Pray For MH370

Pray For MH370


Apa juapun, pencegahan lebih baik dari pengubatan. Cegah sebelum kena.

Banyakkan berdoa untuk dilindungi ALlah dari musibah dan 'aib.

Jika berhadapan dengan situasi cemas seperti yang dialami wanita dalam laporan Metro di bawah, anda jangan gugup, panik atau hilang "akal".

Pertama dan utama, gunakan suara garang dan kasar anda untuk bertempek sekuat-kuat hati.
Cepat-cepat lihat atau nilai sekeliling anda untuk sebarang bentuk perkakas, alat atau senjata seperti kayu, batu-pasir dan lain-lain.
Elakkan tempat yang sunyi dan gelap. "Laluan pintas" seperti bawah jambatan, jejantas dan sebagainya mungkin tempat bersembunyi penagih dadah atau peragut. Jangan terlalu asyik dengan bercakap dalam telefon bimbit, mencari kunci kereta dalam beg tangan atau memikirkan masalah peribadi hingga tidak "sedar" apa yang berlaku dalam persekitaran anda. Jangan lupa bawa payung, wisel, atau barang yang boleh digunakan sebagai senjata.

Tendang kemaluan elak dirogol

Demi menyelamatkan diri daripada menjadi mangsa rogol, seorang wanita yang teruk dibelasah menendang kemaluan suspek yang cuba merogolnya menyebabkan lelaki itu melarikan diri.

Difahamkan mangsa berusia 26 tahun turut memukul suspek menggunakan payung yang dibawa.

Kejadian jam 8.30 pagi Khamis lalu, di laluan pejalan kaki di Bulatan Pahang, mangsa seorang tukang cuci dalam perjalanan ke tempat kerja di Kampung Baru tidak menyangka tiga lelaki yang mengekorinya berniat jahat.

Seorang daripada suspek menghampiri dan mencekik sambil mengarahkan mangsa tidak membuat bising.

Menurut sumber, suspek merampas beg tangan mangsa untuk mencari barang berharga dan wang, tetapi hampa kerana tiada barang berharga ditemui.

“Suspek cuba mencium mangsa, tetapi ditolak wanita terbabit menyebabkan lelaki itu berang dan menghempas mangsa ke dinding sebelum menampar dan menumbuk muka berkali-kali,” katanya.

Melihat mangsa tidak bermaya, suspek cuba memperkosanya, bagaimanapun wanita itu sempat menendang kemaluan lelaki terbabit.

Stop Your Attacker With A Self Defense Groin Kick

In today's situations you often find many criminals who may attack anyone with wrong intentions like to rob something, to show their power, to create fear, to abuse someone or even to kidnap and rape you.

You can\'t guess what is going on in the criminal brains of such psychics who may assault you wherever and at anytime. The local public is hardly going to help you, please do not expect them to come in front to protect you, they love their lives just like we do. We are not living in the world of superman, spiderman, cicakman or batman who may come to your rescue.

So it is sensible to know to save and secure yourself from these heartless attackers. There are many self defense techniques that aid you to a great extent. You might try and brawl back on the assailant by giving him a punch or a severe blow on his face, but keep in mind you are a normal human being, not a super star or a Hollywood hero.

You can take a pepper spray and spray it promptly on the attacker\'s eyes, these pepper sprays or perfume sprays are really useful for the women who are physically weak to fight against these muscular attackers. But the fantastic self defense method is to kick hard on the groin region of the assailant. When he gets a kick on the groin region he falls to a great extent where he starts shivering with tenderness. Now you can take a good chance of this situation and run for your safety.

Well your martial art classes where you have learnt Kung-fu, Judo-Karate can aid you during this critical period to protect you from assailants. Your trainer who has trained you to fight successfully for your security usually tells you about the places which can be attacked that causes the attacker to fall and you take the advantage of this.

For a man the groin region is the most sensitive organ of the body and it is highly sensitive, so when you kick on the groin the assailant will loose his balance and senses shivers in his whole body, and that is a fantastic technique to protect you from these brutal giants.

Thus the women can definitely protect her is she gives a severe hit on the groin region of the assailant. You need to use your common sense and act spontaneously to brawl against the attackers. When the assailants come closer to you and cluth your shoulders or any part of your body and you are confident enough that your boot will strike him on his groin perfectly, collect your vigor and with all your energy kick him hard on his groin region. His groins are very delicate and cause tremendous pain because of which his hold on you becomes loose and you get an opportunity to flee.

But to give him a severe kick on his groin you should be confident that you will strike him on the exact spot and so hard that it will give you an opportunity to run away, as this will be your ultimate and final opportunity to save yourself. Women have to live in this world where they have to step out of their houses to earn an earning. They may often face the assailants who assault with some dirty notions in their mind. so women need to be trained enough so that they can save themselves.

Comments :

Hasrin Bin Abdul said...

Anda cuma perlu melepaskan bau yang busuk untuk menurunkan nafsu syawat lelaki. Carilah pelbagai ramuan busuk yang senang dibawa dan disimpan dalam poket atau diselitkan dalam coli. Lebih elok lagi kalau anda boleh berlakon jadi pontianak!! Mesti perogol itu cabut lari!!

kumatts said...

Saya adalah pengeluar dan pembekal bagi alat khususnya mengenai keselamatan dan pertahanan diri-Pepper spray . Kami juga berkerjasama rapat dengan YAYASAN PENCEGAHAN JENAYAH MALAYSIA (YPJM), JABATAN PEMBANGUNAN WANITA (JPW), PERTUBUHAN PEMBANGUNAN REMAJA MALAYSIA (PEREMA) dan KICKSTART STREETWISE SELF DEFENSE ACADEMY (Master Saiful adalah peneraju academy ini) didalam memberi kesedaran dan program mengenai perlakuan jenayah dan pertahanan diri kepada orang ramai melalui agensi NGO atau badan milik kerajaan khusus.
Sekiranya ada sesiapa ingin mendapatkan maklumat lanjut sila lah hubungi saya.
kumatts 03-42936678 / 0176818199

Pepper Spray adalah satu alat yang bukan diletakkan di dalam kategori senjata.Ianya direka khas oleh pakar-pakar keselamatan dan ahli sains untuk membolehkan mereka yang terancam menyemburkan alat ini ke muka penyerang atau penjenayah tersebut.
Pepper spray ini akan mengeluarkan sejenis bahan kimia yang diperbuat daripada Hot Ceyyene pepper (sejenis spesis cili paling pedas) .yang akan melekat di lapisan kulit muka penyerang atau penjenayah tersebut.
Kesan daripada bahan kimia tersebut akan menyebabkan mata penyerang menjadi pedih teramat sangat sehingga hilang penglihatan buat sementara waktu (30-45mint keatas).Peyerang juga akan mengalami masalah sukar bernafas buat sementara waktu kerana bahan kimia tersebut akan menyebabkan tiub bronkiol merasa panas.
Secara ringkasnya , pepper spray ini akan mengakibatkan kelemahan anggota system badan penyerang atau penjenayah terbabit yang terdiri daripada mata,kerongkong dan hidung.Dan ini satu berita buruk buat penyerang atau penjenayah terbabit,satu semburan yang tepat ke muka sahaja cukup untuk melumpuhkan keupayaan mereka untuk melakukan jenayah.Ini akan memberikan masa kepada mangsa untuk melarikan diri atau menghubungi pihak berkuasa (polis).

a. Surirumah
b. Pengkuat Kuasa seperti RELA/PBT/AADK dan agensi2 Pengkuat kuasa lain.
c. Pelajar Pusat Pengajian Tinggi Awam/Swasta
d. Pekerja Pejabat
e. Pekerja Kilang
f. Orang Awam
g. Pengawal Keselamatan
h. Rukun Tetangga/JKK
i. Pemilik kenderaan(disimpan didalam kenderaan)
j. Dirumah.

kumatts said...

Protect Yourself With Pepper Spray
Pepper spray protection is the most popular self-defense tool of choice for both women and men. This is because pepper spray protection is convenient to carry, easy to deploy, and effective at stopping attackers. It is legal in most states.
Pepper Spray Training
In order to maximize pepper spray's protective capabilities, anyone who owns pepper spray should take pepper spray training from an expert. You can find classes in your local yellow pages. Look up self-defense classes, martial arts trainers, community programs, public law enforcement classes, and so on. There is a right way and a wrong way to use pepper spray.
First and foremost, if you draw your weapon, you must use it. Pepper spray is not a scary looking object, even though more and more people are beginning to recognize it. If you aim the canister at an attacker, immediately spray. The spray will discharge in a stream or foam, depending on your model. If a stream, wave it back and forth in a tight pattern, directly into his face. Empty the can on him, keep the can, and run (if he somehow recovers quickly and sees the unspent can, he could use it back on you.)
Secondly, know how to release the safety so that you can use it. On canisters, the safety is a pin or lock that you pull. On rings, the safety is a latch on the side of the ring that you pull down with the thumb of the same hand you're wearing it on.
Thirdly, get to know which direction to spray. If you spray the canister backward, the results could be disastrous.
Once you know how to use pepper spray, you can walk with greater peace of mind and personal security.
kumatts 017-6818199





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