mengenai notis itu yang memberi amaran bahawa kumpulan penjenayah dan pengganas sedang merancang untuk menyerang rakyat asing di pulau-pulau di sekitar Sabah.

Kenyataan kedutaan itu menggesa agar langkah berjaga-jaga diutamakan dalam membuat sebarang perjalanan ke kawasan pedalaman di timur Sabah termasuk Semporna dan pulau Mabul serta Sipadan.

Nasihat perjalanan itu berkata kumpulan militan Abu Sayaf yang mempunyai kaitan dengan kumpulan Al-Qaeda yang berpangkalan di selatan Filipina, yang mudah didatangi dengan bot ke Sabah telah menculik warga asing daripada kawasan resot di Sabah tidak lama dahulu.

"Warden Notice" merupakan pemberitahuan rutin yang dikeluarkan oleh pejabat-pejabat keduaan di seluruh dunia mengenai kemungkinan risiko buat keselamatan pelancong.

Ia bukan nasihat perjalanan atau amaran perjalanan yang boleh dianggap sebagai lebih menyeluruh yang merangkumi ancaman yang lebih serius dan berterusan.

Amaran atau nasihat perjalanan hanya dikeluarkan selepas perbincangan dengan kerajaan terlibat diadakan.


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