Pengajarannya: Orang awam jangan cuba nak tiru atau bergaya macam artis, nanti jadi papa.....beberapa (banyak) keturunan. Itupun jika sempat berketurunan sebelum bercerai....
Sewaktu perkahwinan di Felda Taib Andak, Kulai, Johor Bahru, Mawi & Ekin telah diangkut menaiki sebuah helikopter yang ditaja oleh rakannya dari Hotel Sofitel, Senai ke Sekolah Kebangsaan Sinar Bahagia, Felda Taib Andak. Perkahwinan yang penuh dengan gaya Raja Jawa Keraton. "World world juga, akhirat jangan lupa" sekadar mengingatkan. Biar glamour dunia akhirat.
# kostum Jawa termasuk aksesori untuk mempelai mencecah RM50,000. Bagi pelamin dan dekorasi pula dianggarkan sekitar RM200,000.
# Konsep pelamin adalah inspirasi istana lama Jawa yang mana perabot di Dewan Serbaguna ditaja Grandteak Puchong, Selangor.
# Kos bunga yang digunakan RM 10,000.
Gosip selanjutnya di SINI
Reports and pics by courtesy of sun2surf with thanks.
Kuala Lumpur, 30 December 2008 : About 400 people made up of Pas supporters and members of non-governmental organizations chant slogans and carry Palestinian flags during a protest against Israel's air assault on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, in Kuala Lumpur. The protestors gathered outside the Tabung Haji building in Jalan Tun Razak, before moving to the front of the U.S. embassy at 11.30am while shouting slogans to protest the open US support for Israel's actions. The demonstrators protest against the Israeli attacks on Gaza, which has killed and wounded hundreds of Palestinians.
Hamas is an Islamic fundamentalist organization whose military wing has admitted responsibility for attacks against Israeli civilians and soldiers.
The group came into being in December 1987, growing out of the Muslim Brotherhood, the religious and political organization founded in Egypt. Its goal is an Islamic fundamentalist Palestinian state. It is considered a terrorist organizations by Israel and the United States.
Hamas is an acronym for "Harakat Al-Muqawama Al-Islamia" or Islamic Resistance Movement, in English. The group was primarily a religious and charitable organization between the 1960s and 1980s. It has wings devoted to religious, military, political and security activities.
Hamas has an annual budget of $70 million, according to the Council on Foreign Relations. It gets financial support from expatriate Palestinians, private donors in the Middle East, Muslim charities in the West, and Iran.
Here are some notable events in its 21-year history:
1988 - The covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement is published. The group presents itself as an alternative to the PLO.
1989 - An Israeli court convicts Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin of ordering Hamas members to kidnap and kill two Israeli soldiers.
April 1994 - Hamas orchestrates its first suicide bombing. Five are killed in the Israeli city of Hedera.
February to March 1996 - The Palestinian Authority cracks down on Hamas, after a series of Hamas-orchestrated suicide bombings in Israel kill more than 50 people. Palestinian President Yasser Arafat condemns the bombings, referring to them as "a terrorist operation." Later, the PNA arrests approximately 140 suspected Hamas members.
1997 - Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin is released from prison.
1999 - King Abdullah of Jordan closes down Hamas headquarters in Jordan.
2001 - The U.S. State Department lists Hamas on its official list of terrorist groups.
June 12, 2003 - A suicide bomber disguised as an ultra-orthodox Jew detonates himself on a Jerusalem bus, killing 16 Israelis. Hamas claims responsibility.
August 20, 2003 - A suicide bomber detonates himself on a bus killing at least 20 Israelis. Hamas and Islamic Jihad claim responsibility.
January 2004 - The first Hamas female suicide bomber kills four Israelis at Erez crossing in a joint operation with the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.
March 14, 2004 - Hamas and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claim responsibility for a double attack at the Israeli port of Ashdod that kills 10 Israelis.
March 22, 2004 - Hamas leader Yassin is killed by Israeli air strikes.
March 23, 2004 - Dr. Abdel Aziz Rantisi is named as Yassin's successor.
April 17, 2004 - Rantisi is killed by an Israeli air strike on his car.
August 31, 2004 - The Islamic militant group Hamas claims responsibility for deadly simultaneous explosions on two buses in the southern Israeli city of Beer Sheva that killed at least 14 people and wounding more than 80.
September 26, 2004 - A leading member of Hamas, Izz Eldin Subhi Sheikh Khalil, is killed by a car bomb as he leaves his home in Damascus, Syria.
December 12, 2004 - An attack at a checkpoint on the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt kills five Israelis. Hamas claims responsibility.
January 14, 2005 - A bomb at the Karni crossing at the Israel-Gaza border kills six Israelis. Hamas claims responsibility.
January 25, 2006 - Hamas, running as the "Change and Reform Party," participates for the first time in Palestinian parliamentary elections. The group is fielding 62 candidates.
January 26, 2006 - Hamas wins a landslide victory in the Palestinian legislative elections. Hamas wins 76 seats, and Fatah 43 seats in the 132-seat Palestinian Legislative Council, giving Hamas a majority.
March 29, 2006 - The new Palestinian Prime Minister, Ismail Haniya, and his cabinet are sworn in. The governments of the United States and Canada say they will have no contact with the Hamas-led Palestinian government.
June 25, 2006 - Hamas militants attack an Israeli military post and kill two soldiers. A third, Gilad Shalit, is kidnapped. The Palestinian government denies any knowledge of the attack.
Early June 2007 - After a week of battles between Hamas and Fatah, Hamas seizes control of Gaza.
June 14, 2007 - Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas dissolves the government and dismisses Ismail Haniya as Prime Minister. Haniya rejects this and remains the de facto leader in Gaza.
April 18-19, 2008 - Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter meets with exiled Hamas leader Khalid Meshaal, in Damascus, Syria.
June 2008 - Cease-fire truce between Hamas and Israel negotiated by Egypt goes into effect. Hamas agrees to stop firing rockets at Israeli border communities and Israel will allow limited trade into and out of Gaza. The cease-fire has a six-month deadlines.
December 19, 2008 - Hamas formally ends cease-fire with Israel. Attacks between the two had continued the entire time to some degree, escalating more in November.
From December 24, 2008 - The rocket attacks from Hamas increase and so do the retaliation air strikes from Israel.
Pictures and stories by courtesy of CNN
Tokoh Maal Hijrah Tahun 1430/2008 telah diberikan kepada Datuk Seri Harussani Zakaria, Mufti perak dan ahli Akademi Fiqh dari Syria, Dr Wahbah Az-Zuhayli.
Laman web Dr Wahbah di SINI. Apa kata Dr Wahbah tentang Islam Hadhari di {SINI}
BHG 1/6
BHG 2/6
BHG 3/6
BHG 4/6
BHG 5/6
BHG 6/6
Pada tahun 1773 Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan telah ditubuhkan oleh Raja Melewar yang berasal dari Minangkabau Sumatera. Orang Minangkabau mula tinggal di Negeri Sembilan semenjak zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka.
Adat Perpatih diasaskan oleh Datuk Perpatih Nan Sebatang di Pagar Ruyung , Tanah Tinggi Padang Sumatera pada kurun yang ke 17. Sistem perlantikan Yam Tuan Besar dimulai dengan Anak Buah - Buapak- Lembaga - Undang - Yam Tuan Besar.
Tuanku Muhriz ibni Almarhum Tuanku Munawir hanya berusia 18 tahun ketika ayahanda baginda mangkat. Tampuk pemerintahan telah diserahkan kepada bapa saudara baginda, Almarhum Tuanku Jaafar yang ditakdirkan menjadi Yang DiPertuan Agong Malaysia kesepuluh.
Masa berlalu, pelbagai peristiwa berlaku, tempoh percubaan dan ujian untuk insan-insan tertentu, maka apa yang telah tertulis di Azali dizahirkan maka setelah 41 tahun, pada usia 60 tahun, Tuanku Muhriz dimasyhurkan sebagai Yang Di Pertuan Besar (Yam Tuan) Negeri Sembilan ke-11.
Benarlah maksud Firman ALlah dalam surah Ali Imran: 26 yang bermaksud
"Katakanlah: Wahai Tuhan Yang mempunyai kerajaan, Engkau berikan
kerajaan kepada orang yang Engkau kehendaki dan engkau cabut kerajaan
dari orang yang Engkau kehendaki. Engkau muliakan orang yang Engkau
kehendaki dan Engkau hinakan orang yang Engkau kehendaki. Di tangan
Engkaulah segala kebajikan. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Kuasa atas segala
Pemerintah Negeri Sembilan
1. Raja Melewar (1773-1795) ( jemputan)
2. Yam Tuan Hitam (1795-1808)(jemputan)
3. Yam Tuan Lenggang ( 1808-1824) (jemputan)
4. Raja Radin (1824-1861) (anak lelaki)
5. Yang di-Pertuan Imam (1861-1869) (abang)
6. Yam Tuan Antah (1872-1888) (anak lelaki Raja Radin)
7. Tuanku Muhammad Shah ibni Almarhum Tuanku Antah(1888-1933) (anak lelaki)
8. Tuanku Abdul Rahman ibni Almarhum Tuanku Muhammad (1933-1960) (anak lelaki)
9. Tuanku Munawir ibni Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman (1960-1967) (anak lelaki)
10.Tuanku Ja’afar ibni Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman (1967-2008) (abang)
11.Tuanku Muhriz ibni Almarhum Tuanku Munawir (1948- )
Catatan Husin Lempoyang tentang kerabat Diraja Negeri Sembilan di SINI
Kelihatan Sdr Mohd Asri menerima anugerah NGO MITHALI MAAL HIJRAH 1430 bagi pihak Yayasan Amal Malaysia cawangan Selangor di Dewan Senat, KUIS Bangi pada 29/12/08. Syabas dan tingkatkan amal dan ikhlaskan niat.
Suaram Human Rights Award has been presented annually since 1999, in recognition of local communities and collectives in their outstanding and inspiring endeavours to protect and promote human rights activism in Malaysia. 6 nominations were received for the award: 1. Komuniti Kampung Chang Sungai Gepai, Bidor, Perak 2. Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF) 3. Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH) 4. Bar Council Human Rights Committee 5. The Urban Settlers of Kg Berembang 6. The Penans of Ulu Baram Out of the 6 nominees, the panel of judges decided to present the SUARAM Human Rights Award 2008 to 2 groups, one a fairly-new mass-based movement and the other a long-struggling community. This years joint-winners are the Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF) and the Penans of Ulu Baram, Sarawak.
Selagi undang-undang negara belum "SYARIAH COMPLIANT" atau menepati syariah, selagi itu Hukum Hudud akan menjadi isu yang tak lapuk dek hujan dan tak lekang dek panas, EVERGREEN.
"Apakah Hukum jahiliah yang mereka kehendaki, dan hukum siapakah yang lebih baik dari Hukum ALlah bagi orang-orang yang yakin? " (AlQuran 5:50)
" Dan janganlah kamu mencampuradukkan yang hak dengan yang bathil dan janganlah kamu sembunyikan yang hak itu, sedang kamu mengetahui" (Al Quran 2: 42)
"...apakah kamu beriman kepada sebahagian Al Kitab dan ingkar terhadap sebahagian yang lain? Tiadalah balasan ....." (Al Quran 2:85)
"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, masuklah kamu ke dalam Islam secara keseluruhannya.." (AlQuran 2:208)
" Dan tidaklah patut bagi lelaki yang beriman dan tidak patut pula bagi perempuan yang beriman apabila ALlah dan RasulNya telah menetapkan sesuatu ketetapan akan ada pilihan yang lain tentang urusan mereka. Dan barangsiapa mendurhakai ALlah dan RasulNya maka sungguhlah dia telah sesat, sesat yang nyata." (Al Quran 33:36)
"Maka demi Tuhanmu, mereka pada hakikatnya tidak beriman sehinggalah mereka menjadikan kamu hakim terhadap perkara yang mereka perselisihkan, kemudian mereka tidak merasa dalam hati mereka suatu keberatan terhadap keputusan yang kamu berikan, dan mereka menerima dengan sepenuhnya." (Al Quran 4:65)
"...Dan barangsiapa yang tidak memutuskan perkara menurut apa yang diturunkan ALlah, maka mereka itu adalah orang-orang kafir,...........................orang-orang zalim, .............orang-orang fasik" (Al Quran 5:44,45 dan 47)
Hudud bukan tanggungjawab PAS sahaja, Umno halang hukum Allah
Peguam Mohamed Hanipa Maidin
LL.B ( Hons ) UIA DAN LL.B ( Sha) ( Hons )
Exco Dewan Pemuda Pas Pusat/ ahli jawatankuasa PAS Pusat
Pengerusi Lajnah Undang-undang PAS
"Umno jangan terus mengeluarkan kata-kata bodoh dalam isu hudud ini. Ini kerana kamu bercakap tentang hukum Islam." Hanipa memberi amaran.
"Saya optimistik DAP yang mempunyai ramai para intelektual boleh menerima hudud satu hari nanti kerana isu hudud bukan sahaja boleh dipertahankan dari sudut agama malahan juga menurut perspektif intelektual" menurut Mohamed Hanipa lagi.
Agensi berita melaporkan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi berkata bahawa Perlembagaan Persekutuan perlu dipinda jika PAS mahu melaksanakan hukum hudud di negara in.
"Kalau hajat mereka begitu, saya doakan supaya hajat mereka itu tercapai tetapi hakikat politik tidak begitu," katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan Persidangan Pegawai Penguatkuasa Agama dan Pendakwa Syarie Seluruh Malaysia dan Pelancaran Kod Etika Pegawai Penguatkuasa Agama di sini.
Beliau diminta mengulas kenyataan Naib Presiden PAS Datuk Husam Musa pada Sabtu lepas bahawa parti itu akan tetap melaksanakan hukum hudud di seluruh negara sekiranya pakatan pembangkang berjaya memerintah pada masa depan.
Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Umno Kedah Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid pula berkata kenyataan Husam itu adalah "satu cerita politik" semata-mata kerana jikna PAS benar benar mahu melaksanakan, ia pasti sudah lama dikuatkuasa di Kelantan.
Saya percaya para pembaca boleh melihat kontradiksi ucapan kedua-dua pemimpim Umno tersebut. Mahadzir Khalid kata hudud boleh dilaksanakan di Kelantan, Zahid Hamidi pula mengatakan hudud tidak boleh dilaksanakan tanpa pindaan Perlembagaan.
Kenyataan kedua-dua pemimpin Umno di atas adalah refleksi wajah sebenar Umno ketika berpolitik. Bagi pemimpin Umno peribadi seorang ahli politik dan peribadi seorang Islam adalah berbeza. Sebagai seorang Islam, ia boleh menerima hudud sebagai hukum Allah tetapi sebagai ahli politik ia sukar atau tidak boleh menerima bahawa hukum hudud wajib dilaksanakan. Bagi Umno perbezaan sikap antara orang Islam dan orang politik tidak menjadi satu masalah.
Atas dasar itulah setiap kali isu hudud timbul, Umno meletakkan beban perlaksanaan hukum Allah tersebut hanya kepada PAS seolah-olah PAS sahaja yang diamanahkan melaksanakan perintah Allah tersebut. Hudud adalah perintah Allah dan yang demikian sesiapa sahaja yang mengaku dirinya sebagai orang Islam ia bukan sahaja wajib beriman dengan perintah Allah tersebut tetapi juga mesti berusaha melaksanakan hukum tersebut . Mana-mana orang Islam sama ada di dalam Umno, PAS , Keadilan, NGO atau apa-apa pertubuhan sekalipun wajib berusaha melaksanakan hukum hudud tersebut . Perlaksanaan hukum hudud bukan milik eksklusif orang-orang PAS sahaja.
Umno benak tuduh PAS politikkan isu Hudud
Jika Umno tidak benak dan dapat memahami bahawa hudud adalah perintah Allah maka Umno tidak boleh, dalam apa keadaan sekalipun, menuduh PAS cuba mempolitikkan isu hudud ini sepertimana yang dikatakan oleh Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Umno Kedah Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid tersebut.
Bagi PAS, tiada satu dikotomi ( pemisahan ) antara orang Islam dan orang politik. Apabila pemimpin PAS bercakap tentang politik ia bercakap sebagai seorang pemimpin Islam dan apabila ia bercakap tentang Islam ia juga bercakap sebagai pemimpin politik. Kenapa begitu ? Kerana itulah yang diajarkan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w iaitu Rasul bagi seluruh umat manusia termasuklah orang "orang PAS"dan "orang Umno".
Oleh itu sama ada PAS berjuang bersendirian atau bersama Pakatan Rakyat , PAS tidak akan sama sekali meninggalkan matlamat perjuangannya untuk menegakkkan Islam yang syumul yang merangkumi seluruh aspek kehidupan termasuk hukum hudud.
Tetapi dalam masa yang sama PAS juga amat maklum di atas kejahilan majoriti rakyat negara ini tentang hukum hudud tersebut dan batasan serta halangan perundangan, perlaksanaan hukum hudud mungkin tidak dapat disegerakan perlaksanaannya meskipun diandaikan Pakatan Rakyat dapat memerintah negara ini. Atas dasar itu hasrat melaksanakan hudud tidak pernah menjadi penghalang kepada Pas untuk berkerjasama dengan mana-mana pihak yang menuntut keadilan dan menentang kezaliman.
PAS maklum DAP masih belum menerima hasrat perlaksanaaan hudud di negara ini. Penentangan DAP bagi PAS bukan perkara yang pelik. Jika Umno yang bermajoritikan orang Islam juga menentang hasrat PAS untuk melaksanakan hudud apalah yang nak dihairankan DAP yang bermajoritikan orang bukan Islam juga menentang hudud. Apabila Kelantan dan Trengganu ( ketika diperintah oleh PAS ) ingin melaksanakan hudud , siapa yang mencabarnya di Mahkamah ? DAP atau Umno ?
Saya optimistik DAP yang mempunyai ramai para intelektual boleh menerima hudud satu hari nanti kerana isu hudud bukan sahaja boleh dipertahankan dari sudut agama malahan juga menurut perspektif intelektual. Melihat sokongan yang makin meningkat ke atas kelab penyokong PAS dari kalangan orang bukan Islam, DAP kini tidak boleh menyatakan hudud ditentang oleh semua orang bukan Islam.
Sepertimana yang saya katakan perlaksanaan hukum hudud bukan milik eksklusif PAS. Ia adalah tanggungjawab bersama baik Umno atau orang-orang Islam yang lain . Meskipun Umno menuduh PAS hanya berpolitik di dalam isu hudud , siapa yang boleh menidakkan kesungguhan PAS untuk cuba melaksanakan hukum Allah tersebut. Bukankah PAS yang telah bersungguh-sungguh menggubal enakmen hudud di Kelantan dan Trengganu ( semasa Pas memerintah ) .
Apa yang lebih menarik sebelum Kerajaan PAS Trengganu mengemukakan enakmen hudud di DUN Trengganu , PAS telah mengadakan seminar dan memanggil semua pihak termasukah Umno untuk memberikan pandangan dan kritikan mereka terhadap Enakmen yang ingin dibentangkan tersebut. Setahu saya ini tidak pernah berlaku dalam sejarah perundangan negara. Hal ini juga saya nyatakan kepada salah seorang Ahli Parlimen di London yang bertanyakan saya tentang enakmen tersebut ketika saya melawat Parlimen England bersama Y.B Salahudin Ayub suatu masa dahulu.
Umno halang hukum Allah
Jika PAS berusaha bersungguh-sungguh cuba melaksanakan hukum hudud semasa memerintah Kelantan dan Trengganu, Umno juga tidak ketinggalan bersungguh-sungguh cuba menghalang perlaksanaan hukum Allah tersebut. Tidak cukup pemimpin Nombor 1 UMNO ( pada masa itu ) menulis surat amaran kepada Kerajaan Kelantan agar tidak melaksanakan hukum hudud ada juga pemimpin UMNO yang sanggup mencabar undang-undang hudud tersebut di Mahkamah. Malahan yang lebih teruk sekali pemimpin UMNO sanggup melabelkan hukum Alllah tersebut sebagai hukum hudud PAS.
Jika PAS boleh menyokong Bank Islam, Takaful , Universiti Islam mengapakah Umno amat sukar menerima hudud hanya kerana ianya digubal oleh Kerajaan PAS. Mengapa Umno tidak boleh sama sekali memberi ruang kepada PAS dalam isu hudud ini. Jika Perlembagaan menjadi penghalang sepertimana yang dikatakan oleh Zahid Hamidi mengapa selama ini Umno tidak bersedia memindanya bagi membolehkan PAS melaksanakan hudud di Kelantan.
Paling minima yang Umno lakukan adalah jangan terus mengeluarkan kata-kata bodoh dalam isu hudud ini. Ini kerana kamu bercakap tentang hukum Islam. Dalam perkara yang bukan agama jika kamu salah bercakap, kamu hanya membuat kesilapan dan kesilapan tersebut tidak akan menjejaskan aqidah kamu.
Sebaliknya isu agama lain. Jika salah bercakap sila-silap akan tergelincir aqidah. Atas dasar itu dalam isu hudud diamnya para pemimpin Umno lebih baik daripada mereka bercakap. Ini kerana jika mereka diam kita mungkin rasa mereka jahil dalam isu hudud ini sebaliknya jika mereka bercakap barulah kita sedar memang confirmlah mereka ini memang jahil.
Berita dan ulasan selanjutnya HERE
Agensi Berita negara atau BERNAMA kini mungkin berhadapan dengan ketandusan berita untuk dilaporkan pada ruang atau laman utamanya berdasarkan wujudnya berita tentang penubuhan sekolah tarian India klasik di peringkat ijazah dan berkempen atau cuba mempromosikan pengusaha atau pemilik sekolah tersebut dengan panjang lebar seolah-olah semua rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum terlibat dan memiliki saham dalam syarikat berkenaan.
Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan baru mengeluarkan fatwa tentang sistem yoga serta pengamalannya di kalangan umat Islam. Tidak berapa lama dahulu, SS Mufti Perak dilaporkan ada membuat kenyataan akhbar tentang gejala ekoran dari bollymania natijah sampingan filem bollywood.
laporan sepenuhnya di SINI
Kempen 'Jom Sertai Pas' sasar 100,000 ahli
Muhammad Arif Ismail / Harakahdaily
Shah Alam, 28 Dis (Hrkh) - Dewan Pemuda Pas dengan kerjasama Lajnah Pemerkasaan Parti hari ini telah menganjurkan satu kempen yang dikenali ' Jom Sertai Pas' yang turut mengalakkan golongan muda agar mendaftar sebagai pemilih berdaftar untuk Pilihanraya Umum ke-13.
Ia dilancarkan secara rasmi pada jam 3 petang semalam di Dataran Shah Alam oleh Presiden PAS Tuan Guru Dato' Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.
Ia juga bakal berlangsung selama lima bulan iaitu bermula pada bulan Januari dan akan berakhir pada bulan Mei 2009 serta akan dilancarkan di beberapa buah negeri lain seperti di Pulau Pinang, 24 Januari. Kedah pada 14 Februari, Perak pada 28 Februari dan Kelantan pada bulan Mac.
Pengarah kempen ini, Ahmad Subki Yusuf yang juga merangkap Setiausaha Dewan Pemuda PAS Pusat berkata PAS mensasarkan jumlah ahli sebanyak 100,000 orang.
"Semua ini adalah terdiri daripada Ahli Pas dan Ahli Kelab Penyokong Pas baru dan pelbagai aktiviti akan digerakkan untuk menambahkan lagi keahlian baru" katanya.
Bagi memudahkan lagi urusan pendaftaran, boleh hubungi 03-26925000 samb. 210 atau melalui sistem pesanan ringkas dengan menaip nama jarak daerah dan hantar ke 013-2226018 atau layari
Blog yang baru dibina dan menjadi blogger sejak bulan Disember 2008, kini telah mencapai lebih 8000 pengunjung yang ingin melihat anak siapakah gerangan yang begitu biadap dan kurang ajar. Kehebatannya ialah ia berani meletakkan no telefon untuk dihubungi.
Semoga diberi taufik dan hidayah dan dijauhi dari kemurkaan ALlah. Bertaubatlah sebelum terlambat.
Di atas merupakan posting yang terdapat dalam blog laknat ini.
Dengan pembukaan Terminal Klang Sentral, RapidKL telah mengumumkan laluan/route baru untuk perkhidmatan bas mereka. Helpline pada talian 03-7625 6999
RapidKL revamps bus routes in Klang
PETALING JAYA (Dec 25, 2008): Three bus routes in Klang will be changed from Saturday (Dec 27) following the closing of the Klang Utara bus stop and the implementation of one-way streets in Klang City.
In a statement released on Dec 23, Rangkaian Pengangkutan Integrasi Deras Sdn Bhd (RapidKL) said the three routes involved are E4 (Klang - Pasar Seni), U62 (Klang-Sunway Pyramid) and T601 (Klang- Hentian Bandar Shah Alam), whereby the Klang-Pasar Seni route and the Klang- Sunway Pyramid will operate at Terminal Klang Sentral, Jalan Meru.
The new routes are:
E4 (Klang- Pasar Seni) : Klang Sentral - Jalan Meru (Tesco, Setia Alam, Mutiara Bukit Raja) - Selat Klang highway (Jusco)- Persekutuan highway (Tol Sg Rasau, Bt 3, Asia Jaya)- Jalan Syed Putra (Mid Valley) -Jalan Tun Sambanthan (Brickfields, KL Sentral) - Pasar Seni.
U62 (Klang-Sunway Pyramid): Klang Sentral - Jalan Meru (Tesco ,Setia Alam, Mutiara Bukit Raja)- Selat Klang highway (Jusco)- Persekutuan (Tol Sg Rasau, Bt 3) - Jalan Kemajuan Subang (Subang Parade, Carrefour) - Jalan Kewajipan (SJMC, Sri KL) - NPE (Sunway Pyramid).
T601 (Klang- Hentian Bandar Shah Alam) : Jalan Baru Tiga Lama (Shell, Klang) - Jalan Pasar (Pasar Jawa, Hotel Goldcourse) - Lebuh Tapah (SRJKC Pin Hwa)- Jalan Sireh (Spg. Jalan Meru)- Persiaran Kayangan (Sekyen 7, Unisel)- Persiaran Institut (UiTM) - Persiaran Masjid (Kolej Jati) - Persiaran Dato' Menteri (PKNS)- Hentian Bandar Shah Alam.
Buses will operate from 6am to midnight every 20-30 minutes.
RapidKL's General Manager of Communications , Eby Azly Abdullah advised passengers from Klang City or Hentian Bandar Shah Alam who want to go to Terminal Klang Sentral to take bus T601 and alight at Tol Sg Rasau stop and to take E4 or U62 to Terminal Klang Sentral.
"The changes are made for the convenience of passengers who journey to Terminal Klang Sentral, as the new routes would save travel time and shorten the waiting period," he said.
Further information can be obtained from RapidKL's website at or by email to or by calling the helpline at 03-7625 6999 (Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm).
Petikan ucapan Kapt (B) Dato' Hj Zahar Hashim bertempat di Hotel de Palma Ampang Point pada 24hb Dis 2008:
" Sudah 26 tahun jadi ahli UMNO terus menerus pegang jawatan Ketua Bahagian, dalam 26 tahun, saya boleh menilai antara kebaikan UMNO dan PAS "
" Saya anggap saya masih muda dan ingin berjuang",
" saya dan rakan-rakan telah berjumpa dengan YDP PJS, saya beri jaminan kepada beliau menyertai PAS bukan untuk mencari jawatan. Saya tiga kali menolak jawatan Speaker DUN Selangor pada tahun 1977 pada ketika itu Onn Ismail uzur",
" PAS bukan alternatif pada UMNO kerana PAS jauh lebih baik dari UMNO".
Cerita selanjutnya di SINI , SINI dan {sini} .
Biodata Kapt. (B) Dato' Hj Zahar bin Hashim
Klik pada imej untuk lebih jelas.
Lima Belas cerun dikira tidak selamat oleh Kerajaan Selangor terdapat di kawasan perumahan Bukit Antarabangsa, Hulu Kelang, Lembah Jaya and DUN Teratai. Sementara itu Kerajaan negeri Selangor telah memperuntukkan sebanyak RM150,000/= untuk memberi elaun sebanyak RM1000/= sebulan kepada 81 buah keluarga yang terjejas dengan tanah runtuh Bukit Antarabangsa. Juga, MB Selangor telah menawarkan 15% diskaun jika membeli rumah PKNS kepada 12 orang pemilik banglow yang musnah dalam tanah runtuh.
*15 hill areas in Ampang deemed high risk
*Cash for landslide evacuees
*Khalid: We'll reveal the owners of hillslope land
15 hill areas in Ampang deemed high risk
NST online
KUALA LUMPUR: Fifteen hillsides in Ampang have been classified as high risk by the Selangor government.
Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim said the slopes were located near housing areas in Bukit Antarabangsa, Hulu Kelang, Lembah Jaya and Teratai state constituencies.
He said the authorities would continuously monitor these areas.
"However, we ask the Federal Government, through the Public Works Department, to carry out a more in-depth study of the areas.
"We believe the PWD is most suitable as their slope engineering division can conduct a more detailed study and formulate a more accurate solution," he said at a press conference after a briefing for Bukit Antarabangsa residents.
Khalid said the state government was also keeping an eye on the Gombak, Hulu Langat, Hulu Selangor and Petaling districts, all of which face landslide risks.
Khalid: We'll reveal the owners of hillslope land
NST online ( Nesw / pic)
KUALA LUMPUR: The Selangor government will reveal the identities of owners of hillslope land within Bukit Antarabangsa within two months.
Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said the hillslope landowners had been warned to maintain the slopes, failing which the state would seize the land.
The information will be in a booklet that will be made available to the public.
If the hillslopes are being developed, the identity of the developers, engineers and all the professionals involved will be included.
"The state government has written to all hillslope landowners to remind them that it is their responsibility to maintain the slopes.
"If nothing is done to maintain the slopes, the state government has the power to do the necessary work and charge the fees to the landowner.
"If the landowners continue to be hard-headed, we can take over ownership of the land in the interest of the community, as provided for under section 13(a) of the National Land Code," he warned.
"We also want to find out which areas are state land. Right now there is a lot that we do not know," he said at a briefing for Bukit Antarabangsa residents yesterday.
He urged the residents to seek a meeting with Finance Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, whom he said was the best person to help them with their requests to defer their housing loans.
On the residents' security concerns, Khalid said: "The police are trying their very best but they have limited personnel. I think the community must do its part and develop its own surveillance team."
He said it would take at least 2 1/2 years to complete an alternative access road into the area.
Eighty-one houses have been classified as unsafe for habitation by the Public Works Department until further notice, on top of the 14 houses destroyed or damaged in the pre-dawn landslide on Dec 6.
Cash for landslide evacuees
NST online / By : Boseph Sipalan
Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim explaining to Bukit Antarabangsa residents the various forms of aid offered by the state government
KUALA LUMPUR: Bukit Antarabangsa residents affected by the Dec 6 landslide will be given cash and and other aid by the Selangor government.
A RM1,000 monthly allowance will be given to 81 families who have to wait for the all-clear to return to their homes.
Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said RM150,000 had been set aside for the allowance.
The owners of 12 houses which were destroyed or badly damaged by the landslide will be offered a 15 per cent discount if they buy houses built by the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS).
Alternatively, they may rent PKNS houses at a 50 per cent discount for a year.
Khalid said both offers would also be extended to the owner of house No. 39, who allowed army engineers to knock down a wall to make way for the temporary route.
He said if the 81 houses were eventually declared unsafe, the owners would be offered the 15 per cent discount to buy PKNS houses.
The state would also give RM5,000 to each family that lost a family member,.
As well, RM1,500 would be paid for each individual who was injured in the landslide.
A RM500 monthly allowance would also be given for the next three months to families who have disabled senior citizens.
PKNS will also provide coupons, valued at RM120 each, for school supplies (comprising a school bag, uniforms and shoes) for each school-going child from the 268 families affected.
Children from pre-school to Form 5 are eligible for the coupons.
For the 175 families who have been allowed to return to their homes, Khalid said the state government would mobilise staff from local councils to help them move back.
"This assistance will be provided over the next three days (from today to Wednesday).
"If the residents still need help after that, they may approach our information and help desk, which will be set up at the surau here," he said, adding that additional desks would be set up at all affected areas.
The help desks will also serve as a registration centre for the various forms of assistance offered by the state.
Menjerit mengatakan Akta kanak-kanak telah dicabul oleh Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (JERIT) dari pihak-pihak tertentu seperti LPPKN dan sebagainya mengesahkan andaian selama ini bahawa banyak pihak berdiam diri terhadap kesalahan dan penindasan yang dibuat oleh UMNO/BN, tetapi sangat lantang bersuara tatkala pakatan rakyat atau puak-puak lain yang tak sebulu dengan mereka membuat kesilapan. Apabila musim pilihnaraya tiba sama ada pilihanraya umum atau kecil, siapakah yang digunakan oleh BN/UMNO untuk memasang poster? Kanak-kanak di bawah umur 18 tahun.
Perbuatan Jerit cabul hak asasi kanak-kanak
KUALA LUMPUR 21 Dis. – Tindakan pertubuhan tidak berdaftar, Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (Jerit) menggunakan kanak-kanak dalam programnya di Bangunan Parlimen minggu lalu, mencabuli hak asasi golongan tersebut.
Pengerusi Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara (LPPKN), Tan Sri Zaleha Ismail berkata, ia bukan sahaja melanggar Akta Kanak-Kanak 2001 malah menyalahi Konvensyen Hak Kanak-Kanak yang diamalkan di seluruh dunia.
Bekas Menteri Perpaduan Negara dan Pembangunan Masyarakat yang bertanggungjawab mencetuskan idea penggubalan Akta Kanak-Kanak 2001 berkata, hak yang digariskan di bawah undang-undang dan konvensyen itu tidak hanya tertakluk kepada kanak-kanak sekolah rendah tetapi meliputi bawah 18 tahun.
“Kanak-kanak ada hak asasinya sendiri. Sesiapa sahaja termasuk ibu bapa atau mana-mana pertubuhan yang menggunakan kanak-kanak dengan membawa mereka ke majlis seperti yang dilakukan oleh Jerit adalah satu perbuatan mengeksploitasi kanak-kanak,” katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Terengganu Terima Wang Royalti RM6.218 Bilion Dalam Tempoh Lapan Tahun KUALA TERENGANU, 14 Dis (Bernama) -- Kerajaan Terengganu menerima wang royalti minyak secara langsung daripada kerajaan Pusat sejak 2000, berjumlah RM6.218 bilion, kata Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Said. Saman terhadap kerajaan Pusat berhubung isu wang royalti difailkan di mahkamah oleh PAS pada 2000 ketika memerintah Terengganu dari 1999 hingga 2004 masih kekal dan belum ditarikbalik oleh Kerajaan BN Terengganu.
Gambar penyerahan ‘replika cek’ berjumlah RM408 juta oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Dato’ Seri Najib Razak kepada Menteri Besar, dua minggu sebelum berakhir tahun 2008 dan beberapa hari lagi sebelum Pilihanraya kecil Kuala Terengganu. Jika tiada pilihanraya kecil ini, wang berkenaan mungkin tidak diserahkan.
Cek ini dikatakan sebagai ‘tambahan atau baki royalti’ tahun 2007 dan 2008.
"Jumlah keseluruhan wang yang digunakan ini adalah sebanyak RM1.5 bilion. Wang ini akan dituntut kembali kerana beberapa senarai lain yang kita kehendaki masih belum disahkan oleh Kementerian Kewangan. "Sebab itu, sehingga kini kita belum menarik balik saman kerajaan Terengganu terhadap kerajaan Pusat," kata Ahmad Said ketika menjawab soalan tambahan Datuk Harun Taib (PAS-Manir), yang ingin tahu kenapa wang royalti itu disimpan kerajaan Pusat semasa sidang DUN Terengganu.
Beliau berkata jumlah itu, termasuk RM408.6 juta yang dibayar pada majlis yang dihadiri Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, yang juga Menteri Kewangan di sini, Sabtu.
"(Bagaimanapun), pada masa ini, kerajaan Terengganu sedang menunggu senarai penuh perbelanjaan digunakan oleh kerajaan Pusat, yang melibatkan wang royalti minyak itu," katanya.
Beliau menjawab soalan Mohd Abdul Wahid Endut (PAS-Wakaf Mempelam) yang ingin tahu jumlah wang royalti minyak yang diterima kerajaan Terengganu dari 2000 hingga 2008, pada hari pertama sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Terengganu ke-12, di sini Ahad.
Ahmad berkata setakat ini, Kementerian Kewangan mengesahkan sebanyak RM700 juta wang royalti minyak digunakan kerajaan Pusat untuk membina rumah oleh Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad (SPNB) di negeri lain.
Beliau berkata RM800 juta lagi, dibelanjakan untuk pelbagai projek pembangunan di negeri lain.
"Jumlah keseluruhan wang yang digunakan ini adalah sebanyak RM1.5 bilion. Wang ini akan dituntut kembali kerana beberapa senarai lain yang kita kehendaki masih belum disahkan oleh Kementerian Kewangan.
"Insya-Allah, setelah kita mendapat senarai lengkap ini, rundingan terakhir dengan kerajaan Pusat untuk menuntut kembali hak kita, iaitu baki yang ada dapat dilaksanakan," katanya.
Ahmad berkata kerajaan Pusat telah bersetuju menyerahkan kembali pengurusan wang royalti minyak kepada kerajaan Terengganu dan rundingan untuk menyelesaikan beberapa perkara masih dijalankan.
"Sebab itu, sehingga kini kita belum menarik balik saman kerajaan Terengganu terhadap kerajaan Pusat," katanya menjawab soalan tambahan Datuk Harun Taib (PAS-Manir), yang ingin tahu kenapa wang royalti itu disimpan kerajaan Pusat.
Saman terhadap kerajaan Pusat berhubung isu wang royalti tersebut difailkan di mahkamah oleh PAS pada 2000 ketika memerintah Terengganu dari 1999 hingga 2004.
Why Do Women Need To Be Perfect?
By Andrea Sachs
Five years ago, Dr. Alice Domar, a successful psychologist in Boston, had what she describes as an "ah-ha experience." A new patient, whom she refers to as "Kim," came in for an evaluation. Kim seemed to have everything — a happy marriage, four well-adjusted kids, a well-to-do lifestyle, good health and a trim figure. Admits Domar, "As she was telling me her story, I was listening to her thinking, what the hell is she doing seeing me?" It turns out that Kim was distressed by the messiness in her house. She told Domar, "Every time I open a drawer or closet and see the clutter, I feel like a miserable failure."
For Domar, that was a wake-up call about perfectionism. "Women are unhappy because, even if 11 out of 12 things are going well, they zero in on the one that isn't, and they get miserable about it." Now, bestselling author Domar (Self-Nurture), drawing on 20 years of clinical experience, has written Be Happy Without Being Perfect (Crown) to help readers cope with their own unrealistic needs to be perfect. TIME reporter Andrea Sachs spoke with Domar:
TIME: What is perfectionism?
Dr. Alice Domar: It's certainly a diagnosis that falls within the range of obsessive-compulsive disorder. But the way I'm looking at it is not for women who meet the criteria as a true OCD perfectionist. I'm talking about your average, everyday woman who feels uncomfortable going to bed if there are dishes in the sink. Or who feels guilty if she goes out to dinner and leaves her kids with a sitter more than once a month. Or who has a hard time finishing a project at work because she feels it isn't quite good enough. So I'm talking more about you and me, not people who have met the criteria for the diagnosis per se.
Is perfectionism more common in women?
I believe it is, yes.
Why would that be?
I think women, because we multitask, tend to have more things we try to be good at. There is a study done about 10 years ago tracked married couples over three months. They found that men on average worry about three things every day, but women on average worry about 12 things every day. In which way are you going to be more neurotic? If you worry about three things or if you worry about 12 things?
If my mother or my father is the same way, is this genetic?
I think it's partially genetic. We [Domar and her co-author, Alice Lesch Kelly] talked about 200 women. Most women who have issues in this realm either had a parent who was a perfectionist or had a parent who was a slob. If it is genetic, then I guess they follow in their parent's footsteps or they rebel and go the opposite way.
If I fall into the category of perfectionism, does that mean I need therapy?
No. It depends on how intense it is. The goal of the book is for the average person who doesn't need therapy, who really just needs to let up a little and enjoy life a little more. There are certainly people out there who have OCD. When we talked to women, if they made chicken, they would spend an hour sterilizing their kitchen. So those are the people who do need more than read a book.
Why isn't trying to be perfect a good thing?
I think trying to do things well is a good thing. I think trying to do everything perfectly is a bad thing. Obviously, if you're a surgeon, you'd better damn well do things perfectly. You better operate perfectly. But it's a little less important that you balance your checkbook every day. So I think there are some things in our lives that we need to have our very, very best effort. But you can't be perfect in everything you do.
How does it affect our view of our own appearance?
Oh, profoundly. I have never in my career seen a woman — and I've seen patients who are models and celebrities and such — who would look in the mirror and like everything they saw. What we do, no matter what we look like, is look in the mirror and zero in on the flaws.
What if your husband expects you go have a perfectly clean home?
Then I tell him to get to work. I've had a lot of women say to me, "I don't really care that much, but my husband insists that I vacuum every day." I'm like, buddy, pick up the vacuum. Obviously you don't want to live in a dirty house. There are certain minimal standards. But you don't need to wash the walls. You don't need to vacuum every day.
What's the link with eating disorders?
If you look at the spectrum, that is more on the pathological side. I've treated a lot of young women in my practice with anorexia and bulimia. That's a pathological need to control one's body. I think that there are a lot of women in this country who fall into a gray zone where they are so obsessed with staying a certain body size that they forfeit their health.
Can perfectionism affect someone on their job?
Oh, enormously. Either as a boss or as an employee, it can be very harmful. For example, if your boss on a Monday asks you to do five tasks by Friday, and you spend until Friday morning getting the first task perfect and can't get to the other four tasks, how happy do you think your boss is going to be? And if you are a perfectionistic boss, you're going to have very high turnover rates. I think a lot of people at work have to learn how to distinguish between a perfect job and a good enough job.
How would perfectionism affect your marriage?
The chapter on relationships opens with a story about a woman who talks about how she's always been on the perfectionistic side and it wasn't an issue. She started dating her husband and things were okay and they got married, and she'd sort of nudge him about leaving the bathroom mat on the floor after a shower. But it wasn't until they had kids that it really got bad and she would project all her issues on him. Twice a year she travels for business and before she leaves she types out these long instructions for him. She calls every day to check up on him. When she comes home, she looks right past the fact that the kids are fine and she focuses on his unshaven face and the pizza boxes in the garage and the laundry. She knows she's wrong but she can't help herself. She worries her husband is going to leave her for somebody who loves him for who he is and the fact that he doesn't drink and he doesn't beat them and he brings home a good paycheck. So I think it can be toxic in a relationship.
What if you want to exercise every day?
For most people, exercising on a regular basis is indeed a very good thing. However, there are people who are so obsessed with exercise that they exercise when they are injured or when they're sick, and that's not a very good thing. You have to have some common sense here. If you're hurting, it means your body is saying, don't do this.
Let's talk about some of the techniques that you give to help yourself if you're overly perfectionistic. Mini-relaxation.
It's basically focused breathing techniques, based on diaphragmatic breathing. This immediately works to bring down your level of anxiety.
What about visualization?
You can either buy a CD that has you visualize walking along a beach, or what I like to do with my patients is have them imagine a place where they feel very safe and happy. This can be their grandparents' backyard from when they were a kid, or it can be their favorite hike, or whatever. Our brain's capacity to transport us to places through our imagination is wonderful.
You write about humor being valuable.
Yes. I've got to tell you, some perfectionists are pretty funny. If they can step back and look at what they're doing, even they can see the humor in it.
And active gratitude. How does that work?
There has been a lot of research now on the benefits of acknowledging what is good in our lives. Getting yourself a notebook or a journal and in the evening before you go to bed, jotting down what that day you are grateful for, can have very significant positive impact on your mental and physical health. My mother died a few years ago and it was clearly the worst thing that ever happened to me. I decided to keep a gratitude journal and every night I wrote down what I was grateful for. It's really hard to do when you've just lost your mother, but there was stuff every day. There was a really good bagel or there was a hug from one of my kids. There was something every day. It really shifts your thinking in a healthier way.,8599,1733856,00.html
Monday, Apr. 21, 2008
SUSUNAN ABU ZAYYIEDAndaikata anda memiliki sejumlah Ringgit Malaysia di bawah tilam atau di Bank XYZ, apa yang anda harus lakukan setelah selesai menunaikan tanggung jawab anda sebagai suami, isteri atau ibu bapa seperti membayar ansuran rumah atau kereta, membayar yuran PIBG dan sebagainya. Wajarkah anda menyimpan wang tersebut sebagai simpanan tetap atau membuat pilihan di bawah ini:
Dinar Islam adalah Emas 22 Karat seberat 4.25 gram.
Dirham Islam adalah Perak Murni seberat 2.975 gram.
Sila klik pada imej untuk lebih jelas.
- Membeli barang kemas
- Membeli Dinar Emas Kelantan
- Membuka akaun dengan broker untuk membeli emas di pasaran komoditi
- Membeli emas jongkong
- membeli saham Syarikat Perlombongan Emas
Kesamaan tersebut terletak pada keunggulan pelaburan tiga bentuk emas iaitu pilihan 1, 2 dan 4 memiliki nilai nyata (tangible), senilai benda fisikalnya (intrinsic) dan nilai yang melekat/bawaan pada benda itu (innate). Ketiga keunggulan nilai di atas tidak dimiliki oleh pilihan ke-3 seperti saham, wang kertas dan sijil simpanan tetap (CD).
Pilihan 3 dan 5 mempunyai risiko yang tinggi di luar kawalan anda dan sekiranya baru belajar beli saham, anda banyak bergantung pada remissier atau broker anda. Sila rujuk graf turun naik pasaran saham emas di pasaran spot antarabangsa seperti New York atau Dubai di SINI dan Sini
- Gold price has increased by 107% over the past 3 years
- The gold price peaked at US$1,003/oz in March 2008
- Gold spot price of US$881/oz on June 5, 2008

telah mengulas isu dinar emas di SINI di blog beliau. Saudara Ibrahim Vadillo telah menulis sebuah buku tentang dinar emas serta pentingnya penggunaan mata wang ini dalam Islam di SINI.
Pilihan ke-4 mempunyai banyak masalah seperti masalah logistik, kos yang tinggi, keselamatan dan sukar dijual balik pada unit yang kecil.
Why Gold Isn't Shining (Yet...)
Sovereign Society's Offshore A-Letter"
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 - Vol. 10, No. 281
Comments by DANIEL ZURBRUEGG, CFA / Alpine Atlantic Global Asset Management AG
In the past few months, millions of investors have taken trillions in equity out of the markets, stashing it either on the sidelines or in negative-yielding US treasury notes.
And honestly can you blame them?
Real estate and equity prices have crashed and it's almost impossible to know when they're going to recover. Fixed-income investments are growing riskier by the day due to the global credit crisis and the projected spike in bankruptcy rates.
But here's the reality: The U.S. government is printing money so fast, that cash is not even a safe bet anymore. That makes gold the safe bet in these rather stormy economic times.
Investors who purchased gold lately have been disappointed because the price of gold has not responded to the crisis as expected. Just think about it: If we had told you a year ago that this financial crisis was going to be so severe, would you have bet on gold falling by 30%?
Anatomy of a Disappointment

My guess is that very few of you would answer "no." We have spoken with many confused investors lately, who don't understand why gold is not responding positively to the current crisis. As you can imagine, this only adds to their confusion of the global markets.
Once again, it's important to understand what moves the price of an asset short-term and what is driving that same price in the long-term. The long-term outlook for gold is still very attractive. We simply don't have a growing supply to match the rising demand for gold.
The massive infusion of liquidity is ultimately going to lead to a massive spike in capital flows, and an upward pressure on inflation. This should also support the price of gold longer-term. Also, the weakening U.S. dollar in recent years drove gold prices higher. And the current temporary dollar recovery is also having a negative impact on the gold price.
However, at the moment, the short-term impact of various factors is out-weighting the positive long-term fundamentals.
Behind the Scenes in the Gold Markets
The reason gold has not performed well in the last couple of months is because institutional investors are dumping their gold holdings. These institutional investors need liquidity fast, so they're selling gold. This actually shows how bad the current crisis is for many. Gold is now one of very few assets that can be easily liquidated to generate cash.
And the creativity of the financial industry has resulted in the development of a lot of commodity-linked investment funds. Typically funds buy gold as one of the hard and soft assets in their commodity-backed baskets.
These funds have all been facing a massive amount of redemptions lately. That means fund managers are forced to sell all commodity baskets they own...including their positions in gold. They could not differentiate between oil, agricultural commodities, metals and precious metals due to the nature of these investment baskets. This just adds more selling pressure on gold.
The temporary recovery of the U.S. Dollar has also kept prices rather low, but the U.S. Dollar recovery is driven by short-term money flows. We at Alpine find it hard to believe that the U.S. Dollar will continue to gain ground.
While we have seen the price of gold falling, a physical shortage of gold has developed. Go to any bank here in Switzerland and tell them you would like to buy a large amount of physical gold, either as gold bars or coins. Most of them will tell you that you have to wait a couple of days or even weeks because they are running out of inventory.
This is because more investors are distinguishing between "paper gold" exposure like investment funds and physical gold that they can touch and store in a vault. The problem is that many investment products are directly linked to the credit risk of the product issuer. This was not a big concern a year ago, but it certainly matters today - as we've seen so many troubled banks collapse under the credit crisis.
So if you plan to invest in gold certificates or funds, be sure your investment is physically backed by gold. Also check to ensure your investment is easily tradable, and backed by a counterparty with low credit risk.
These are uncertain times and could remain so for quite some time to come. Eventually, we believe that the market is going to focus more on the longer-term outlook for gold again and the short-term selling pressure is going to subside. This should drive the price of gold upwards towards US$1,000/ounce, possibly even higher.
We predict that ultimately, gold will shine again and that time could come sooner rather than later.
Comments by ERIC ROSEMAN, Investment Director.

Gold was not freely traded post-1934 when FDR confiscated the metal. It's therefore impossible to predict how gold will perform now in the first credit deflation since the 1930s. But I've got a feeling its moment has yet to arrive ahead of the next dollar sell off.
I'll bet on gold.
Sila sini untuk artikel asal.
Comments by MARK NESTMANN,
Privacy Expert & President of the Nestmann Group
I'm not predicting that President Obama or anyone else will confiscate gold and silver in the United States in coming years. However, if confiscation does occur, you'll be glad you had the foresight to move your holdings offshore. Read More “DINAR EMAS, BARANG KEMAS ATAU KOMODITI EMAS: YANG MANA SATU HENDAK DIUTAMAKAN?” »»