'Kenapa Umno tolak Islam' - Nik Aziz ajak Najib berdebat
KOTA BHARU, 27 Jun (Hrkh) - Mursyidul Am PAS, Tuan Guru Dato' Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat menegaskan beliau bertekad untuk berdepan secara terbuka dengan Presiden Umno, DatO' Seri Najib Razak dalam masa terdekat menerusi 'mujadalah' (debat).
Beliau berkata, untuk tujuan itu draf surat rasmi telah pun disiapkan dan akan dikirimkan dengan kadar segera kepada Najib yang juga Perdana Menteri Malaysia itu.
"Hari ini saya nak beritahu bahawa saya sudah siapkan draf surat khusus untuk Presiden Umno.
"Saya nak minta Presiden Umno berdepan dengan saya bulat-bulat, secara terbuka, tidak secara sulit kerana perkara ini telah terbuka secara umum sejak 1951, tak habis-habis.
"Saya mahu penjelasan kerana apa Umno tolak Islam dan kerana apa Umno lawan PAS sedangkan PAS ini guna Islam (dalam dasar parti, perjuangan dan pemerintahannya).
"Saya nak tahu, tak kena di mana (ajaran) Islam menyebabkan Umno menolak Islam, sebaliknya guna (mengambil sistem) sekular dan kebangsaan," jelasnya pada sidang media selepas mengimamkan Solat Dhuha sempena Sambutan Bulan Sembahyang Peringkat Negeri Kelantan di pekarangan Masjid Al-Baraah, Pasar Besar Siti Khadijah di sini pagi tadi.
"Saya berhasrat benar-benar ingin tahu kenapa Umno yang sudah Islam 500 tahun, Melayu pun sudah Islam 500 tahun, menolak Islam, sedangkan Islam menyebut, 'rahmatan lil-'aalamin', rahmat bagi seluruh dunia, bukan laknatan,"katanya.
Tambahnya,Islam kini dianggap semacam satu 'laknat', (dan membawa kepada) pecah belah, dan (sekiranya) melaksanakan Islam itu tidak maju dan membawa kemunduran.
Image"Tuduhan seperti itu tidak akan selesai melalui suratkhabar, bahkan mesti berdepan dengan saya sebagai seorang pemimpin Islam di sini, dan dengan Presiden Umno sebagai pemimpin sekular, (secara) berdepan-depan.
"Ini (program dilakukan seperti ini) cara Nabi-nabi di mana Nabi Ibrahim berdepan dengan Namrud, Nabi Musa berdepan dengan Firaun dan Nabi Muhammad berdepan dengan Abu Jahal.
"Mengenai cara demokrasi, Amerika pun telah mengadakan debat terbuka di kalangan calon-calon Presidennya termasuk (yang dihadapi) Obama sendiri berdepan dengan calon Presiden Amerika dari parti lawannya, dan cara itu kini digunakan negara jiran, Indonesia.
"Pengamal demokrasi melakukan demikian oleh kerana negara ini disebut bukan (mengamalkan cara) Komunis.
"Cara mujadalah ini bukan pandai-pandai saya. Ini kerja Nabi, (oleh kerana perkara ini) ada Hadisnya dan ada Sirahnya.
"Oleh itu tidak ada sebab tidak mahu bermujadalah dalam satu saja isu iaitu 'Kerana Apa Umno Menolak Islam'.
"Saya nak tahu itu saja. Biar rakyat pun faham, biar masyarakat jelas oleh kerana (ketika berada) di akhirat kelak, tak selesai dengan mahkamah (dunia).
"Takkanlah dalam kubur nanti, saya nak kata; 'Ini keputusan Mahkamah Malaysia'.
"Apabila masuk kubur, (berdepan dengan) kerajaan lain, kerajaan Tuhan betul-betul. Tidak ada langsung sama ada Kerajaan Kelantan atau Kerajaan Kuala Lumpur, bahkan yang ada Kerajaan Allah SWT dan pada masa itu tidak laku keputusan yang dibuat dan bercanggah dengan Islam," tegasnya.
Muhammad Yusri Amin/ mks/harakahdaily
Dua laporan mengenai PRK Dun Manek Urai, Kelantan.
*Peniaga diisytiharkan calon PAS di Manek Urai
*Haji Fauzi mendapat sokongan peringkat akar umbi
Peniaga diisytiharkan calon PAS di Manek Urai
KUALA KRAI, 27 Jun (Hrkh) - Seorang peniaga, Haji Mohd Fauzi Abdullah, 50 diumumkan sebagai calon PAS bagi mempertahankan Dun Manek Urai malam tadi.
Pengisytiharan itu dibuat Mursyidul Am PAS, Tuan Guru Dato' Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat pada ceramah di Kampung Manek Urai Lama, yang sendat dengan ribuan manusia.
Hadir sama Presiden PAS, Dato' Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang dan Penasihat DAP, Lim Kit Siang.
Kawasan padang bola Manek Urai Lama sesak sejak petang lagi apabila penduduk tempatan dan petugas parti bertali arus menuju ke tempat ceramah.
Ketika diumumkan nama calon tersebut, suara takbir sambut menyambut mengiringi pengisytiharan tersebut. Kelihatan ramai yang setuju dengan ketokohan yang ditampilkan.
Biarpun Mohd Fauzi tinggal di Guchil, namun mempunyai keluarga yang ramai di Dun Manek Urai.
Kakak sulungnya, Mariam isteri kepada seorang pesara polis kini tinggal di Kampung Laloh.
Keluarganya berasal dari Bukit Marak berhijrah ke Kuala Krai ketika beliau berusia lima tahun.
Beliau merupakan anak keenam daripada lapan adik beradik. Empat daripadanya mendapat pendidikan tinggi sehingga ke luar negara.
Seorang lagi kakaknya, Prof Dr Aminah pensyarah kanan di UKM; ketiga, Ibrahim seorang peniaga buah-buahan; keempat, Sabariah ketua jururawat di Hospital Temerloh.
Kelima, Mohd Yazid, pengarah jabatan kerajaan di Putrajaya. Manakala dua adiknya iaitu Razali memiliki syarikat perunding di Pulau Pinang dan adik bongsu, Zaidi lepasan bidang IT di universiti, Australia.
Mohd Fauzi mempunyai lima anak hasil perkongsian hidup dengan Aminah Mahmood.
Terbabit dengan PAS sejak muda lagi. Beliau juga Ketua Cawangan PAS di Bandar Kuala Krai, Pengarah MTD Guchil dan bekas Penyelia Dun Guchil.
Beliau juga anggota jawatankuasa PIBG Maahad Rahmaniah, Kuala Krai. Kelibatnya tidak jauh berbeza dengan Allahyarham Haji Ismail Yaacob kerana pergaulan yang luas.
Orang ramai mudah menemuinya di kedai-kedai kopi. Hampir kesemua penduduk di sembilan peti di Manek Urai mengenalinya.
Biar pun kenderaan disekat melintasi jambatan merentangi Sungai Lebir menghala ke Manek Urai Lama mulai jam 7 petang semalam, namun banyak kenderaan masih lagi tersangkut untuk keluar ke jalan besar jam 1 pagi.
Haji Fauzi mendapat sokongan peringkat akar umbi
KUALA KRAI, 27 Jun (Hrkh) - Pemilihan Haji Mohd Fauzi Abdullah sebagai calon PAS bagi mempertahankan Dun Manek Urai dibuat berdasar kepada sistem Kajian Awal Pilihan Raya (KAP) terhadap senarai calon daripada peringkat akar umbi dan cawangan.
Bendahari PAS Kuala Krai itu menduduki tempat pertama daripada senarai nama yang dikemukakan setiap cawangan kepada Badan Perhubungan PAS Kelantan.
Penasihat Jentera Operasi Pilihan Raya Kecil Dun Manek Urai, Dato' Wan Abdul Rahim Wan Abdullah berkata, terdapat banyak nama yang dicadangkan cawangan kepada Badan Perhubungan PAS negeri sebelum dipertimbangkan Pesuruhjaya PAS Negeri, Tuan Guru Dato Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat ke PAS pusat.
Katanya, ahli-ahli PAS di peringkat akar umbi akur sesiapa pun yang dicalonkan pimpinan negeri bagi menghadapi pilihan raya kecil Dun Manek Urai 14 Julai ini.
"Malah semua jentera di peringkat cawangan telah bersetuju mematuhi arahan negeri dan meneruskan kempen. Saya berpendapat Haji Fauzi tidak jauh beza dengan arwah Paksu Wil," katanya ketika ditemui selepas pengisytiharan calon tersebut di Manek Urai Lama malam tadi.
Timbalan Ketua Muslimat PAS negeri, Hajah Wan Ubaidah Omar berkata, pemilihan Haji Fauzi amat bertepatan kerana beliau merupakan orang yang dikenali ramai di Manek Urai dan Kuala Krai.
Katanya, walaupun beliau tidak mendapat pendidikan tinggi, namun kepatuhannya terhadap parti dan sikapnya yang mudah mesra dengan orang ramai menjadi kriteria utama.
"Dewan Muslimat PAS negeri akan bekerja kuat untuk memastikan calon PAS mendapat sokongan dan berharap akan meningkatkan majoriti pada pilihan raya kecil nanti," ujarnya.
Wan Ubaidah yang juga anggota Exco kerajaan negeri berkata, Dewan Muslimat negeri sudah berada di setiap peti undi berkempen dari rumah ke rumah sejak beberapa minggu lalu.
Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS negeri, Ustaz Abdul Latif Abdul Rahman berkata, Pemuda negeri berikrar meneruskan agenda memenangkan calon PAS tanpa memikirkan siapa calon yang dipilih pimpinan negeri.
"Dewan Pemuda PAS negeri mengucapkan tahniah kepada Haji Fauzi yang juga Bendahari PAS Kuala Krai yang telah diberi kepercayaan meneruskan kesinambungan Allahyarham Paksu Wil membela nasib rakyat di Dun Manek Urai," ujar beliau.
m/Mohd Nor Yahya/harakahdaily
What Is Anal Cancer?
Anal cancer is a rare malignancy that starts in the anus -- the opening at the end of the rectum.
The American Cancer Society estimates that 5,290 new cases of anal cancer will be diagnosed in the U.S in 2009 and that 710 people in the U.S. will die from the disease this year.
For comparison, the American Cancer Society predicts 40,870 new cases of rectal cancer and 106,100 new cases of colon cancer in the U.S. in 2009.
About half of all anal cancers are diagnosed before the malignancy has spread beyond the primary site, while about a third are diagnosed after the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes only and 10% are diagnosed after the cancer has spread to distant organs.
When it is found early, anal cancer is highly treatable.
According to the American Cancer Society, the overall five-year survival rate following diagnosis of anal cancer is 60% for men and 71% for women.
When the cancer is diagnosed in its earliest stage, five-year survival is 82%. If it has spread to surrounding lymph nodes, five-year survival drops to 60%. And when it has spread to distant organs, about 20% of patients live for five years or more.
Who Gets Anal Cancer?
Most anal cancers are diagnosed in people who are between 50 and 80. Before age 50, anal cancer is more common in men, but after age 50 it is slightly more common in women, Saslow says.
Anal infection with human papillomavirus ( HPV) is a major risk factor for the cancer.
According to the American Cancer Society, 85% of anal cancers are associated with persistent infection with the sexually transmitted virus.
Although an HPV vaccine is in use for the prevention of cervical cancer, it is not being given to prevent anal cancer.
"We have some promising data suggesting that the vaccine can prevent anal cancers, but this hasn't been proven," Saslow says.
According to both the American Cancer Society and National Cancer Institute, other risk factors for anal cancer include being over 50 years old, having many sexual partners, having receptive anal intercourse, having a weakened immune system, frequent anal redness and soreness, and being a smoker.
Some tumors that develop in the anus are noncancerous. Others start off as benign but develop into cancer over time.
What Are the Symptoms of Anal Cancer?
In some cases, there are no symptoms associated with anal cancer, but in about half of patients bleeding occurs and is often the first sign of the disease, according to the American Cancer Society.
Because anal itching can also be a symptom of the cancer, many people initially attribute their bleeding and itching to hemorrhoids.
"Any time people have symptoms, they need to get it checked out even if they think they know what it is," Saslow says. "Anal cancer is rare, so it is not on many people's radar screens."
Other signs and symptoms of anal cancer can include:
* Pain or pressure in the anal area
* Unusual discharges from the anus
* Lump near the anus
* Change in bowel habits
How Is Anal Cancer Diagnosed?
Anal cancer can be detected during a routine digital rectal exam or during a minor procedure, such as removal of what is believed to be a hemorrhoid.
The cancer may also be found with more invasive procedures such as an anoscopy, proctoscopy, or endorectal ultrasound.
If cancer is suspected, a biopsy will be done and will be examined by a pathologist.
How Is Anal Cancer Treated?
Standard treatments for anal cancer include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.
According to the American Cancer Society, treatment usually involves two or more of these treatment strategies.
Chemotherapy and radiation therapy is currently the most widely used approach to initial treatment.
(Writer Salynn Boyles contributed to this report.)
Common Anporectal Condition
ADUN Aulong Fail Saman Terhadap Timbalan Speaker DUN Perak
IPOH, 26 Jun (Bernama) -- Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) kawasan Aulong, Yew Tian Hoe, hari ini memfailkan saman terhadap Timbalan Speaker DUN Perak Hee Yit Foong bagi menuntut ganti rugi berhubung kecederaan yang dialaminya akibat didakwa diserang dengan botol penyembur serbuk lada pada persidangan DUN pada 7 Mei lalu.
Dalam writ saman itu, Yew juga memohon perintah injunksi bagi menghalang Hee, atau pekerja atau ejennya daripada melakukan salahguna, ancaman atau serangan terhadapnya dengan apa juga cara sekalipun.
Writ saman tersebut yang menamakan Hee sebagai defendan difailkan melalui firma guaman, Tetuan Leong & Tan pada pukul 11 pagi di Pejabat Pendaftar Mahkamah Tinggi di sini.
Dalam writ sman itu, Yew, selaku plantif antara lain mendakwa mengalami kecederaan di bahagian mata kiri akibat tindakan Hee mengancam dan menyerangnya dengan botol penyembur serbuk lada pada perasmian mesyuarat pertama penggal kedua DUN Perak ke-12.
Beliau juga mendakwa mengalami kecederaan di mata kirinya, kekejutan gelisah dan kesengsaraan mental serta terpaksa menanggung penghinaan dan perasaan malu di khalayak ramai.
Yew juga mendakwa defendan adalah seorang yang tidak menyesal dan berbohong kepada media dengan mengatakan botol penyembur itu adalah rantai kunci hotel atau pemacu cakera mudah-alih (pen drive) sebelum mengakui bahawa alat itu sebenarnya botol penyembur serbuk lada.
Yew juga mendakwa defendan enggan, ingkar dan gagal meminta maaf walaupun diberi peluang serta mendakwa kelakuan defendan itu adalah berniat jahat serta zalim.
Disebabkan ancaman dan serangan plaintif di hadapan kesemua ahli DUN dalam Dewan, Yew mendakwa mengalami penghinaan, kerugian maruah dan kejatuhan harga diri, sedih dan gangguan mental.
Dalam pernyataan tuntutannya, Yew memohon ganti rugi keterlaluan, ganti rugi teladan serta faedah pada kadar lapan peratus setahun yang dikira berdasarkan jumlah ganti rugi yang diberikan dari tarikh hari ini hingga ke tarikh penyelesaian sepenuhnya.
Plaintif turut menuntut kos dan relif yang selanjutnya atau lain-lain yang ditentukan wajar dan sesuai oleh mahkamah.
Jenazah bapa Naib Presiden PAS selamat dikebumikan
KUALA LUMPUR, 26 Jun (Hrkh)- Bapa Naib Presiden PAS, Salahuddin Ayob selamat dikebumikan jam 11.00 pagi tadi setelah menghembus nafas terakhirnya kira-kira pukul 12.15 malam tadi.
Allahyarham Haji Ayob Omar, 75 terlantar di hospital kira-kira tiga bulan yang lalu setelah mengalami kemalangan jalanraya.
Beliau meninggalkan seorang balu, Aminah Abdullah, 60, dan tiga orang anak serta 13 orang cucu.
Jenazah Allahyarham dikebumikan di Tanah Perkuburan Kampung Serkat, Tanjung Piai, Pontian, Johor pada pukul 11.00 pagi tadi.
Irwan Muhammad Zain/wann/harakahdaily_
Michael Jackson Dead at 50
LOS ANGELES – AP: Michael Jackson, the sensationally gifted child star who rose to become the "King of Pop" and the biggest celebrity in the world only to fall from his throne in a freakish series of scandals, died Thursday, a person with knowledge of the situation told The Associated Press. He was 50.
The person said Jackson died in a Los Angeles hospital. The person was not authorized to speak publicly and requested anonymity.
The circumstances of his death were not immediately clear. Jackson was not breathing when Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics responded to a call at his Los Angeles home about 12:30 p.m., Capt. Steve Ruda told the Los Angeles Times. The paramedics performed CPR and took him to UCLA Medical Center, Ruda told the newspaper.
Jackson's death brought a tragic end to a long, bizarre, sometimes farcical decline from his peak in the 1980s, when he was popular music's premier all-around performer, a uniter of black and white music who shattered the race barrier on MTV, dominated the charts and dazzled even more on stage.
His 1982 album "Thriller" — which included the blockbuster hits "Beat It," "Billie Jean" and "Thriller" — remains the biggest-selling album of all time, with more than 26 million copies.
He was perhaps the most exciting performer of his generation, known for his feverish, crotch-grabbing dance moves and his high-pitched voice punctuated with squeals and titters. His single sequined glove, tight, military-style jacket and aviator sunglasses were trademarks second only to his ever-changing, surgically altered appearance.
By some measures, he ranked alongside Elvis Presley and the Beatles as the biggest pop sensations of all time. In fact, he united two of music's biggest names when he was briefly married to Presley's daughter, Lisa Marie.
As years went by, he became an increasingly freakish figure — a middle-aged man-child weirdly out of touch with grownup life. His skin became lighter, his nose narrower, and he spoke in a breathy, girlish voice. He surrounded himself with children at his Neverland ranch, often wore a germ mask while traveling and kept a pet chimpanzee named Bubbles as one of his closest companions.
In 2005, he was cleared of charges he molested a 13-year-old cancer survivor at Neverland in 2003. He had been accused of plying the boy with alcohol and groping him. The case took a fearsome toll on his career and image, and he fell into serious financial trouble.
Jackson was preparing for what was to be his greatest comeback: He was scheduled for an unprecedented 50 shows at a London arena, with the first set for July 13. He was in rehearsals in Los Angeles for the concert, an extravaganza that was to capture the classic Jackson magic: showstopping dance moves, elaborate staging and throbbing dance beats.
Hundreds of people gathered outside the hospital as word of his death spread. The emergency entrance at the UCLA Medical Center, which is near Jackson's rented home, was roped off with police tape.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Michael Jackson has just died," a woman boarding a Manhattan bus called out, shortly after the news was annunced. Immediately many riders reached for their cell phones.
In New York's Times Square, a low groan went up in the crowd when a screen flashed that Jackson had died, and people began relaying the news to friends by cell phone.
"No joke. King of Pop is no more. Wow," Michael Harris, 36, of New York City, read from a text message a friend sent to his telephone. "It's like when Kennedy was assassinated. I will always remember being in Times Square when Michael Jackson died."
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Please i need your help
I am deeply in sorrow hurry writing you this message i am sorry i didn’t inform you about my traveling to London don’t,have much time on the pc here,so i have to brief you my present situation which requires your urgent response Actually, I had a trip to London yesterday but unfortunately for me all my money got stolen at the hotel where i lodged due to a robbery incident that happened in the hotel.I had been so restless since last night cos i have been without any money i am even oweing the hotel here as well moreover the Hotel’s telephone lines here got dissconnected by the robbers and they are trying to get them fixed,
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Thanks alot for your kindness,
I will really appreciate your quick response.
Best Regards
Selangor Umum Senarai Ahli Majlis PBT Bulan Depan
SHAH ALAM, 24 Jun - Senarai nama ahli majlis Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) yang baru akan diketahui Julai ini. Statistik komposisi ahli Majlis PBT penggal yang lepas seperti di sebelah.
Dato’ Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim berkata senarai ahli majlis itu sepatutnya dikeluarkan kerajaan negeri bulan ini namun telah di tunda kepada bulan hadapan bagi memastikan mereka yang dilantik benar-benar layak.
“Kerajaan negeri memerlukan masa untuk menyemak latar belakang ahli yang dilantik bagi mengelakkan perkara sama berulang”, katanya kepada pemberita selepas katanya kepada pemberita selepas mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Mingguan Exco disini petang tadi.
Menurut Abdul Khalid, sebelum ini beberapa ahli majlis yang dilantik mempunyai rekod tidak bersih selain terlibat dalam kes polis.
Dalam sidang media yang sama, Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tetap Kerajaan Tempatan, Kajian dan Penyelidikan, Ronnie Liu turut memaklumkan senarai ahli majlis yang akan dilantik akan ditentukan oleh parti masing-masing.
“Bagi Badan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) ianya akan dinilai oleh ketiga- tiga parti (Pakatan Rakyat)”, katanya.
Cuba anda teliti tiga laporan yang sumber asalnya dikatakan dipetik dari Bernam.com tetapi kandungan serta maklumat pentingnya berbeza. Bagaimana boleh berlaku? Yang pasti laporan berbahasa Inggeris berbeza penekanannya berbanding dengan laporan dalam bahasa Melayu. Setuju atau tidak?
Petronas net profit down 13.9%
KUALA LUMPUR (June 25, 2009): Petronas Group recorded another year of satisfactory performance for the financial year ended March 31, 2009, registering an increase of 18.4% in revenue to at an all time high of RM264.2 billion.
However, the group's pre-tax profit fell 6.7% to RM89.1 billion, while net profit fell 13.9% to RM52.5 billion.
Petronas president and chief executive officer Tan Sri Hassan Marican said stronger group revenues were driven by both higher sales volume as well as LNG prices.
Notwithstanding lower profit, however, the group declared higher dividend of RM30 billion, 25% higher than previous year.
Hassan said Petronas plans to maintain capital expenditure (capex) for its current financial year ending March 31, 2010, at US$12 billion (RM42 billion).
Speaking to reporters after announcing the group's results, he said that 60% of the amount will be utilised for domestic operations and the remaining 40% for international operations.
For the financial year just ended, the group increased its capex to RM44 billion from RM37.6 billion.
During the year, the group reinvested 21.1% or RM21.9 billion of its profit before taxation, royalty and export duties.
The reinvestment was significantly lower compared to other major oil and gas companies.
However, Hassan said that Petronas sees 35 to 40% of its profit as a comfortable level for the reinvestment.
The reinvestment is necessary to ensure the group's sustainable operations and to generate future revenue and profit, he said.
On overseas expansion, Hassan said the group was looking to strengthen its presence in the countries that it was already operating.
As at March 31, 2009, Petronas was involved in various activities along the oil and gas value chain in more than 30 countries worldwide.
Asked about the speculation concerning his successor, Hassan said: "There are always speculations on my successor. I think that question needs to be addressed to the government."
He said under his employment contract, his term will end in February next year. -- Bernama
Mufti Perak kurang terdedah sejarah politik Islam - Nik Aziz
Mufti Perak, Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria dianggap tidak terdedah dengan sejarah politik Islam sehingga menganggap PAS sebagai punca perbalahan orang Melayu di negara ini.
"Kalau betullah PAS menjadi punca balah, maka Nabi Muhammad saw juga menjadi punca masyarakat Arab ketika itu berbalah.
"Ini kerana PAS meniru apa yang dilakukan Nabi Muhammad saw. Apakah Nabi Muhammad saw menjadi punca belah. Sedangkan apa yang berlaku punca pecah belah datang daripada orang yang lawan Islam," kata Tuan Guru Dato' Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.
Mursyidul Am PAS itu bertanya sekarang siapa punca berpecah belah, parti Islam atau parti kebangsaan yang berteraskan sekular.
Menurutnya, orang Islam kena tengok semula sejarah, adakah Nabi Muhammad saw menjadi punca perbalahan masyarakat ketika itu atau orang yang melawan ajaran dibawanya.
"Kalaulah Nabi Muhammad saw menjadi punca balah, maka apa yang dikatakan Mufti Perak itu betullah.
"Sedangkan baginda berbalah dengan bapa saudara dan masyarakat Arab bagi menegakkan Islam. Jadi siapa yang menjadi punca balah," katanya di sini.
Sebuah akhbar hari ini menyiarkan kenyataan Mufti Perak yang dianggap kecewa dengan gelagat sesetengah parti politik yang mendakwa Islam tetapi sanggup berkelahi dan memutuskan tali persaudaraan bagi menegakkan ideologi politik mereka.
Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz yang Menteri Besar Kelantan berkata, PAS ditubuh di Pulau Pinang oleh alim ulama yang asal berada dalam Umno.
Namun katanya mereka keluar daripada Umno dan menubuh sebuah parti Islam pada 1951.
Beliau juga berkata, Umno ialah United Malay National Organization yang memperlihatkan parti itu berjuang berteraskan kaum.
"Jadi mengapa dia sibuk dengan kita, sedangkan dia parti Melayu. Pelawalah orang Melayu seramai yang boleh kerana mereka parti orang Melayu.
"Tetapi sekarang mengapa pula orang Melayu sudah ramai yang lari daripada Umno. Orang Melayu sudah lari kepada PAS, KeADILan dan DAP," tambahnya.
Menurutnya juga Umno selama ini secara jelas menyebut agama lain dan politik lain dalam perjuangan mereka.
Sedangkan beliau berkata, Islam meminta manusia berpadu sama ada dengan orang Melayu, Cina dan India.
"Kalau perpaduan sebenar biarlah semua kaum dalam BN dan Pakatan Rakyat berpadu," katanya.
Oleh itu beliau meminta supaya mufti terbabit supaya lebih baik menggunakan masa yang berharga untuk mempengaruhi Umno supaya tukar dasar kebangsaan kepada Islam.
"Berapa sen harga kaum Melayu atau bangsa Arab di Padang Mahsyar kelak. Dalam keadaan PAS masuk Perikatan dahulu lalu dengan dijemput pun PAS ditendang keluar.
"Inikan pula kita yang cuba sorong-sorong kepala. Sebab itu saya tengok sehari dua ini Umno macam orang gila talak pula," katanya.
Sebelum ini ketika mengadakan pertemuan dengan warga pendidik di Kuala Krai, Timbalan Presiden Umno, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin menyebut perpaduan hanya diminati antara PAS dan Umno sahaja dan bukan melibatkan parti lain.
mj/M Faqih/harakahdaily
'Charlie's Angel' Farrah Fawcett dies at 62
LOS ANGELES – A winsome smile, tousled hair and unfettered sensuality were Farrah Fawcett's trademarks as a sex symbol and 1970s TV star in "Charlie's Angels." But as her life drew to a close, she captivated the public in a far different way: as a cancer patient who fought for, then surrendered, her treasured privacy to document her struggle with the disease and inspire others.
Fawcett, 62, died Thursday morning at St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica, nearly three years after being diagnosed with anal cancer. Ryan O'Neal, the longtime companion who returned to her side when she became ill, was with her.
"After a long and brave battle with cancer, our beloved Farrah has passed away," O'Neal said. "Although this is an extremely difficult time for her family and friends, we take comfort in the beautiful times that we shared with Farrah over the years and the knowledge that her life brought joy to so many people around the world."
In the end, Fawcett sought to offer more than that, re-emerging in the spotlight with a new gravitas.
In "Farrah's Story," which aired last month, she made public her painful treatments and dispiriting setbacks — from shaving her golden locks before chemotherapy could claim them to undergoing experimental treatments in Germany.
"Her big message to people is don't give up. No matter what they say to you, keep fighting," Alana Stewart, who filmed Fawcett as she underwent treatment, said last month. NBC estimated the May 15, 2009, broadcast drew nearly 9 million viewers.
In the documentary, she also recounted her efforts to unmask the source of leaks from her UCLA Medical Center records, which led a hospital employee to plead guilty to violating a federal privacy law for selling celebrities' information to the National Enquirer.
"There are no words to express the deep sense of loss that I feel," Stewart said Thursday. "For 30 years, Farrah was much more than a friend. She was my sister, and although I will miss her terribly, I know in my heart that she will always be there as that angel on the shoulder of everyone who loved her."
Other "Charlie's Angels" stars also paid tribute.
"Farrah had courage, she had strength, and she had faith. And now she has peace as she rests with the real angels," Jaclyn Smith said.
Said Cheryl Ladd: "She was incredibly brave, and God will be welcoming her with open arms."
Kate Jackson said she would remember Fawcett's "kindness, her cutting, dry wit and, of course, her beautiful smile. Today when you think of Farrah remember her smiling because that is exactly how she wanted to be remembered, smiling."
Fawcett became a sensation in 1976 as one-third of the crime-fighting trio in "Charlie's Angels." A poster of her in a clingy, red swimsuit sold in the millions and her full, layered hairstyle became all the rage, with girls and women across America mimicking the look.
She left the show after one season but had a flop on the big screen with "Somebody Killed Her Husband." She turned to more serious roles in the 1980s and 1990s, winning praise playing an abused wife in "The Burning Bed."
Born Feb. 2, 1947, in Corpus Christi, Texas, she was named Mary Farrah Leni Fawcett by her mother, who said she added the Farrah because it sounded good with Fawcett. As a student at the University of Texas at Austin, she was voted one of the 10 most beautiful people on the campus and her photos were eventually spotted by movie publicist David Mirisch, who suggested she pursue a film career.
She appeared in a string of commercials, including one where she shaved quarterback Joe Namath, and in such TV shows as "That Girl," "The Flying Nun," "I Dream of Jeannie" and "The Partridge Family."
She was diagnosed with anal cancer in 2006. According to the American Cancer Society Web site, an estimated 5,290 Americans, most of them adults over 35, will be diagnosed with that type of cancer this year, and there will be 710 deaths.
As she underwent treatment, she enlisted the help of O'Neal, who was the father of her now 24-year-old son, Redmond.
This month, O'Neal said he asked Fawcett to marry him and she agreed. They would wed "as soon as she can say yes," he said, but it never happened.
Fawcett, Jackson and Smith made up the original "Angels," the sexy, police-trained trio of martial arts experts who took their assignments from a rich, mysterious boss named Charlie (John Forsythe, who was never seen on camera but whose distinctive voice was heard on speaker phone.)
The program debuted in September 1976, the height of what some critics derisively referred to as television's "jiggle show" era, and it gave each of the actresses ample opportunity to show off their figures as they disguised themselves as hookers and strippers to solve crimes.
Backed by a clever publicity campaign, Fawcett — then billed as Farrah Fawcett-Majors because of her marriage to "The Six Million Dollar Man" star Lee Majors — quickly became the most popular Angel of all.
Her face helped sell T-shirts, lunch boxes, shampoo, wigs and even a novelty plumbing device called Farrah's faucet. Her flowing blond hair, pearly white smile and trim, shapely body made her a favorite with male viewers in particular.
The public and the show's producer, Spelling-Goldberg, were shocked when she announced after the series' first season that she was leaving television's No. 5-rated series to star in feature films. (Ladd became the new "Angel" on the series.)
But film turned out to be a platform where Fawcett was never able to duplicate her TV success. Her first star vehicle, the comedy-mystery "Somebody Killed Her Husband," flopped and Hollywood cynics cracked that it should have been titled "Somebody Killed Her Career."
The actress had also been in line to star in "Foul Play" for Columbia Pictures. But the studio opted for Goldie Hawn instead. Fawcett told The Associated Press in 1979 that Spelling-Goldberg sabotaged her, warning "all the studios that that they would be sued for damages if they employed me."
She finally reached an agreement to appear in three episodes of "Charlie's Angels" a season, an experience she called "painful."
After a short string of unsuccessful movies, Fawcett found critical success in the 1984 television movie "The Burning Bed," which earned her an Emmy nomination.
As further proof of her acting credentials, Fawcett appeared off-Broadway in "Extremities," playing a woman who seeks revenge against her attacker after being raped in her own home. She repeated the role in the 1986 film version.
Not content to continue playing victims, she switched type to take on roles as a murderous mother in the 1989 true-crime story "Small Sacrifices" and a tough lawyer on the trail of a thief in 1992's "Criminal Behavior."
She also starred in biographies of Nazi-hunter Beate Klarsfeld and photographer Margaret Bourke-White.
In 1995, at age 50, Fawcett stirred controversy posing partly nude for Playboy magazine. The following year, she starred in a Playboy video, "All of Me," in which she was equally unclothed while she sculpted and painted.
Fawcett's most unfortunate career moment may have been a 1997 appearance on David Letterman's show, when her disjointed, rambling answers led many to speculate that she was on drugs. She denied that, blaming her strange behavior on questionable advice from her mother to be playful and have a good time.
In September 2006, Fawcett, who at 59 still maintained a strict regimen of tennis and paddleball, began to feel strangely exhausted. She underwent two weeks of tests that revealed the cancer.
"I do not want to die of this disease. So I say to God, `It is seriously time for a miracle,'" she said in "Farrah's Story."
Seminar Bincang Gejala Sosial
Isu berkaitan gejala sosial seperti gengsterisme, buli, ponteng sekolah, penagihan dadah, pergaulan bebas, lari dari rumah dan sebagainya telah menjadi satu agenda penting Kerajaan Selangor untuk diberi perhatian.
Banyak forum dan perbincangan diadakan dengan harapan permasalahan itu dapat dikekang atau dibendung walaupun pada hakikatnya gejala tersebut semakin berleluasa di negeri ini.
Justeru, satu Seminar Mencegah Gejala Sosial sedang dianjurkan oleh Jawatankuasa Tetap Pendidikan, Pendidikan Tinggi dan Pembangunan Modal Insan bermula pada 24 dan 25 Jun 09.
Seminar dua hari itu berlangsung di Dewan Perdana , Hotel Grand Bluewave, dekat sini bermula jam 8.30 pagi dan berakhir jam 5.00 petang.
Sebanyak 13 kertas kerja akan dibentangkan sepanjang seminar berlangsung, antaranya ialah Pergaulan Bebas, Punca dan Penyelesaian oleh Dr Fakrul Adabi Abdul Kadir, Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya, Kes Ibu Tanpa Nikah di Selangor oleh Dr Fatimah Abdullah Pensyarah Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Pengabaian Kanak-kanak oleh Adnan Abu Bakar,Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Selangor dan sebagainya.
Majlis perasmian seminar disempurnakan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pendidikan, Pendidikan Tinggi dan Pembangunan Modal Insan, Dr Halimah Ali.